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Tommy was instantly grabbed and pinned against the wall, making him panic fast. "WHAT IS THIS HUH?!" His father yelled in his face as he held up a box. "Trans Tape" it read. *Shit shit shit* Tommy thought, instantly starting to panic. He was then dropped and kicked to the floor. His father kicked him multiple times in the stomach and head before throwing a bottle at him. The bottle smashed against Tommys arms that were shielding his head as he shook violently into the floor. "Now get up" his father said angrily. Tommy couldn't move. "GET UP!" His father yelled more. Tommy was completely frozen. "Oh for fucks sake" he heard his father say before Tommy was picked up by the collar of us jumper and held up high against the wall. "YOU'RE NOT TRANS, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BEING TRANS, YOU ARE A GIRL NOW DEAL WITH IT!" He father yelled, throwing Tommy to the ground before kicking him once again in the stomach.

He then heard a knock at the door, flinching as his father walked past him and opened the door. "Hi, I'm Schlatt, Tubbos dad". *Schlatt!* Tommy thought as he very slowly sat up so Schlatt could see him, he didn't care about Schlatt seeing him like this, he was in too much pain and was too tired to care. Their eyes met, Schlatt could see the terrified look on Tommys face, he also noticed Tommy was panicking very badly, he was shaking and his breathing was rapid. "I've come to ask if Tommy would like to come to my house so he can play with Tubbo and-" "NO" Tommys father yelled as he slammed the door. "Fucking idiots" he heard his father say as he walked past him and into the kitchen. He then heard the door knock again, his father didn't answer it this time. "LUNA ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR" Tommy heard as he hesitantly got up, leaning on everything he could with blood running from his nose. He managed to open the door, instantly feeling faint as he fell forward. "Wow Tommy hey, it's ok now I've got you" Schlatt said, quickly catching Tommy and cradling him in his arms.

"Come on, let's go back to my place" Schlatt said as he quietly closed the door with one hand whilst holding Tommy with his other. "Mind if I pick you up?" Schlatt asked. Tommy was barely conscious and he definitely couldn't walk so he nodded. Schlatt slowly picked Tommy up and held him gently in his arms, being careful as to not hurt him. "It's ok I promise, I promise I will keep you safe" Schlatt said, instantly knowing what had happened, it was an easy guess. Tommy broke down quietly in Schlatt arms, he felt safe again, even if he was about to nearly pass out.

"I'm about to shout" Schlatt said, giving Tommy a warning as they walked into the house. "TUBBO AND RANBOO COME DOWN STAIRS PLEASE!" He yelled, feeling Tommy jump. "Sorry sorry, it's ok I promise" he said quietly. "Yeah?" Tommy heard, he recognised the voice as he looked around, not moving his head. He was incredibly exhausted and could barely even keep his eyes open. "Tommy?!" He heard two voices say as he was sat down on a sofa. He then watched as Schlatt quickly ran somewhere. "Are you ok?" "What happened?" He heard, he was becoming way too overwhelmed as the two boys sat down on either side of him. Schlatt quickly ran back over to him before he slowing down his actions so he wouldn't scare Tommy. "Guys give her space, you'll get your answers in a second but for now just try and be calm ok" Schlatt said calmly as he slowly cleaned Tommys face, wiping the blood off his face and some that had gotten on his clothes and hands.

"Tommy its ok, you're safe now I promise" Tommy heard Tubbo said calmly. He then felt someone hold his hand, making him jump and instantly close his eyes in fright. "Sorry sorry" he heard Ranboo instantly apologise. Tommy slowly looked at him, very weakly opening his hand with a small smile. Ranboo gave a small smile back as he held Tommys hand gently. His whole body hurt and the cramps were just adding on to the pain. "Done" he heard Schlatt say as he slowly looked at him. "Are you ok?" Schlatt asked. *I literally just got beat till I almost passed out and he's asking me if I'm ok* Tommy thought as he slowly nodded. "Can you try and focus on fixing your breathing by breathing with me" Schlatt said calmly. Tommy nodded as they both breathed in and out together, repeating it over and over until Tommy was able to breathe.

Living In A Transphobic Home || TommyInnit trans storyWhere stories live. Discover now