28. Your Thoughts

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Luella's 1st Person POV

It's been a long day at the shop. I'm so exhausted and my patience is wearing thin, waiting for the elevator. I feel like it's just taking its sweet time.

"Hey, Lu," I hear a voice that always affects me in the best way. I turn around and I'm faced with a bright smile.

"Hey, Hoseok," I say, my voice sounding genuinely upbeat. Even though I had a long day, any interaction with this man seems to liven me up a bit. He just seems to have that kind of affect on everyone.

The elevator finally opens up and the two of us enter the little space. Hoseok hits our floor number. As the doors close, Hoseok turns to me and places his hands gently on my hips.

"Remember when we got stuck in the elevator and no one could help get us out until after like fifteen minutes?" He questioningly recalls and both of us immediately have fond smiles.

"Yeah, you pressed me against the wall, got on your knees and ate me out," I recall that moment out loud.

"And, you tried so hard not to make any sounds," he proudly reminds me.

"You definitely made it hard, Hoseok," I say, knowing my cheeks are tinged pink.

"Yeah, I like making you moan loud ...now all this talk is a good transition. Lu, I know you just got home. I was wondering if you have some free time this evening to hang out at my place," he speaks while looking down at me with lust in his eyes.

"I actually have dinner plans tonight," I say to him, in a somewhat sad tone, because it is hard to turn him down.

"Oh, well I can't say I'm disappointed. It's been a while since we had some fun," Hoseok says as the doors open up for us. I exit the elevator first, with Hoseok following right behind me.

I stop to stand next to the wall right by my door and I turn to Hoseok, who places himself right in front of me.

"I know it's been a while. We'll just have to arrange some time for dinner soon?" I ask him with a hopeful gaze.

He steps closer and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'd like that," he breathes out as one of his hands moves up to cup the side of my face. He tilts his head and presses his lips against mine. He applies just the right amount of pressure as his lips meld with mine, making me moan and slightly part my lips. He swipes his tongue in, and we allow ourselves to savor each other.

After a minute, Hoseok pulls away, slightly panting.

"Yeah, dinner...soon!" He utters out in a comical way and we both chuckle.

"Yes, please," I playfully reply back as I smile back at him and teasingly swat his chest.

I open my door and wave to Hoseok one more time before closing it.

I remove my shoes and rush to my bathroom to shower, do my makeup and hair, and get dressed in some fresh clothes before Jimin arrives to pick me up.

After about forty-five minutes, I finish getting a little dolled up for my dinner plans with Jimin. I sit in my living room, patiently waiting. I occupy myself by looking through my phone.

While scrolling through Twitter, I receive a text from Madison.

Hey, the Friday after we're back from the expo, there's going to be a little celebration for Christian, Yoongi and the rest of their band before they leave for their tour. I hope you can make it. I know things are a little tense between you and Yoongi. But, I feel like he'd want to see you there.

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