47. Catching Up

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Jimin's 1st Person POV

I was planning on staying in Bend longer, but after speaking to my sister on the phone Saturday night, I decided to book the earliest flight I could which ended up being the following night, last night. It was past 9pm when I finally made it back to the comfort of my own home.

Right before I fell asleep, I texted Luella, letting her know I made it back to Seattle and asked her if she was free for dinner sometime this week. I wanted it to be as soon as possible, but, I figured I'd let her pick the time and day.

I dozed off shortly after sending the message. And, when I woke up at 6am, this morning, I was relieved to see she didn't ignore me. She actually replied.

Hey, Jimin. I'm glad you made it back from Bend safely. Not sure if tonight is short notice. I don't have any dinner plans yet, so let me know if tonight works for you.

A huge part of me was happy to see that she wanted to meet up with me. I wasn't sure if she would want to see me. I assume she might still be upset after I had left her at the hotel several days ago. I was hurting at the time, so I could only imagine she must've felt hurt from my actions as well.

I don't know what to expect from dinner with Luella. I'm not sure if she really wants to talk about what happened over dinner at a public place. But, I want her to feel comfortable opening up to me and telling me whatever it is she wants to share with me. I didn't really give her time to tell me how she felt since I walked away from her at the hotel in such an abrupt way. I regret not giving her the time to speak, but I couldn't handle seeing her with someone else. Yes, we had the arrangement of dating and sleeping with other people but actually seeing her involved with someone else, with my own eyes, is not at all pleasant.

And, at that point, I wanted us to just see each other and no one else. So, seeing her with Jin at that moment was a hundred percent not the perfect time.

I still want to be with Luella, but I'm not sure if she does or if she'll ever want to be monogamous with me.

I am trying to prepare for every scenario that could go down tonight. She could surprise me and tell me she wants to be with me and stop seeing other people or she could say that she'll never be ready for a committed, monogamous relationship.

I'm not going to lie and say I won't be disappointed if the latter happens, but I really do need to hear her out. And, I want to explain to her why I walked away the way I did.

I want her to know it's not because I don't love her, but because it's the complete opposite.

I am completely in love with her. But, I've come to realize I'm a monogamous man. And, if she's more content being single and never settling down, then I don't want to stand in the way. As long as she's happy, then that's what matters.

I take myself away from my thoughts of her and reply to her message.

I don't have any dinner plans tonight, either. Can I pick you up at 7pm? And, I was thinking of going to that pho place we both like?

It only takes her a couple minutes to respond.

7 and pho both sound perfect. I'll see you then.

Now that I have actual plans to have dinner with Luella, I'm completely nervous about how tonight will turn out.


I'm currently out to lunch with Evan. I let him pick the place and he chose a Mediterranean restaurant not too far from our office.

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