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After a couple of minutes, they heard a knock at the door. "You kids there?" It was Charlie. "Ready to go back out?" Tubbo whispered as they separated from the hug. Tommy shrugged, he was scared, he didn't want any of this. "It's ok, let's go back out and if you become overwhelmed again then tell me or if you feel like you can't speak then look at me and grab your hoodie like this" Tubbo said, demonstrating as he grabbed his hoodie and pulled it slightly away from himself. "Ok" Tommy sighed as he wiped his face with his sleeves before they both went back out.

"So, are we ready to talk now?" Charlie asked with a smile. Tommy nodded, sighing as they all went a bit further from the house. "So the two other cops have gone with Schlatt to sort out what is needed, they are going to question your father Tommy and will put him in cuffs if he is seen as a threat or guilty" Charlie explained. The two nodded, Tommy looked worried as he looked in the direction of his house, wondering what would've been happening, *are they hurting dad? Is my dad hurting anyone? Is Schlatt ok?* he wondered. "So Tommy, onto the questions, let's go from the top of the list I have here" Charlie began, grabbing both the boy's attention again, "has your dad hurt you at all recently?" she asked. Tommy quickly shook his head, Tubbo knew of cause that Tommy was lying but he wasn't going to say anything.

"Does your dad drink?". Tommy shook his head again, getting more and more nervous by the second as Charlie asked more questions, he lied to every single one of them. "Ok and that's it for the questions, now I just need to have a look at your arms, legs, face and stomach for any bruises, just in case" Charlie said. Tommy's heart dropped as he accidentally bumped into Tubbo. "So I see on your face that you have a bruise, is that something I should worry about?" She asked. Tommy shook his head, *this has already been asked hasn't it?* he thought. "Ok, can you roll up your sleeves please" Charlie said with a smile. Tommy quickly shook his head as his eyes widened. Tubbo noticed it all, this whole time he had been focussing closely on Tommy, knowing he wouldn't tell him if he was panicking or if he felt uncomfortable.

"I-I'm sorry I-I can't" Tommy stuttered. "Then I will have to do it by force, I'm sorry but it's part of the order" Charlie said as she stepped towards Tommy and felt his arms before trying to pull his sleeves up. Tommy got flashbacks with the guy from the alleyway, it felt like he was reliving it, "stop" he said quietly. "Hey don't touch him he said stop!" He heard Tubbo yell as he was pulled away from the cop. "It's ok it's part of the-" "I don't care what it's part of don't touch him if he doesn't want you to touch him, of all people you should know that! He even said stop for god sake" Tubbo said angrily as he stepped between Tommy and the cop. "No need to get aggressive now please move aside so I can continue" Charlie smiled as she tried to get to Tommy. Tubbo didn't know what to do next as he accidentally pushed her away, "listen I don't care what you are, cop or not, do not touch anyone without their consent especially if they say stop and sorry for my language but what the fuck is wrong with you" he yelled at the lady.

"Now look at him" he continued, moving out the way so Charlie could see the state she had put Tommy in. "He's reliving things he wished to never relive thanks to you, how about me and Tommy go back in the house and we lock the door so people like you can't touch him. And yes I will say this again, he shook his head and said stop and you still went ahead with it thinking it was ok just because you're a cop" Tubbo said clearly before holding his hand out to Tommy, feeling Tommy quickly grab his hand tightly, he then led him back to the house and closed the door, not letting Charlie say another word.

"T-Tubbo I'm s-so sorry" Tommy started to cry, his breathing was fast and he was shaking badly. Tubbo took Tommy over to the sofa as they both sat down, he then pulled Tommy into a tight hug. "You have absolutely nothing to apologise for, it was all her fault, you're ok now, no one is going to do anything to you, you're safe" Tubbo said calmly. "Want me to let go?" He asked, feeling Tommy shake his head. "Ok" he whispered, "I want you to look around the room and recognise where you are" he said. Tommy did as he was told as he slowly looked around the room, "y-your house" he stuttered. "That's right, you're safe here" Tubbo continued. Tommy nodded as he started to calm down before getting a flashback of what just happened, Charlie had touched his arms, like the guy did in the alleyway. Tubbo felt Tommy calm down a bit before his breathing instantly picked up again.

"Tommy I want you to focus on my voice ok" Tubbo said, feeling Tommy nod. "Take some deep breathes and try to relax, you're completely safe right now I can promise you that" he said, hearing the door open as they both quickly looked at it, breaking the hug. "Tommy Tubbo!" Schlatt said, looking around the room before spotting the two. He sighed in relief as he closed the door and went over to them. "Tubbo what happened?" he asked, crouching down in front of the two. "Charlie, the girl cop outside grabbed Tommy's arms even after he shook his head no, he even said stop and she didn't so I pushed her away and yelled at her a bit and then I brought Tommy inside" Tubbo explained.

"Ok I see, Charlie said you just started yelling at her for no reason, I believe you 100% though don't worry" Schlatt said before looking at Tommy. "S-Schlatt I'm so s-sorry I-" "Tommy don't apologise you have done nothing wrong, it was all her fault not yours don't worry" Schlatt said with a reassuring smile. Tommy nodded, he couldn't breathe and he was shaking, he tried to hide it but failed miserably. "What happened on your end?" Tubbo asked as he looked at Schlatt. "They questioned your dad Tommy, he was completely wasted, they found beer bottles everywhere, most of them were smashed, they even found some in your room and overall the house stunk of it. At the end of the search around the house, they ended up taking him away and putting him in a therapy home kinda thing" Schlatt explained.

Tommy's face dropped even more, "s-so he's officially gone?" He said shakily. "Yes, they did agree that you can stay here, I signed a paper saying that you're only allowed to stay here until your dad comes back" Schlatt said. "W-what about mum" Tommy cried. "Oh erm, we don't know, there was no sign of your mum anywhere, do you know if she has ran away by any chance?" Schlatt said confusedly. "N-no?" Tommy stuttered, *now thinking, I haven't seen mum in a long time, has she really ran away?!* he thought. "They said they will come back tomorrow though because they haven't completed the check on your behalf" Schlatt said. "G-great" Tommy sighed.


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