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Tommy sat alone in his bedroom, listening to his parents fight downstairs in the living room, they did that often so Tommy was used to it.

He would still listen out just in case things got violent which sadly happened sometimes, other times it luckily didn't. Like this time, the fight was coming to an end and nothing violent had happened, making Tommy sigh in relief as he flopped onto his bed face first before turning over and staring at the ceiling. He soon heard a loud slam, making him jump. *There goes dad to the casino, going to waste more money and come back completely drunk with little to no money at all, perfect for another fight* he thought, this had clearly happened plenty of times before, making money very tight.

Tommy's mum had two jobs so they could just about make rent for the month, let alone food. He normally ate nothing anyway and when he did it was at school, when his old school friends got worried, they would make him eat as little as he wanted, just making sure he ate something at least. Tommy was very skinny, low iron levels and had lumps on his chest he didn't want, yes I'm talking about boobs. He hated them, it made him feel sick.

"LUNA!" He heard his mum yell, making him jump, he hadn't came out to his mum yet, his mum was way too busy to even care for him. "Yeah?!" Tommy yelled back, no response, as always. He sighed as he slowly got up and went downstairs, making sure he wasn't going to faint. "Yes" he said annoyedly, standing at the bottom of the stairs. "What's with the attitude? Anyway, food is on the table, take it upstairs if you want" his mum said, not looking at him, too busy in her own thing. Tommy sighed quietly as he quickly grabbed his food and went back upstairs. He barely ever spoke to his mum, mostly because he didn't care, once he was old enough to get out of that hell hole of a house, it wouldn't take him a second longer to get out, living on the streets sounded more peaceful than this.

He sat down on his bed with the food in front of him, just the sight of it made him feel sick but he tried to have as much as he could, even if it was just a bite, he still needed to live after all. He then hid it under his bed so he could throw it out tomorrow once he was home alone. After that he went to the bathroom and splashed water on his face after drinking some from his hands. He then looked at himself in the mirror, his hair was too long, his face shape was too feminine, his neck looked wrong, his shoulders weren't right and his chest was the worst of all. He would try and tell himself that they were just overgrown pecks to make himself feel better but that was obviously not true. Bra's made everything worse so he normally never wore them but he would get weird stares when he was around people, making him really insecure. He only wore bra's when he needed to which was when he went out.

It was his first day of a new school tomorrow. He knew he wasn't going to make any friends unless someone went up to him, he was the little weird kid who stood in the corner alone, always listening to music. Music was Tommy's therapy, it made him feel better, it was and always will be the first thing he will go to. He decided to have an early night, quickly getting dressed into normal pj's and laying down, he felt tears start pouring into his eyes, he always got emotional at night, that's something he didn't know why. He let a tear fall before drifting off to sleep.

Sorry this first chapter is short, the other chapters will be a lot longer :)

What are we thinking so far about this? :D

684 words

Living In A Transphobic Home || TommyInnit trans storyWhere stories live. Discover now