It Happened Again

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It was night time, Tubbo and Schlatt was asleep but Tommy was wide awake. He knew he wasn't going to get any sleep any time soon so he put something warm on and decided to go outside. It was midnight, the moon was high in the sky, it looked peaceful, making Tommy smile. He sighed before he started walking.

After about 5 minutes of walking, Tommy stopped, he started getting flashbacks of the night, it started like this, he couldn't sleep, he went for a walk and well, yeah. He also forget his phone as he turned around and started walking back, suddenly feeling like he was being watched as he heard footsteps behind him. He sped up his walk a little as he felt his chest start to feel tighter, he was finding it hard to breathe as he felt his hands start to shake. He soon saw the house as he starting to run towards it before he was grabbed, he felt hot breath on his neck, then his ear, making him shiver in disgust.

"Wanna come help me out?" Tommy heard someone whisper, instantly knowing who it was. He didn't know what to do, he was frozen in fear and he couldn't respond. "If you don't respond to me then I'll have to do everything by force" the guy whispered. All Tommy could do was panic, he couldn't breathe as he started shaking like mad, he didn't want this at all. "Well, come on" the guy whispered more as he started walking away, grabbing Tommy by his shoulder tightly so he couldn't go anywhere. "It's late at night, no one's up to save you, I bet no one even cares" the guy laughed as he walked Tommy towards a dark spot where there was no light at all, they were completely hidden. "I can tell you're scared, that's ok, I'm here to help you, like you're here to help me" the guy laughed quietly. "Now" he continued, "it's not even cold, take your coat off, maybe even your hoodie" he said creepily. Tommy couldn't move, he just stared at the ground, wishing for someone to save him.

"Here, let me help you" the guy smiled creepily as he came close to Tommy, now pinning him up against the wall behind him so he couldn't escape. Tommy closed his eyes tightly in fright, completely terrified. The guy started touching his hair, then his face, then his body as he slowly started to undress him. Tommy's cuts on his arms were now completely exposed but he wasn't worried about that. He felt cold hands on his stomach as the guy started lifting his t-shirt up before he stopped.

"STEP AWAY FROM THE KID" was all Tommy heard as he felt the guy step back and away from him. "I was just-" "STEP. AWAY" Tommy recognised the voice, it wasn't Schlatt but someone else. "Hands behind your back now" he heard, not daring to open his eyes. "Ok ok" he heard the guy say as he heard the sound of handcuffs being tightened. He then heard the sound of a walkie talkie going off before the person started speaking again, saying where they were like the street and things like that. Tommy couldn't stand anymore as he dropped to the ground, shivering and shaking. He was freezing and he couldn't breathe at all. He soon heard sirens before they stopped, he then heard more voices, scaring him a little as he started to hear someone walking over to him.

"Hey kid, Tommy was it? Remember me from the other day, it's Scott, the police officer". Tommy slowly opened his eyes, Scott was crouched down in front of him. "It's all ok now, you're in safe hands, mind if I help you put your things back on?" Scott asked with a reassuring smile. Tommy couldn't answer as he looked at him with wide eyes full of fear. "Mind if you do some breathing exercises with me?" Scott asked with a smile, "try and relax your body, I know it'll be hard to do but we need to make sure you're calm and ok" he continued, "can you try and take a deep breath in through your nose" he said calmly. Tommy couldn't, he felt useless. "Try and do it with me, ready?" Scott smiled as he slowly breathed in through his nose, watching Tommy take a very shaky breath. "Good, now out through your mouth" he said as Tommy copied. "Good, and again" Scott said. They both continued until Tommy's breathing was stable.

"Nice! Now can you put your hoodie and coat back on or do you need help?" Scott asked calmly. Tommy shrugged shakily, barely able to move, he still couldn't talk. "It's ok, mind if I help?" Scott said, watching Tommy slowly shake his head, showing he didn't mind. Scott slowly fixed Tommys t-shirt, being careful not to touch his skin, then he helped him put his hoodie and coat back on, making sure Tommy was comfortable the whole time. "Now can you stand?" He asked. Tommy shrugged as they both slowly stood up. He instantly felt faint as he started stumbling before he felt Scott slowly sit him back down. "It's ok, I'm gonna keep you safe until you're back home ok" Scott smiled before turning around and telling one of the other cops to get him water. He soon got it and handed it to Tommy, "here's some water if you need" he said. Tommy nodded as he drank some before putting it on the floor next to him.

"Are you ok?" Scott asked him. He nodded even though they both knew he wasn't, especially after what had just happened. "The guy that touched you before is going straight to jail so you don't have to worry about him anymore, I'm terribly sorry for not finding you faster" Scott said, Tommy nodded. He felt disgusting, his body had tingles all over and he felt exposed even though barely anything happened, *I'm just being dramatic, plus nothing even happened* he thought. "Now come on, let's get you home" Scott smiled, "wanna hold my hand?" He asked. Tommy hesitated before grabbing Scott's hand and standing up. "Are you still living with the people you were with before?" Scott asked, watching Tommy nod as he started leading the way home.

Tommy then opened the door before looking up at Scott. "Now before I go I'm gonna let you know that I will be back in the morning because I have to explain what I saw to who ever is taking care of you" Scott said, watching as Tommys face instantly dropped in worry. "I am sorry but it's what I have to do" Scott apologised. Tommy shook his head before letting go of Scott's hand and walking in, quickly saying a very quiet "thank you" before waving and shutting the door. He instantly broke down, *how could I let it happen again, I'm so stupid* he thought, sliding down the door before sitting at the bottom of it. He cried quietly into his hands, *what the fuck is wrong with me* he thought as he slowly stood back up and went upstairs.

He quietly crawled into bed next to Tubbo, crying silently as tears ran down his face and landed on his pillow. He felt his eyes get heavier even though he was full of fear. He closed them, feeling terrified as he quickly opened his eyes again, breathing heavily as he quickly sat up and looked around the room. Of cause nothing was there but he still felt horrified. He then heard Tubbo turn over and start moving, "Tommy?" He said tiredly. "Yeah, s-sorry" Tommy said, laying back down before staring up at the ceiling. He accidentally sniffled, getting Tubbos attention even more, "are you crying?" Tubbo asked concernedly. "N-no it's fine" Tommy stuttered as he turned to face away from Tubbo. "Hey" Tubbo whispered worriedly. Tommy slowly turned to face him as a tear dropped from his eye. He then accidentally hugged Tubbo tightly, too scared to do anything else. "It's ok" Tubbo whispered, hugging him back as he slowly rubbed his back. "It's ok" he said again.

"S-sorry" Tommy cried quietly. "It's all ok don't worry, I'm right here for you" Tubbo said quietly, "wanna talk in the morning?" He asked. Tommy nodded as he cried into Tubbo's shoulder. "Ok, it's all ok now I promise" Tubbo whispered, "try and relax, you're safe now, breathe". Tommy nodded, remembering what Scott had said, *"breathe through your nose and out through your mouth"* he had said as he did what Scott told him. "That's it, you're ok" Tubbo said calmly, "close your eyes and try get some sleep, I'm right here if you need me". Tommy nodded, closing his eyes as he relaxed in Tubbos arms, "t-thank you" he sniffled. "Don't worry about it it's ok" Tubbo whispered as Tommy started to fall asleep, feeling safe once again in Tubbos arms.

I can't stop traumatising this poor kid

1517 words

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