First Day Of School...

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Tommy woke up early, *first day to a new school, how exciting* he thought sarcastically as he got up. Before doing anything, he grabbed the food from under his bed and quickly threw it in the bin in the kitchen before going back to his room. He quickly got dressed and tried to ignore gender dysmorphia but it was hard, his body felt wrong, he hated it but knew he couldn't do anything about it. He decided to wear an oversized t-shirt and hoodie with dark blue jeans. He quickly brushed his hair before going downstairs and having something small to eat. He then brushed his teeth straight after eating. Once all that was done, he grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket before grabbing his bag. Since it was his first day, he got a lift to school from his mum, saying bye before walking through the gates of the new school.

*Yaaaaaayy* Tommy thought dramatically, instantly pulling out head phones and listening to music to calm his anxiety of completely new people. *Wonder when I'm gonna meet the bullies of this school, and the disgusting 'barbie wanna be' popular girls* he thought, finding a quiet corner inside the school and standing there on his phone, well, pretending to be on his phone, fake scrolling. He looked up to see 2 people walking past him, the small one was dragging the tall one, *they look a bit too happy to be here?* he thought, realising he was staring as he quickly looked back at his phone. The small one was wearing a green hoodie and had messy short brown hair whilst the taller one was wearing a long grey jumper and had split black and white hair, also short and messy. He slowly looked back up at them, they had stopped not too far away from him as they started talking but Tommy couldn't hear them.

He then watched as the 2 started walking up to him. "Hi, are you new here?" the small one asked. "Yes actually" Tommy said as he took out one of his ear phones. He felt the burning feeling you feel inside when someone new talks to you, it was probably just anxiety but it still felt weird. "You can hang out with us if you want? I'm Tubbo" the small one said happily. "I'm" Tommy stopped for a second, "Tommy" he said, feeling an imaginary weight get lifted off his chest but at the same time, his thoughts started going wild, wondering if that was the right thing to say. "This is Ranboo" Tubbo said, moving out the way so Ranboo could be seen properly. "Cool names" Tommy said with a small smile. "Thanks" Ranboo smiled. Tommy noticed Ranboo looked nervous, it gave him comfort in a way, glad to know he wasn't the only one.

"Have you got your time table yet?" Tubbo asked. "No actually, I should go do that now, do you guys wanna tag along or do you have something else you wanna do?" Tommy said. "I need to get a new highlight strip from the library, my other one got stolen" Tubbo said, sounding annoyed before quickly calming down. "But it's fine, see you at class maybe?" He continued. "Yeah? See ya" Tommy waved before turning around and walking off after receiving 2 waves back. *Weird* he thought before putting his ear phone back in and pressed play on his music.

10 minutes later, the bell went and Tommy had no idea where he was going, he didn't know where anything was. "Hey" he heard behind him. He turned around to see the 2 people from earlier. "Oh, hi" Tommy smiled, pausing his music before wrapping his ear phones up and putting them in his pocket. "Can I see your time table? I wanna know if we have the same class" Tubbo asked with a small smile. "Yeah sure" Tommy smiled, handing the paper over to him. "Oh nice! We have almost all classes together except English and Science" Tubbo said, giving Tommy the paper back. "That's helpful" Tommy said, not knowing what else to say. "Yeah, the bell went like 4 minutes ago, we have Maths first, this way!" Tubbo said happily, leading the way. "Is he always this energetic?" Tommy whispered to Ranboo. "Sometimes yeah" Ranboo whispered back. Tommy noticed Ranboo was not British in the slightest, making him laugh quietly to himself.

Tubbo sat down at the end of a table whilst Tommy sat near the wall, Ranboo sitting in between the 2. He very quickly zoned out, not wanting to be there one bit. He then woke up as he felt the table shake slightly, he looked at Ranboo. He was shaking slightly and his leg was bouncing like mad. "Sorry" Ranboo whispered to him, feeling Tommy staring at him. "Oh it's fine, you alright?" Tommy whispered to him. "Yeah s-sorry, I just get a little p-panicky sometimes" Ranboo stuttered nervously. "Want me to ask the teacher if you can step outside?" Tommy whispered to him, kinda worried for his new friend. "No no it's fine" Ranboo laughed quietly.

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