A Day Off - Talking With Schlatt

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Tommy slowly opened his eyes, he was laying on the floor, his left arm hurt badly. He sat up against his bed and slowly pulled himself up and onto it. He looked outside, it was still dark, making him look at his phone, 1:40, (the actual time I'm writing this lol). He obviously wasn't tired as he put his phone down and looked at his arm. It was covered in dried blood, making him sigh. His arm was now completely numb with a few stingy feelings every now and then. He knew he had to clean the cuts so he slowly stood up so he wouldn't fall and quietly went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He turned the tap on and put his arm under it, feeling it sting quite a bit before he cleaned it all with tissues.

Once Tommy was done, he went back to his room and laid down in bed as he picked his phone back up and looked at the notifications. Most of them were just notifications from games he had and other things. He just wanted a hug, a long lasting hug, but he knew that wasn't gonna happen. He turned his phone off and closed his eyes, soon enough drifting off to sleep.

A couple hours later, he was awake again, he didn't want to be. He laid there in bed not moving, he didn't want to get up, he didn't want to move even though he was about to be late to school, he had 12 minutes before he would be late but he didn't care. He felt a tear drop from his eye and slide down his face, landing on his pillow. He then heard his phone buzz as he slowly picked it up and looked at the text, "you coming in today?" He read from Tubbo. "Yeah, the bell is about to go" Ranboo added. Tommy couldn't care less about school, he just wanted to lay there all day without a care in the world. "I think I'm gonna stay home today" he texted, waiting for a reply. "Ok :)" "My dads home if you need something or someone btw". "Thank you" Tommy texted before putting his phone down, quickly feeling it buzz again. "Gtg now, bell's just gone, have fun at home :)". "Yeah :)".

Tommy sighed as he slowly stood up, rubbing his head as he went downstairs, luckily he was home alone. He walked over to the sink and drank some water before looking in the fridge. *Don't feel like eating* he thought, closing the fridge before walking to the window. It was a nice day, the sun was shining and it wasn't too hot but wasn't too cold either, perfect weather. Tommy sighed again before going upstairs and laying clothes out on his bed, soon enough getting dressed. He didn't care about his hair, he didn't look in the mirror, he didn't brush his teeth, because he didn't care.

*A day off, what can I do* Tommy thought, looking out his window to see the park, *why not* he thought, putting on his converses before walking out to the park. He sat on the swings and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He wanted to rant to the gc about how much he hated living but he wasn't going to, he would feel bad. "Tommy?" He suddenly heard, spooking him a little as he looked up. "S-Schlatt, hey" he stuttered nervously. "Taking the day off?" Schlatt said. "Yeah" Tommy sighed. "Want me to leave you alone?" Schlatt asked. "N-no it's fine". "Mind if I sit?" Schlatt asked, hinting at the swing next to him. "Go ahead" Tommy smiled, watching as Schlatt sat next to him. "Is there a reason why you're taking the day off?" Schlatt asked. Tommy paused for a second, he was debating if he should tell Schlatt everything or just keep it to himself. He wanted to tell him about the multiple bloody scars on his left arm, he wanted to tell him about all that has happened and he wanted to tell him about how he really felt, about how much he hated himself and how much he wanted to die.

"I-it's nothing" he ended up saying. "You sure? You look a little down" Schlatt said, noticing the sudden tears in Tommys eyes. Tommy nodded. "Has something happened?" Schlatt asked, sounding worried. Tommy shook his head even though alot had happened. "Hey erm, a-are you ok by the way?" He asked as he looked at Schlatts face properly. He had a bruise on his head. "Yeah I'm fine" Schlatt smiled. "Are you sure? You've got a bruise" Tommy pointed out. "Yeah I'm alright" Schlatt said again with a smile. "If you say so" Tommy said quietly.

There was a good 20 second pause before Schlatt spoke. "Stand up" he said, standing up himself as Tommy followed. He then brought Tommy into a hug. Tommy instantly broke down quietly, trying to make it unnoticeable but Schlatt noticed. "It's ok" Schlatt whispered, slowly rubbing Tommys back. "S-sorry" Tommy stuttered. "It's ok I promise, you have nothing to apologise for, you're ok" Schlatt said comfortingly. He then stepped back and crouched down to Tommys level, wiping a tear away from Tommys face with his thumb. "Tell me all about it" he said calmly with a small smile. "I-I can't" Tommy cried. "Why can't you?" Schlatt asked. "I-I just can't" Tommy cried more. *Shut up, tell him nothing* he heard the small voice at the back of his head say, *say nothing*. "Is there a reason why?" Schlatt asked worriedly. "I-I don't know what to do" Tommy cried quietly, feeling Schlatt pull him into another hug. Tommy cried into his shoulder, he wanted to blurt out everything but felt silenced.

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