What Happened

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The 3 stood there as Tommy quietly broke down in their arms. "Thank you" he said again. "You don't need to thank us at all" Tubbo said as Ranboo nodded. "I-I do you have no idea" Tommy laughed as he started cheering up. They all then separated from the hug as Tommy looked at himself again, feeling the excitement quickly come back. "S-sorry" he said excitedly as he shut his eyes and smiled. "No no it's fine!" Ranboo smiled. "Yeah, it feels amazing doesn't it" Tubbo laughed as Tommy quickly nodded. "Thank you" Tommy said again. "Ok stop it now" Tubbo laughed. "Sorry sorry, but I mean it" Tommy smiled. "Yeah we gathered that, your welcome" Ranboo laughed as Tubbo nodded.

"So, can I keep this?" Tommy asked, hinting at the box that was now in his hands. "Yeah of cause" Tubbo smiled. "Thanks" Tommy smiled back. "Also was it that obvious?" He asked. "No not really, Tubbo just suddenly suspected it so I played along and now here we are" Ranboo explained. "Oh, ok then" Tommy laughed.

"Tommy can we talk about what happened now because I can't stop thinking about it" Tubbo said but Tommy very obviously wasn't ready yet. "W-why" Tommy stuttered as he watched Ranboo suddenly pipe in. "Ok Tubbo hush for a second, I know you can get very impatient sometimes which is why I'm doing this" he started before turning to Tommy, "the thing that happened, is it now something sensitive for you to talk about do you think?" He continued. Tommy nodded, still trying to process what had actually happened, *talking about it would probably help me understand what happened but it's embarrassing* he thought. In a way, Tommy did want to talk about it but he also didn't. "Ok, see Tubbo, this is why we be slow with people" Ranboo said, turning back to Tubbo before looking back at Tommy. "And it's obviously fine if you don't want to talk about what happened" he said with a reassuring smile. Tommy nodded, he was just confused.

In a way, he wanted to blurt out what happened but he didn't know the proper word for it, was it assault? He still didn't know. "I-I don't know what happened" he suddenly said as the two looked at him. "What do you mean?" Tubbo said confusedly. "I-I don't know what it's called I g-guess?" Tommy said, he felt tears start coming back. "Ok, it's ok, could you maybe describe it, it might help? But of cause if you don't want to talk about it all together then that's completely fine" Ranboo smiled. Tommy nodded, he couldn't make out any words to describe what happened as he started to find it hard to breathe. "Tommy it's ok, stop thinking for a second and focus on something or someone in this room, could be me, could be the wall, doesn't matter" Ranboo said as he took a step towards Tommy. Tommy nodded as he looked Ranboo in the eyes and focussed on his eyes, trying to figure out what colour they were to try and take his mind of it.

"Good, are you ok?" Ranboo said. Tommy nodded, "s-sorry" he sighed. "It's completely fine don't worry" Ranboo smiled, "we could try again or we could move on to a different subject" he said. Tommy wanted to talk about it he just didn't know how. "T-try again" he stuttered. "You sure?" Tubbo said. Tommy nodded. "Ok, come sit on the bed instead of standing" Ranboo said as him and Tommy sat back down on the bed, Ranboo sitting next to Tubbo again whilst Tommy sat back in front of them. "Did something happen with your parents?" Tubbo asked. Tommy shook his head. "Well that is literally the only thing I thought so now I have no idea" Tubbo laughed. "Yeah?" Ranboo added. "Sorry" Tommy said quietly as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "You have nothing to apologise for" Ranboo smiled as Tubbo nodded. "I-I keep crying" Tommy laughed nervously. "That's fine, if you need to cry then cry" Ranboo smiled as Tubbo nodded again.

"Did my dad do something?" Tubbo asked worriedly. "H-he saved me" Tommy said quietly but loud enough for them both to hear. "What did he save you from?" Ranboo asked. Tommy stopped, he felt short on breath again. "It's ok, we can stop talking about this at any time you want" Ranboo reassured him. "N-no it's fine sorry" Tommy said. "Ok, take a breather then continue" Tubbo said with a small smile. Tommy nodded, doing as Tubbo said before thinking again. "H-he saved me from a g-guy" he continued. "Did the guy do something to you?" Ranboo asked, trying to be careful in what he was saying just in case. "N-no? I-I don't know" Tommy stuttered, he felt the tears in his throat as he pushed them down. "Well did he like, how do I say this" Tubbo said, also being careful. Him and Ranboo then looked at each other, Tommy noticed.

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