20. At the Drive-In

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"So what did you think of the movie, Lu?" Jimin asks me as the post credits start to roll. We just finished watching 'Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore.'

"It was great! Can you imagine if those creatures existed in real life? Like what creature would you want as a pet?" I look over at Jimin, questioningly.

"A qilin would be cool. I was going to say a niffler but I feel like they would constantly steal shit from me," Jimin answers with a chuckle which causes me to giggle.

"That's true. I'd want to carry a little bowtruckle around with me," I say as I imagine a little plant creature just perching on my shoulder.

"Yes, but in real life, I know you'd want a fruit bat. You look like you wanted to just steal one when we were at the zoo earlier," he teasingly says to me.

"What?! Bats are my favorite. And, they're so cute!" I squeak out awkwardly. Jimin's just looking at me in an adoring way, making me internally swoon.

"If I could, I'd get you a sanctuary of bats," Jimin says as he leans close, places his hand gently on my cheek and presses his plump lips on the top of my nose, making me feel soft.

This man has been so sweet all throughout the day. That kiss on the nose made me flustered and I just gaze at him in adoration.

"You're quiet all of a sudden. What are you thinking about, Luella?" He asks, his face still inches away from me.

"Just how I had an amazing day seeing all the animals we were able to check out at the zoo and now just being here at the drive-in with you!" The moment I said the word 'you', I threw a piece of popcorn at him, making him chuckle and a smile forms on his face. And, I swear I could stare at his smile for an eternity.

"Try that again," he commands, and I do. When I throw another piece of popcorn, the man skillfully catches it in his mouth and chews it with a cocky grin. Then, he pulls away and leans back on his chair.

I seriously just want to climb on top of him and have my way with him in this car, but I'm restraining myself.

I inhale and exhale, trying to keep myself calm and collected. I focus on the giant screen. The second movie, 'Morbius,' starts to play. The moving pictures grabs our attention and I'm thankful for the distraction.

"I've heard mixed reviews about this movie," Jimin voices out while we are both staring up at the screen.

"Same here, but we should at least give it a shot and form our own opinions on it," I suggest and he nods.

"Oh, I agree. Thinking back to the last movie, I feel like my nephew would love it since he loves anything Harry Potter. Though, he is a bigger Star Wars fan." Jimin shares with me as he grabs some pppcorn out of the bag placed on my lap.

"Oh, he is? Since May 4th is coming up this week, you should stop by my shop! We are making Star Wars character macarons. I can put aside some as a little treat for him." I kept meaning to bring it up with him but I kept forgetting.

"You would do that for him? Of course I'll pay for those little pieces of edible art." He sweetly offers and I shake my head.

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