15. Awkward

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"Shit!" I whisper to myself, my eyes squeezing shut as flashbacks of last night come running through my head.

The memory of how Yoongi made me feel last night...I can't deny that what happened felt right.

Yes, I consumed a good amount of alcohol, and I was definitely drunk, but I do remember what happened between us. I couldn't resist Yoongi and how he made me feel.

Fuck, he made me feel so good.

But, no. I can't stay in this bed any longer. Yoongi's one of my best friends! He's the friend I've had in my life the longest. Granted, the years he was with Erika, I didn't see him as often, but we still made it a point to be around for one another. He's still very much one of the people who mean the world to me. And, I don't want what happened between us, last night, to make things uncomfortable between us.

I know Yoongi used to have feelings for me. I'm sure what he felt for me dissipated while he was with Erika. So, maybe this was just a fling he needed. Though, what if he does still have lingering feelings for me? He knows I'm not looking for anything serious. What if he thinks there's a chance for us after what happened last night? Or maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. Right?

Maybe, I should just try and get out of this bed, quickly get dressed without waking Yoongi up and order an Uber ride to take me back to my place. Yoongi can be a heavy sleeper, so I'm hoping he doesn't wake up anytime soon.

I gently lift his arm up, but his body is really resting against me that I know I'll have to slightly push him off to the side in order for me to really be able to get up. As I try to push him over to the other side of the mattress, the man sleepily groans out and moves himself over, with his back now towards me.

I think I'll be able to make a break for it. I'm celebrating in my head as I slowly get off the bed. I bend down to pick up the bra I had dropped on my side of the bed. I put it on in record time, then traipse over close to the foot of the bed and I find my underwear and dress.

"Lu?" I hear Yoongi's sleepy, raspy voice question out loud and I turn as I slip on my lace panties on.

He's sitting up, with his eyes closed as he yawns and when he opens his eyes back up, he looks me up and down making me feel so exposed. He has slight concern written on his face.

"Are you leaving?" He asks me as he rubs the back of his neck, his eyes now connecting with mine.

"I am. I was going to arrange for an Uber driver to pick me up after I got dressed." I explain to my half naked best friend, though at least his lower half is covered by his blanket.

"Oh, okay," he says in his deep tone and lays back down, with his hands now resting behind his head. He closes his eyes and I study the way he's looking right at this very moment. I can't tell if he's unbothered or if he's irritated. His expression is hard to read.

Beep beep beep

I hear my text tone loudly going off and I realize that I have no idea where exactly my phone is. I look around, trying to figure out where the phone had sounded off. Yoongi reaches under the pillow I was laying on all night and he pulls out my phone. He looks at the screen, then holds it up for me.

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