19. An Option

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Jimin's 1st Person POV

"What are you doing here?" Luella asks me after I greeted her and her company, who consists of her sister, her sister's girlfriend and best friend. She's currently still standing in front of me while her group remains sitting down.

"Oh, my coworker, Paul, is celebrating his birthday, and he invited a bunch of us from work. What about you?" I inform her and ask her the same thing. I'm pleasantly surprised to see her here tonight. It feels like such a small world.

"Jungkook's art is on display at an exhibition. Tonight was the opening night, so we all went to check it out. We were starving afterwards, and these guys thought it would be fun to come here since it's super close to the location of the exhibition." She points  back at her little group as she explains why she's here.

Before I could respond, I hear my name being yelled behind me.

"Hey, Jimin! We were looking for you!" A slightly buzzed Evan approaches me and stands to my left, patting my shoulder a little too exuberantly. I notice that Margot is standing next to him.

"Oh, I just saw Luella and had to say hi," I explain to my coworkers.

"Oh, hey Luella! I remember meeting you at your macaron shop during that Halo event! And, Jimin is always bringing your macarons to the office. Your macarons are so damn good!" Evan speaks in his drunken, enthusiastic way.

"Oh, yes! I'm glad you like them!" Luella says in a grateful but slightly bashful way and I found it way too fucking cute.

"So, you know Evan, but this is my other coworker, Margot," I say, feeling the need to introduce Margot so she doesn't feel left out.

"It's nice to meet you!" Luella says with a sweet smile and holds her hand out to Margot.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, too! So you own the macaron place that Jimin likes to go to a lot? I will say, they are insanely delicious!" Margot compliments her in a genuine way.

"Jimin does come to my shop a lot, doesn't he?" Luella giggles then continues, "Anyway, I'm really happy to hear you like our macarons, Margot!" Luella says with a appreciative tone. At this point, Paul and his girlfriend come up and asks us to rejoin them with a couple other coworkers. Evan and Margot are the first to say goodbye to Luella and they follow Paul. I linger for a moment because I do want to talk to her some more and want to give a proper goodbye.

"I honestly would rather spend more time with you," I admit to Luella, above a whisper, and she softly smiles at me, making it that much harder to leave her side.

"Oh, I know. But, I don't want to keep you from your coworkers. And, plus, we do have plans tomorrow, right?" She winks at me.

"Oh, we definitely do. I've been looking forward to it," I quickly answer back. I really have been waiting for this weekend because I value every moment I get to spend time with this woman.

"It's been a while since I've gone to the zoo and the drive-in, for that matter," she says, her voice teeming with excitement.

"We'll have quite the adventure, Luella. I'll pick you up around 11:30 in the morning? Have a late breakfast to start with?" I suggest to her.

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