10. Boundaries

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"So, you had an amazing dinner with Jimin, went back to his place and had mind blowing sex. You also ended up spending the night at his place, then he insisted on dropping you off this morning, AND he asked you out on another dinner date and you accepted?!" Madison questions me with wide eyes then continues to take a huge bite of her lobster roll while continuing to stare at me. I'm glad there's no one too close to us in the restaurant since Madison is loud.

It's currently 5:30pm on a Sunday. While I had the day off, Madison was at the shop until 5pm as the acting manager. She also told me how she pre-made some macarons to sell for the week. After she got off work at 5pm, she messaged me to meet her for dinner, so we are currently at Pike Place Chowder. It's a good time to catch up and currently we are on the topic of Jimin.

"I couldn't turn him down! When we were out to dinner last night, I mentioned how I used to love going to the Museum of Pop Culture when I was younger and he said he'd never been. So when he dropped me off this morning, he just asked me if I wanted to go with him and his nephew to the museum and have dinner with them." I explain to her.

"So, it's not only a date, but you're also spending time with his nephew. That's wholesome, Lu. What's going on? Is this serious?!" She further interrogates me.

"What? No! I just like his company!" I immediately deny that whatever is going on with me and Jimin isn't serious. "Jimin knows I'm not looking for anything serious. We like spending time with each other, that's all."

"I don't see why you set boundaries for yourself. Why are you so against commitment, especially when it seems you've met quite a catch with Jimin? He's in a career he seems to really enjoy. He has his head on his shoulders, he doesn't seem crazy. And, he's goddamn gorgeous." Madison does make some good points, but I'm dead set on staying away from a committed relationship.

"I just don't think relationships are for me, okay? I'm perfectly fine being independent and I can live on my own without relying on anyone. Olivia lives with me because she needs the support, and I'm her sister, so of course I'll be there for her. Anyway, I don't need a man to depend on. I don't think relationships last long and I would like to just avoid that kind of heartbreak." I try to explain to my best friend.

"I get that. And, before Jimin, you've only ever hooked up with guys and you always have your boundaries like never spending the night and only sleeping with a guy once, maybe seeing that same guy a second time, at most. You're breaking your rules with Jimin." Madison points that out and I just shrug.

"We've only slept together once." I clarify but she raises an eyebrow at me.

"You don't think it's going to happen again?" She questions me.

"Last night was amazing, so maybe. But, I won't get attached." I state with confidence.

"Sure you won't." She replies back, sounding skeptical. I swallow the clam chowder in my mouth and stare at her.

"I won't, Madison," I tell her, sounding so sure of myself.

"We'll see. I think you will." Madison says, as if she's sure and I just shake my head at her.


I unlock the front door of my apartment after having been out to dinner with Madison. I'm already in a black hoodie and black joggers and have every intention to just get inside, plop on the couch and veg for the rest of my night.

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