37. Brunch and Art

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"So, there's this small manga and anime convention happening in three weeks in Tacoma. I was wondering, maybe you could join me...that is if you're free?" Namjoon asks me as he takes a forkful of his meat omelette. We found out that we love a lot of the same mangas and anime like Parasyte, Cowboy Bebop and and Bleach.

"I'd love to, but it depends on what day? My usuals days off from my shop are Sundays and Monday. Though, being an owner of the shop, I can be flexible." I explain to him and he nods in understanding.

"It is going on that whole weekend. We can definitely plan on going on the Sunday date?" He suggests, questioningly, with his eyes looking at me in a hopeful way.

"Then, I'd really like to join you." I give him my answer, knowing fully well that I would enjoy his company even just based on the time we've spent so far. We've been at this restaurant for a little over a half hour and the conversation between us has been so stimulating. We've learned we have a lot in common when it comes to not just manga and anime, but also with our tastes in music and art. He told me how his favorite musical artist is Nas and we found out we were both at the last concert Nas had a while back when he was in Seattle. We talked about the visual artists we are fond of and it's just been so enjoyable geeking out over art with someone.

I do also have that art connection with Jungkook, but it's nice to talk to someone with a different perspective.

"I'm definitely excited to check out the pop surrealist exhibit today. I love that they're featuring a couple of my favorites. I'm not familiar with the other three," I explain to him, then take a bite of my eggs benedict. An unexpected moan comes out of me just because of how good my food is. I lightly blush when I see Namjoon trying to hide a grin by biting his lower lip.

Fuck he's beautiful.

"I am, too," Namjoon replies back. "I am familiar with Amy Sol but not the others. I'm looking forward to seeing everything." He gives  me an excited grin, which I return back to him.

Besides Jungkook, no one really ever likes going to museums with me, and I'm glad that this guy sitting across from me sounds genuinely enthusiastic about going to look at art in a museum.


Namjoon and I have been at the art museum for a couple hours now. Usually, if I came here with someone like Madison, Jin or Olivia, I'd have to go through the exhibit quickly because I know they get bored easily looking at the art. But, with Namjoon, we would spend a few minutes standing in front of each painting, quietly discussing the colors, art style and what we feel the artist is trying to convey in the particular piece we would be standing in front of. And, I just found comfort in his thoughts and ideas, especially with his deep, hypnotizing voice.

"I can see why you love Camille's art. It's whimsical with a dark cartoon style," he says as the two of us gaze at a painting by the artist. It's a spooky depiction of Alice at Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

"Yes! She has a spooky aesthetic that I love and I like that she gets inspiration from surrealist films and fairy tales." I gush over the artist we are discussing.

"Her work kind of reminds me of Fleischer animation," he thinks out loud and I grin at his comment.

"She actually takes inspiration from the Fleischer brothers." I share with him. In my mind, I am thinking how impressed I am that he made that connection. I'm just intrigued by Namjoon's interests and I'm thinking about how grateful I am to have someone to talk about such topics.

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