Almost A Victim

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Tommy slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't move, he was in too much pain. It was dark in his room, causing him to start seeing things. He slowly grabbed his phone and turned the flashlight on, looking at old messages. It was 2:32, (the actual time I am writing this lol), he started reading messages, most of them were "are you ok?" "Did something happen?" Do you need us?" "We're here for you". Tommy didn't respond as he dropped the phone on the bed, the flashlight lighting up the room as he slowly sat up, groaning every now and then in pain. He didn't know what to do, he was in a lot of pain but wasn't tired. He then noticed his arm and hand, remembering what had happened as he quietly went to the bathroom and washed the blood off before quietly walking back to his room and laying back down. *I could just go for a walk* he thought, he liked walks, especially walks at night, they felt freeing to him.

Tommy slowly got up once again, leaving what he had on as he put on shoes and grabbed his ear phones before turning on music and walking out the house. The street lights made everything seem creepy but in a comforting way, he liked it. 5 minutes had passed as he started feeling like he was being watched, he looked around a couple of times, of cause seeing nothing before continuing his walk. He was suddenly grabbed and flung around a corner into a small alleyway. He looked at the stranger, it was the guy from school, the same one that shoved him into the wall. "What's the pretty girl I met at school doing out here so late huh" the guy said creepily. Tommy was very scared, this had never happened before so he didn't know what to do. Just keep in mind, this guy is like 2-4 years older than Tommy.

"Oh come on, you don't need to be shy around me baby" the guy smiled. Tommy started shaking, he was frozen, all he could do was listen to this weirdo. "Wanna have some fun?" The guy laughed creepily as he slowly rubbed Tommys arms. *DO SOMETHING GOD DAMNIT* Tommy yelled at himself but he couldn't do anything as he felt the guys hands start to slowly make there way up his body, he hated this, he wanted it all to stop. "HEY!" Tommy suddenly heard someone yell as the guy was torn away from him and slammed into the wall across from him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" the guy said angrily. Tommy dropped to the ground in fright, hyperventilating and shaking as it slowly got worse. "N-nothing I was just-" the guy then stopped talking. Tommy wasn't looking as he suddenly heard a body drop to the ground. "Don't you EVER touch ANYONE like that ever again without consent DO YOU HEAR ME" the guy yelled again. "Y-yes" the guy from school, now on the ground, said weakly.

Tommy then felt hands on his shoulders, making him flinch backwards into the wall and bang his head. "It's ok, come with me, it's Schlatt, Tubbo's dad" Schlatt said calmly, slowly helping Tommy stand. "Come on, let's get you back to your parents" Schlatt said as he heard a gasp. He looked down at Tommy, he was panicking badly with wide eyes. "Do you not wanna go back home?" Schlatt asked as Tommy closed his eyes tightly before shaking his head violently. "Ok ok, it's ok, if you'd like you can come back to my house and sleep there for the night ok" Schlatt said with a small smile. Tommy slowly opened his eyes and nodded. "Wanna hold my hand?" Schlatt asked comfortingly, holding his hand out for Tommy. Tommy didn't know what Schlatt was doing but he liked it, it made him feel a weird feeling, he couldn't figure out what it was though. He nodded as he held Schlatt's hand and followed him back to his house.

"Tubbo is upstairs asleep" Schlatt said quietly as he walked into the house with Tommy before letting go of his hand and closing the door. "Are you ok?" He soon asked him as he crouched down to Tommys level. Tommy nodded even though he knew Schlatt wouldn't believe him. "It's ok now, you're safe, Tommy was it?" Schlatt said calmly with a small smile. Tommy nodded, he didn't know why but he did truly feel safe with Schlatt. "What actually happened out there?" Schlatt asked. Tommy went to speak but he couldn't, no words were leaving his mouth. "It's ok, if you need time then I'll give you time, want a hug?" Schlatt asked as he opened his arms. Tommy hesitated before walking into Schlatts arms. "It's ok now, try and relax, breathe, you're safe" Schlatt reassured him as he held Tommy in a way he didn't feel suffocated or uncomfortable. Tommy nodded as he took a few deep breaths before calming down.

"Are you ok now?" Schlatt asked. Tommy nodded before saying a quiet "thank you". "No problem, wanna talk about what happened or do you need time?" Schlatt asked as he separated from the hug and looked at Tommys face, he saw terrified tears in Tommys eyes as they refused to fall. "Do you wanna maybe get Tubbo? He might be able to make you feel more comfortable?" Schlatt asked worriedly. Tommy shook his head, he didn't wanna wake Tubbo up just for him. "Are you sure?" Schlatt asked. Tommy thought for a second, he honestly did need Tubbo, Tubbo made him feel safe but he didn't want to bother him. "Y'know it's ok if you do need him, everyone needs someone to cheer them up if they're feeling down, y'know?" Schlatt smiled. Tommy nodded, showing he understood.

"What do you wanna do? We can keep talking here if you want or we could wake Tubbo up or I could show you wear you can sleep, I have always had a spare room so you can sleep there if you want or I can walk you home, your choice" Schlatt explained, making sure Tommy felt free by giving him choices. "N-not home" Tommy cried quietly. "Do you feel safe at home?" Schlatt asked. Tommy thought for a second, is he thinking right? He shook his head anyway, still trying to figure out if he had fucked up or not. "Does your dad do anything to you?" Schlatt asked, feeling the need to get to the bottom of this all. Tommy quickly shook his head, realising he had made a mistake and said too much. "Ok ok, it's ok, you're safe here" Schlatt smiled, watching as Tommy broke down. He brought Tommy into another hug, this time holding him a little tighter. "It's all going to be ok, if you ever feel unsafe at home then you can come 'round here any time you need ok" Schlatt said comfortingly, feeling Tommy break down more as he nodded.

"Y'know the guy out there" Schlatt said after Tommy had stopped crying. Tommy nodded. "Did he do anything to you?" Schlatt asked, feeling Tommy shake his head. Tommy didn't want to tell anyone any of what had just happened because he thought it was his fault it had happened. "Ok" he said quietly, trying to think of ways to help. They both hugged for a good minute until Tommy had fully stopped crying. "Are you ok now?" Schlatt asked. Tommy nodded. "Want me to let go?" He asked. Tommy didn't respond. Schlatt took it as a sign that he didn't want him to let go, so he didn't. "Do you want any food or anything?" He asked as Tommy shook his head no. "Have you slept at all?" Schlatt continued to ask more questions. Tommy nodded, he technically had since he had passed for multiple hours. "Why were you out there so late?" He asked more. Tommy shrugged as he started to loosen up, feeling more comfortable around Schlatt then he was with his own father.

"C'mon, let's go to bed" Schlatt said as he separated from the hug and stood up, holding his hand out for Tommy as Tommy grabbed it and followed him up to the spare bedroom. "Sorry if it's a bit cold in here, I can go get some spare blankets if you want?" Schlatt said with a small smile. "N-no it's fine" Tommy stuttered as he sat down on the bed. "Do you sleep with the light on or off?" Schlatt asked. "Off" Tommy answered quietly. "Need anything or are you ok?" Schlatt continued to ask as he started walking backwards towards the door. "I-I'm ok" Tommy said. "Ok, if you need me then my room is the one opposite Tubbos" Schlatt said as he opened the door. "Goodnight" he said with a small smile, receiving a quiet "goodnight" back before he closed the door.

Tommy slowly laid down, feeling his phone and ear phones in his pocket. He figured out what the feeling was, it was feeling loved and cared for, he liked that feeling a lot, along with feeling safe. He closed his eyes, feeling safe once again.

Ah yes, I'm tired...

1553 words

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