11. Guys Lined Up

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"He just kissed me and holy shit, Mads! I just couldn't resist him. I climbed his lap and I...just..." I trail off as I work on a woozy face emoji* macaron. Of course this damn macaron reminds me of the tattoo on Jungkook's finger.  And, now I'm imagining his hands all over me...

What the hell? Why do I keep thinking about him? I can't keep my little sister's best friend out of my thoughts.

"No, you are not going to hold back on the details, Woman! It's only you and me in this bakery! Now, give me the rundown on everything that happened last night!" Madison looks at me, demandingly, while pointing a piping bag at me. She's staring at me as if she's going to kick my ass if I don't share what all went down last night. I lightly chuckle at her expression and decide to give her what she wants.

"We just made out while I was grinding on top of him. Mads, his lips were so soft and the way he held onto me and caressed my skin under my shirt...I lost it. I was so entranced by Jungkook, of all people. I keep thinking about it. I keep thinking about him." As I speak, I'm envisioning it all over again in my head.

"If I was single, I would totally go for someone like him. Lu, please tell me it will lead to something more," Madison spouts out while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Wait, you're encouraging this? You don't think it's weird I'm getting involved with someone like Jungkook? I never saw him as anything more than Olivia's best friend. I mean, I consider him my good friend, too." I speak as I make another woozy face macaron.

"Hey, that man is aging like fine wine. I say go for it. Nothing wrong with friends with benefits." Madison winks at me then puts her focus back on her laughing emoji macarons.**

"I kind of already have that with Hoseok. He and I know our boundaries. We know neither of us want anything serious. And, now, there is also Jimin. Though, I'm still not sure if I should let anything more happen with Jimin, either." I think out loud and she shakes her head.

"Can't hurt to have other guys lined up. The way I see it is that you're still young and you really don't want a commitment. So, why not have fun while you can? Sow your wild oats! But, you know, be safe while you're doing it." She smirks at me.

"Maybe...I don't know. Though, if either Jimin or Jungkook make any moves again, I won't stop either of them." I honestly tell her.

"Atta girl!" Madison exclaims while looking at me, approvingly. "Anyway, what happened after your make out session last night? Anything else?"

"Jungkook and I were all over each other on the couch but then we both heard sounds in the hallway and I just jumped off of him and we acted like nothing happened in case Olivia saw us. Luckily, Olive had come out of her room and went into the bathroom. She didn't see anything but she could have if she ended up heading to the kitchen instead of the bathroom." I recall that part of the night to my best friend.

"Damn! Do you think it would have lead to more?" Her eyes are wide as she gawks at me.

"Honestly, I think it would have. I have to admit, I've had a slight attraction to Jungkook the past couple years. But, I always pushed that thought away because of Olivia. I don't think she'd have an issue with it. If anything, I feel like she'd like the idea of us together. But, you know me. I don't want a relationship. I don't want to string Jungkook along. I know he's always had a crush on me. I just don't want to lead him on. Plus, I could've sworn I heard him talking to Olivia about how he's seeing someone not too long ago." I sigh out, conflicted on whether I should allow for Jungkook and I to ever share any more affection with each other like we did last night or to just not let it transpire again.

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