Shopping + Hair Cut

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"Tommy, Tommy wake up" Tommy heard, slowly opening his eyes to see Tubbo in his face, scaring him slightly before laughing. "It's shopping day" Tubbo said excitedly. "Yeah?" Tommy laughed with a stretch as he sat up. "Yeah! I have told my dad about it and he thought it was a great idea" Tubbo smiled, "now quickly get dressed, then we'll all eat and go" he said excitedly before leaving the room. "Ok then" Tommy said to himself with a small laugh as he slowly got up. His whole body hurt, he felt incredibly hungry and thirsty but he ignored it and got dressed. He wore of cause a hoodie way too big to fit him and a pair of jeans with his only shoes. He brushed his hair, getting that weird dysphoric feeling but he brushed it off and decided to leave the mirror alone this time.

Tommy left the room and went downstairs, seeing Tubbo at the table eating whilst Schlatt was on the sofa watching TV. "Morning Tommy" Schlatt smiled. "Morning" Tommy smiled back before going over to Tubbo and sitting in front of the food that was made for him next to Tubbo. "Morning, how are you feeling after last night?" Tubbo whispered to him. "Tired" Tommy answered jokingly, even though it wasn't a joke at all. "Well when we have finished this we can go shopping" Tubbo whispered, "do you want to get your hair cut or no?" He asked. *Getting my hair cut would solve a big problem* Tommy thought, "sure" he smiled. "Ok!" Tubbo smiled excitedly before going back to his food.

Tommy stared at the food in front of him, *stop making a big deal out of this and just eat* he thought as he picked up the fork and picked at his food before eating a bit, it felt disgusting even though he craved more, so he took another bite before leaving it and drinking the water that was behind the plate. He felt refreshed in a way but also felt incredibly sick. He drank more water to wash down the sick feeling before getting ready to go out, that meant going back upstairs and grabbing his phone before running back downstairs. "Are you both ready?" Schlatt asked, standing up and walking over to the front door with his keys. "Yes" the two boys answered before slowly walking over to Schlatt.

"Alright then, let's go" Schlatt smiled, leading the way to the car. Tubbo sat in the front with Schlatt whilst Tommy sat in the back, staring out the window the whole time, nervous but excited. They all soon arrived as they all got out the car, they had stopped at a medium sized clothes shop. "Alright so, where are we going first?" Schlatt asked as he started walking, Tubbo and Tommy following closely behind. "Over here!" Tubbo said, now taking lead to the boys section. Tommy felt weird, like everyone was staring at him but it was probably just his anxiety spiking again, after all there were a lot of people. "Because I'm not made of money, you can get a minimum of 2 hoodies, 2 t-shirts and other needed things, that goes for the both of you" Schlatt said. "Thank you" Tommy smiled. "No problem" Schlatt smiled.

Tubbo started walking towards something, making Tommy quickly follow behind him. After about 5-10 minutes of looking around, the boys had chosen 2 hoodies and 2 t-shirts. "Are you guys getting any jeans or anything?" Schlatt asked, watching them both shake their heads with a smile. "Alright then, is there anywhere else you guys wanna go?" he asked. "Tommy said he wanted to get his hair cut so we could do that?" Tubbo said. "Ok, let's go pay for everything, grab lunch and then we can go get your hair cut" Schlatt said, looking at Tommy. "Thank you so much!" Tommy said excitedly, he had never had this experience before, his parents had always went out themselves and got clothes that were either too small or too big for him. "No problem, come on" Schlatt said, leading the way over to the tills, quickly paying for everything before they all went to a near by fast food place.

The 3 sat down at a table and ordered, Tommy ordered something small with a drink. "So, how has everything been so far?" Tubbo whispered to Tommy as Schlatt spoke to the waitress. "It's been exciting!" Tommy smiled before looking at Schlatt, he was rubbing his neck and he looked nervous. "Is Schlatt blushing?!" he quickly whispered to Tubbo, trying desperately not to laugh. "Oh my god" Tubbo laughed quietly before staring at the waitress with a mean eye. "Stop with the stare" Tommy laughed quietly. Tubbo didn't stop until the waitress walked away. "Got a little crush hey?" Tommy said to Schlatt before getting elbowed in the arm by Tubbo. "Sorry sorry" Tommy laughed. "N-no no not at all!" Schlatt quickly said before looking at Tubbo, he had a 'don't even think about it' look on his face, "it's fine Tubbo calm down" he laughed.

"The bitch is coming back" Tubbo said, watching as the same lady walked back over to the table with their food. Tubbo watched as the lady slipped a piece of paper to his father before walking away. Tommy noticed this too, watching as Tubbo quickly grabbed it before Schlatt could. "Jesus Tubbo!" Schlatt laughed. "Fuck her and her number" Tubbo said, scrunching the paper up before throwing it under the table. "Well there goes my chance" Schlatt said, making them all laugh.

10-20 minutes had passed, they had all finished. Schlatt payed the bill before they all left to the car, soon arriving at the hair dressers. "So, what can I do for you today?" The lady asked. Tommy pointed at Tubbo, "you want my style hair?" Tubbo said confusedly as Tommy nodded with a smile. "That's awesome ok!" Tubbo said happily. "Don't you think you'll look a bit like a boy?" The lady said to Tommy. Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other with a ''mission accomplished' look. "I like it" Tommy said. "Alright then" the lady sighed as she sat Tommy down and started working on his hair, looking over at Tubbo every now and then to copy. She didn't talk the whole time, getting the job done faster. "It's gonna look great" Tubbo said to Tommy as he sat next to him. "I mean I hope so" Tommy laughed.

Close to 2 hours later, it was done. Tommy loved it as he ran his fingers through his freshly cut hair. "Thank you so much!" He smiled at the lady. "You're welcome?" The lady, confused on why 'she would want to look like a boy'. Schlatt once again payed before they all left. Tommy couldn't stop playing with his hair the whole ride home, Tubbo noticed. "Happy with the result?" he laughed. "Yes! Thank you, both of you so much" Tommy said happily. "No problem!" Schlatt smiled. "Yeah!" Tubbo said excitedly. "Are any of you hungry?" Schlatt asked. "Nope" he received from the 2. There was a bit of silence before Schlatt spoke again, "anyone wanna watch a film when we get back?" He asked. "Sure!" Tubbo smiled. "Yeah ok!" Tommy said excitedly.

Once they all got back, Schlatt got snacks from the kitchen whilst Tubbo and Tommy chose the film. "What about 'Love and Monsters'?" Tubbo said. They all agreed on that and got comfy, Tommy and Tubbo sitting on one sofa whilst Schlatt sat on the other. Tommy kept uncontrollably smiling, he had never had this before, he felt safe but not just that, he felt comfortable around people, he couldn't help but to be at least a tiny bit proud of himself for that. He felt himself start to fall asleep accidentally on Tubbos shoulder, he didn't mean to, but he felt sleepy and was tired due to actually doing something and going out.

Tubbo suddenly felt Tommy rest his head on his shoulder, he didn't really acknowledge it much since he was used to it with Ranboo, he just took it as a sign that Tommy was getting more comfortable around him, he smiled, knowing now that he truly was helping.

My wholesome side of writing is showing.

1393 words

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