27. Cute Family

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Jimin's 1st Person POV

I'm currently in my car with Luella in the passenger seat. I'm driving us over to my sister's house so that we can pick up Jake.

I spent a good amount of the drive telling Luella about how it went with her brother, Mark, when he came by to visit my company's building, yesterday. Unfortunately he showed up without Olivia since she wasn't feeling all that great that day.

Besides my supervisor and the higher ups who he informed about Mark's last minute visit, no one else was aware that he would be showing up. When he did arrive,  everyone went crazy. Mark is well-respected when it comes to his videos. He creates great, quality content that's entertaining but also highly informative. So, it's no surprise that, with a company full of people who are video game enthusiasts, a lot of them are huge fans of his gaming channel.

Mark gave one of our guys in the marketing department, Spencer, permission to follow us around while my supervisor and I took him all over the building for a tour. Spencer took a ton of pictures and videos all throughout the tour that took a good amount of the morning. Mark knows that the footage we took would be great for our social media and I'm grateful he gave us the okay to share them on our company's social media accounts.

Evan amused me when he acted like a complete fanboy around Mark, but I can't blame him. Mark is just an awesome guy to be around. And, it was a treat to have him sit with me, Evan, and a couple other colleagues, to see exactly what we do.

He invited me and my supervisor to lunch, before he had to leave with his assistant, and we discussed all sorts of things. Mainly, my supervisor and I gave him some inside information about games that we are working on, without spoiling too much for him.

When I was telling Luella all about his visit, I kept looking over at her when I was able to, while also trying to pay attention to the road. I couldn't help but notice her smiling bright.

"You're smiling so much. I'm not complaining, though. It's just an observation," I say to her and I can see her shrug, in the corner of my eye.

"Oh...I guess it's just nice to hear that you and my brother get along," she admits to me, and I quickly look over at her to see that she's still smiling, warming my damn heart.

"Mark and I have a lot in common. He's a good guy. But, I guess that makes sense since you're his sister. I like being around your family, at least your siblings, since they're the only ones I've met." I said all of that like word vomit, but I'm being honest with her.

Several minutes pass by, of us talking about other random topics, and we eventually make it to my sister's house. When Dalmi lets us in, she was very welcoming. And, right before Luella, Jake and I left to go on our museum outing, my sister pulled me aside while Luella was distracted by Jake showing her his drawings he had been working this morning, in the dining room. Dalmi told me how adorable Luella is and teasingly tells me she approves. I tried to tell her we're just friends, but leaving out the benefits part. She just shook her head at my answer as if not accepting what I said.

After Dalmi gave me a backpack of necessities Jake will need and his car booster seat, we leave her house and we are now heading to the pop culture museum.

"I'm so excited! I hope we see a lot of cool things there!" Jake says with so much enthusiasm as he stares out the car window from the back seat.

"Oh, I know you will! There's an exhibit with all sorts of cool props from fantasy movies like Harry Potter," Luella mentions to Jake. I had told her how he loves watching the Harry Potter movies so I'm glad she brought that up to pique his interest.

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