Serious Talk

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Tommy slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were stinging and his head was banging. He looked around, he was in Tubbos room in his bed. "Morning" he heard as Tubbo sat down in front of his face. "Morning?" Tommy yawned as he sat up, quickly realising what had happened. "Oh no" he said quietly. "Oh no?" Tubbo said confusedly as he watched Tommy quickly stand up before stopping. "You just woke up so your heads gonna be all fuzzy, sit down" he said, sitting Tommy back down. "I-I need to go home" Tommy said worriedly. Tubbo could hear the panic in his voice. "It's ok, your parents know you slept here" he said, watching Tommy sigh in relief. "You're ok" Tubbo laughed, rubbing Tommys back before stopping.

"So erm, about yesterday" he started. Tommys heart instabtly dropped, he remembered everything with Schlatt, everything he said, all the secrets that were now gone, Schlatt knew and most likely told Tubbo, to which Tubbo told Ranboo, then Ranboo told whatever. Tubbo watched as Tommy zoned out and started panicking. "Hey Tommy" he said, watching Tommy quickly look at him. "Relax, dad hasn't said anything, he said that it was personal to you and that he swore to himself that he wouldn't tell anyone any of your secrets" Tubbo quickly explained, watching Tommy sigh in relief again. "S-so you know nothing?" Tommy said. "I only know what you yourself have told me" Tubbo smiled. "Ok" Tommy sighed. "See, you're ok" Tubbo said calmly, "is there anything you wanna talk about with me though?" He asked as he sat back and crossed his legs, watching Tommy do the same as he sat opposite him.

Tommy thought for a second, "y-yes actually". "Oh? What's up" Tubbo smiled. "How" Tommy paused, "how do you deal with dysmorphia" he asked. "I'd say the best thing to do is try and ignore it but if that's becoming a real challenge then talk to someone about it, like you are right now" Tubbo explained with a smile. "Do you still get dysphoric?" Tommy asked. "Yeah sometimes" Tubbo admitted, "I'll just look in the mirror from time to time and think, that isn't a real boy you're not a boy, but y'know it's fine" he continued. "How do you be a 'real boy'?" Tommy asked curiously. "I don't know? Have a dick or something I don't know?" Tubbo said, making them both laugh. "Fair enough" Tommy laughed.

"Anything else?" Tubbo asked. "Y-yes, erm" Tommy started, pausing for a bit, "sorry there's just a lot there is and my mind is telling me to shut up about it but also telling me to say it at the same time and I'm slowly getting more and more confused" he quickly said. "That's ok! I can open the window so you don't feel suffocated if you want?" Tubbo said. "No no it's fine" Tommy laughed nervously. "You sure?". "Yeah" he said. "Ok then" Tubbo shrugged. "Is there anything else?" He asked again. "Y-yes but I don't know how to word it" Tommy said nervously as he started fiddling with his hands. "That's ok, I'm not going anywhere so we have a lot of time to talk about whatever" Tubbo smiled reassuringly. "Thanks" Tommy said. "Yeah no problem man" Tubbo smiled.

Tommy thought about what to say but his head just kept telling him to shut up. "We don't have to talk about something you're not ready to talk about y'know, take it slow" Tubbo smiled. "Yeah" Tommy sighed before quickly realising something. "What day is it?" He quickly asked. "Wednesday I think, why?" Tubbo said confusedly. "Don't we have school?!" Tommy said in a panic. "Dad let me have the day off so I can take care of you" Tubbo explained. "Take care of me?" Tommy accidentally said outloud. "No wait sorry, not take care of you, I worded that completely wrong, I meant like so we can talk about things if you wanted to or we could just go chill at the park or something y'know? Sorry" Tubbo laughed nervously. "Oh ok" Tommy said quietly. "Yeah" Tubbo laughed.

"So you said there was a lot you wanted to talk about?" He said confusedly. "Oh right, yeah, sorry" Tommy apologised. "Don't apologise it's fine" Tubbo smiled as Tommy nodded. "I just" Tommy started, "I just don't know what I should talk about and what I shouldn't, y'know?" He said. "Yeah?". Tommy kept thinking, *should I mention something serious? What if I fuck up and say something very secretive like I did with Schlatt, like about how I harm myself or something?* he thought. "Your hands are shaking" Tubbo pointed out, snapping Tommy out of it. Tommy quickly looked down at his hands before hiding them in his sleeves, "sorry" he laughed nervously. "You don't have to be sorry about anything it's fine" Tubbo smiled. "Sooooo?" He said impatiently. "So?" Tommy said confusedly yet quietly. "So, have you decided yet?" Tubbo asked, trying to be patient but he clearly wasn't a very patient person no matter what the situation.

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