Almost An Attempt

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"Let me help you out" the guy said creepily as he crouched down to Tommys face and started stroking his face. Tommy was frozen in fright, he couldn't do anything. The guy started trailing his hands around Tommys body, making him very uncomfortable until-

Tommy woke up, gasping for air as he quickly looked around, he felt the same disgusted feeling in his body, even if it was just a nightmare. "Tommy hey it's ok" Tubbo said as he quickly crawled in front of Tommy and sat down, "you were panicking in your sleep again" he said. Tommy nodded, he was panicking hard. "It's ok now I promise" Tubbo smiled reassuringly, "hug?" He said, holding his arms out. Tommy immediately jumped into Tubbo's arms, he was sick of this, he didn't want any of it, he was exhausted mentally and physically. "I-I can't do this anymore" he cried quietly. "What do you mean?" Tubbo said worriedly as he felt Tommy start to try and get away, so he let him. Tommy quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom before Tubbo could get him. He locked the door before falling against the sink.

Tommy had one thing on his mind, he couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't take living, he just wanted to die. He searched around, mostly in cabinets for pills or just anything. "Tommy its ok, just open the door" Tubbo said worriedly but Tommy ignored him. "Tubbo what's wrong?" He heard Schlatt say but he still ignored it as he found pills in a little tub looking thing. He struggled to open it as he ignored the conversation that was going on outside until he heard his name being yelled. "Tommy! Hey Tommy just stop for a second and listen to me" it was Schlatt, he sounded worried. Tommy slowly stopped as he stared at the pills, still unable to open it as he listening out for what Schlatt had to say.

"What do you have in your hand?" Schlatt asked concernedly. "Nothing n-now leave me alone" Tommy cried, he was now ugly crying hard as he struggled to breathe and he was shaking badly. "I'm not going anywhere, can you unlock the door for me?" Schlatt asked. Tommy didn't respond as his breathing got louder. "It's ok, you don't need to be scared anymore, you're not alone anymore, me and Tubbo are right here for you, when you open the door we can all do something together if you want" Schlatt said in a panic. Seconds later, a knock at the front door was heard. "Stay with him, let him know that you're here for him" Schlatt said to Tubbo before quickly rushing downstairs to answer the door.

"Tommy its ok, I can tell you're scared and possibly confused and that's completely ok, when you open the door we can talk and hug and do whatever you want ok" Tubbo said, he was crying. Tommy felt his heart ache, he didnt want to make Tubbo cry. "D-don't cry i-I'm sorry" he stuttered. "I'm not crying it's ok, I'm fine, but I am worried about you Tommy, I know what you have gone through, you've told me all about it and I'm very proud of you for doing that, just please open the door and we can figure this out together, just us two or we can bring my dad into it if you want" Tubbo said shakily.

"I'll just be another 5 minutes, the police are here, they said it's very important" Tommy heard Schlatt say as his eyes widened in fear. "NO SCHLATT DON'T LISTEN TO THEM PLEASE" he yelled, dropping the pills as he quickly opened the door and ran down the stairs to where Schlatt was, he was talking to Scott, he had a very worried look on his face as he ignored Tommy and kept listening. Both Schlatt and Scott then looked at Tommy as Scott finished his explanation of what had happened that night. "No no no no" he repeated quietly as he quickly ran back upstairs and into the bathroom, unable to lock the door as he ran to the back of the bathroom and sat against the wall with his knees up to his chest and his hands grabbing fist fulls of his hair.

Tommy then heard the door open as he quickly looked up, it was Tubbo. "It's ok I promise it's all ok" Tubbo said as calmly as he could, his eyes were red and he was shaking, he looked scared. He slowly walked in before closing and locking the door behind him. "G-get out" Tommy cried. "I'm not leaving you" Tubbo said shakily. "J-just go, leave me to die" Tommy cried. "You're not dying today Tommy and I'm gonna make sure of it, it's ok, I can see you're scared, maybe even confused, there's too much going on in your head that you don't even know what's going on" Tubbo said, slowly approaching Tommy before sitting down in front of him with his legs crossed. Tommy hid his face behind his arms, terrified and very very confused, Tubbo was right, and he was terrified of what was going on, he didn't feel in control of anything anymore.

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