Chapter 20

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"My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I use to be."

I watch as Bolt (Hendrix) dashes out from the right. I hear another growl and see Eskimo (Paxton) come up from behind. I look for Dimitri and Orion. Instead of their human bodies I am met with a fucking gigantic black wolf with Amethyst eyes and an amethyst crescent moon on the side of his left ribcage. He comes from in front of us. I froze, he stands at least 7 feet tall on all four legs. Dimitri....

I turn my head to left and I'm met yet again with wolf almost the same size as the black one except he is grey but has a ruby crescent moon on the right ribcage. This wolf has ruby red eyes. Orion....

Four furious growls and their army has now come into view. They make the biggest circle around us and the fire. Dimitri is getting pissed and keeps walking right than left and back again. Kali throws her hand up and signals her army to attack. Dimitri lets out a powerful roar and our army is attacking at full speed. I hear Aphrodite's voice and I see her standing on the cliff. She's flicking her wrists every which way and chanting several spells one after another after another. Kali still has me by my arm and is dragging me closer to the fire....

I start to struggle and she's having a difficult time getting me any further. Aphrodite has come off the cliff and is in a magic war with 4 other witches. She has the upper hand. Thanos is fighting in human form again several vampires and he is successfully killing them. I flick my wrist and vines shoot up and trip Kali. I make my move to run except she immediately hits me in the back with a small log. I look up and see my mates all covered in our enemy's blood.

We're winning. We are fucking winning.

I haven't completely healed yet so I'm still weak. My strength is coming from my mates. The need to be back with my mates. Except I know I won't win this fight. I will have to sacrifice myself in order to save everyone. Kali has a vine wrapped around my body as I am dangling in midair. The oxygen is starting to get harder to get into my body. Kali is in my view now and I can hear my mates in my mind. I quickly tell them...

I love you... You deserve happiness even if it is without me....

I hear four terrifying growls. I close my eyes at their growls. I feel myself getting stabbed in the heart... Kali flicks her wrist and the vine holding me in midair by my neck lets go.

Kali because she was losing this battle decided to stab me in the chest. I slowly watch as she throws her head back and cackles her evil cackle and then....

She vanished in thin air.

My eyes slowly begin to close but I can see my mates coming into view. Dimitri is livid and screaming with tears falling down his face. Hendrix was the first one to reach me since he hadn't changed out of Bolt yet. Once he gets next to me, he changes back to Hendrix.

A very naked Hendrix I might add.

He pulls me up onto his lap crying and I take my bloodied hand and wipe his tears away. My hand falls down to my side and I died in my mate's arms.

My spirit watches the scene fold in front of me. Hendrix isn't letting Aphrodite near my badly beaten and bloodstained body.

Hendrix what are you doing? She can help you idiot. Come on Drix let her help.

Watching everything in front of me is heart wrenching. My insides even as a spirit are turning uncomfortably. My face is wet when I touch my cheek.

Can you cry as a spirit?

Apparently so!

"Let Dimitri help. He can heal her."


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