Special Tape

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Tommy walked into the bedroom and sat down in front of Tubbo and Ranboo, they both looked like they were thinking. "Did something happen?" he said confusedly. "Yes, are you ready to tell us what happened or no?" Tubbo suddenly said. Tommy felt his heart drop, he didn't want to say anything and he couldn't think of a good lie as to why he was sleeping at his house. "I told Ranboo everything I know, like how you were at my house?" Tubbo said confusedly. "I-I don't know what h-happened" Tommy said quietly, not exactly lying. "Ok, are you ok?" Ranboo asked with a comforting smile. Tommy nodded but it was clear he wasn't ok.

"Are you trans?" Tubbo suddenly asked. Tommy felt his heart drop. "Tubbo I said not to ask that!" Ranboo said. "Well sorry I'm curious!" Tubbo said back. Tommy couldn't speak, all he could do was sit there, being useless like always. "Tommy I'm just saying if you are then that's completely fine, obviously, we're not monsters" Tubbo smiled. "Yeah" Ranboo smiled as they both looked at Tommy, he looked nervous. "This is why I said don't ask her that just in case she is trans but wasn't ready to tell us!" Ranboo said to Tubbo. "Well it's too late" Tubbo said back. Tommy was having a very big debate in his head on whether to tell them or not, they both sounded accepting but still, people can easily change in a second, that's something Tommy had learned.

"But are you?" Tubbo asked again. "TUBBO" Ranboo laughed. "IM CURIOUS" Tubbo laughed back. "Yes" Tommy whispered as they both looked at him. Tommy had his eyes closed tightly and his shoulders were high. "Oh, cool!" Tubbo said happily, a little too happy. "Yeah, good on you y'know" Ranboo smiled. Tommy slowly opened his eyes and lowered his shoulders, they both still looked friendly, he was a little confused on to why they accepted him but he liked it. "I-is that it?" He stuttered. "Yup!" Tubbo smiled. "Yeah, relax, breathe" Ranboo added. Tommy nodded as he relaxed his body and took a deep breath. "There, how do you feel?" Tubbo asked. "Weird" Tommy said, making the 2 laugh. "So what're we calling you?" Ranboo asked. "W-well still Tommy" Tommy laughed. "Are we calling you a he or a she or even a they?" Ranboo asked more. "A he-she" Tubbo whispered, making them all laugh. "I-is it ok if you call me a he?" Tommy asked. "Yeah of cause" Ranboo smiled.

Tommy smiled, he felt happy. He looked at Ranboo, then Tubbo, Tubbo looked a bit too happy. "Ok ok ok wait there" Tubbo said as he got up and grabbed something before giving it to Tommy. "Trans Tape" Tommy read, he then got an idea as he looked up at Tubbo. Tubbo looked very excited. Tommy then looked at Ranboo, like Ranboo had read his mind, he nodded. "You're... this whole time?!" Tommy laughed. "YUP!" Tubbo smiled. "Holy shit, I literally had no idea, how is your voice like that?!" Tommy said excitedly. "I've been on T for a couple of months, that's why it's so high pitched" Tubbo answered with a huge smile. "Wow" Tommy gasped, he then looked at Ranboo. "If the thought crossed your mind, no I'm not trans, just Tubbo" Ranboo laughed. "Welp" Tommy said, making them all laugh.

"What exactly is this?" He asked, looking down at the box. "It's trans tape" Tubbo said. "I see that" Tommy laughed, "how does it work?" He asked. "I can show you a video, its the one I used" Tubbo said as he got out his phone and handed it to Tommy with the video ready to play. Tommy pressed play and watched, learning how this tape thing worked. "That's confusing" he said at the end of it as he handed the phone back. "Not really" Tubbo said, "Ranboo helped me the first time I tried to put it on because I couldn't do it for the life of me" he added. "Yeah, you couldn't stop laughing the whole time" Ranboo laughed. "I was excited!" Tubbo yelled, making them all laugh. "We could do that for you if you'd like?" Ranboo said to Tommy. "Oh no it's fine" Tommy said. "You sure?" Tubbo said, he looked very excited, probably more excited than Tommy. "Yeah, I'll figure it out" Tommy smiled.

He suddenly felt tears in his eyes as he quickly looked away. "Oh my god I'm crying" he laughed. "It's fine I cried too" Tubbo said, once again making them all laugh. "You could go in the bathroom and try to put it in now if you want?" Ranboo suggested. "Ok?!" Tommy said excitedly, quickly wiping the tears away and walking to the bathroom with the tape box. "We'll wait here if you need help with anything!" "Yeah!" He heard the 2 outside the door yell. "Ok" Tommy laughed. He then locked the door, took the top half of his things off and looked in the mirror, instantly feeling uncomfortable. He brushed off the feeling and opened the box, it looked just like any normal tape. He replayed in his head the video Tubbo had shown him and ripped a bit of the tape off, trying to make something work even though he had no idea what he was doing.

"You alright in there?" He heard one of them ask. "Yes" Tommy answered with a small laugh. "Need help yet?!" He heard a higher pitched voice ask. "No" Tommy laughed, he definitely did need help, he could barely even see what he was doing half the time. "Yes" he said, giving up. "We can help?" Tubbo said confusedly. "Yes" Tommy laughed, "one second" he said, quickly putting his t-shirt back on so he could open the door. He unlocked it and stepped back, watching as the two walked in with their eyes closed, making Tommy laugh. "You can open your eyes y'know, I've got my t-shirt on" he said, closing the door and locking it again.

"Ok, obviously not meaning this in a weird way but the t-shirt is just blocking what we're trying to accomplish" Ranboo said, making them all laugh. "Ok, turn around and take the shirt off whilst I get the tape ready" Tubbo said, making this sound like a whole secret mission. "Tubbo we're not diffusing a bomb" Tommy joked, doing as Tubbo had said and turning around. "Well I mean duh" Tubbo laughed, "now look at me" he said. Tommy turned his head and looked at Tubbo. "Put the tape here then give it me and I'll secure it" Tubbo explained, pointing at his chest. "Once again, sounding like a secret mission" Ranboo said, sitting in the corner. Tommy laughed as he did what Tubbo said. "Oh shush" Tubbo said, once again making everyone laugh. "Here" Tommy said, hoping he had done it right as he gave it to Tubbo. Tubbo then pulled it back slightly and secured it under Tommys arm.

"Nice! Now again and then we're done" he said. "It was that easy?" Tommy said, sounding disappointed. "Yup, told you" Tubbo laughed. The two then repeated what they had done on the other side. "Done! You can put your things back on now, not the bra though, I don't know what you're gonna do with that, put it in your pocket or something" Tubbo said as they all laughed. Tommy did in fact put it in his hoodie pocket after putting everything back on. "Now come on!" Tubbo said excitedly as he grabbed Tommys hand and pulled him back into his room and to a mirror, putting Tommy in front of it. Tommy instantly noticed it as he turned side ways and pressed the clothing up against himself, feeling instant joy as he instantly broke down. He then felt both Tubbo and Ranboo hug him, "feels good doesn't it" he heard Tubbo whisper. "Yeah" Tommy laughed through tears. "Thank you so much, both of you" he said. "Of cause!" Tubbo said, still very excited but containing it slightly. "I mean I didn't really do anything" Ranboo laughed. "You accepted me" Tommy said, making Ranboo smile.

I'm just making myself cry at this point...

1385 words

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