Tubbo's House

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"Hello?" He called, no response. "Well no one's home so I may as well" he said, turning back to the 2 as they did a happy smile before they all walked to Tubbos house. "Dad I'm home!" Tubbo yelled, spooking Tommy a bit but he quickly got over it. "Tubbooo- and friends? Hi" Tubbo's dad beamed happily. "You already know Ranboo clearly and this is Tommy" Tubbo smiled, "also you can call my dad Schlatt, saying 'Tubbo's dad' every time is a drag out" Tubbo whispered to Tommy as Tommy nodded. "Hi" Tommy said nervously. "Welcome Tommy, if you need anything then do tell me" Schlatt said with a smile. "Thank you" Tommy smiled, he liked Schlatt a lot already, he didn't know why but he just did.

"We'll be upstairs" Tubbo said as he started walking up the stairs, Ranboo and Tommy following behind. "Welcome to bedroom!" Tubbo said as he flew onto his bed, landing on his stomach before rolling over and sitting up, watching as the 2 laughed at him, Ranboo then sat next to Tubbo before hearing Tommy. "Wow" Tommy gasped quietly, not noticing the 2 laughing at him. "It's not that amazing" Tubbo laughed but Tommy looked amazed, he had never seen a bedroom so clean and light and not bed sheets full of blood. "Better than my room that's for sure" he said to himself but the others heard him. "If you ever need a break then you can come 'round to my house" Tubbo said happily. "Thank you!" Tommy said happily. "Yeah no problem" Tubbo smiled, "need anything or no?" He asked. "I'm fine thank you" Tommy said, still mesmerised by the room and the massive change in smell. He noticed the house didn't smell of alcohol or cigarettes, it smelled fresh and clean.

"So Tommy, what's with the name?" Ranboo asked, getting elbowed by Tubbo. "Erm, I just wanted to... I-I didn't like the name L-Luna" Tommy said with a nervous laugh at the end. *What the fuck was that Tommy, fucking useless, can't even keep secrets of your own* he thought to himself. "Ok then, is there anything else to it or just that?" Tubbo asked. "Nope that's-that's it" Tommy stuttered with another nervous laugh. "Ok" Tubbo shrugged. Tommy suddenly felt very dizzy again as he started stumbling, watching as the 2 quickly got up and held his arms. He quickly pulled away out of fright with a small gasp. "Are you ok?" Tubbo asked, "yeah?" Ranboo said. "S-sorry, I keep getting dizzy" Tommy said nervously. "Sit down over here" Tubbo said as both him and Ranboo guided Tommy over to the bed before sitting him down.

"Have you actually eaten today?" Tubbo asked, "no- YES Yes yes I mean yes I have" Tommy quickly said. "You don't need to lie y'know, you're safe" Ranboo said, giving him a slight reminder. "I-I know" Tommy stuttered. "So were you lying?" Tubbo asked, already knowing the answer but asking anyway. "N-no" Tommy lied again, watching as Tubbo got up. "I'll be right back" Tubbo said as he walked out and went downstairs. "I-is he mad?" Tommy asked, he sounded scared almost. "No he's not mad at all I promise, remember you're safe around us" Ranboo reassured him. Tommy nodded, it still felt like Tubbo was mad at him though. Tubbo soon came back with 3 packets of crisps and 3 water bottles. "Here" he said, closing the door behind him before sitting back down and throwing it all onto the bed.

Tommy looked at it in disgust before quickly changing his face. He watched as the 2 grabbed a packet and a water bottle, he followed what they did and opened a packet of his own. This was the first thing he had eaten in what, a day or something? He slowly ate one of the crisps from the packet before putting the packet down on the bed and opening his water bottle, drinking a bit before putting that down too. He felt fresher than before, he hadn't realised how desperately he had needed something to drink until now. He started to feel more comfortable as he slowly ate and drank more until it was all finished. "Are you ok now?" Tubbo asked. Tommy nodded, "thank you" he said with a small smile. "No problem, want anything else?" Tubbo asked. Tommy shook his head, getting more would be greedy, especially since this wasn't even his house.

"I'm bored" Tubbo suddenly said. "Oh cheer up" Ranboo said, making them all laugh. There was a knock at the door, "come in!" Tubbo called out as it opened, revealing Schlatt. "Tommy your dad is here to get you" Schlatt said with a small smile. "Already?" Tubbo said confusedly. Ranboo looked at Tommy, he all of a sudden looked scared out of his mind. He tapped Tommy's hand, watching as he jumped before quickly looking at him. "Are you alright?" Ranboo whispered to him with a comforting smile. Tommy nodded but it was clear that he wasn't 'alright', his eyes were wide and his hands were shaking into each other. "She'll be downstairs in 5" Ranboo said to Schlatt as Schlatt nodded before closing the door and walking downstairs. "Tommy look at me" Ranboo said as Tommy looked at him hesitantly. "You're gonna be ok and if things start getting rough with you and your dad then call us and we'll come help you ok" he continued. Tommy nodded but he knew they couldn't help him, he didn't need help anyway, he was fine.

The door then opened again, "he said he wants you now, did you do something to make him mad?" Schlatt said confusedly. Tommy quickly got up and walked out, saying a quiet sorry to Schlatt before walking downstairs and to his dad. "You're in deep trouble" his dad said to him quietly through gritted teeth as he grabbed Tommys arm. Tommy froze again, too much was going through his brain, he didn't know what to do, he wanted to go back upstairs where he felt safe. He was now being dragged away, watching as Schlatt looked at him concernedly before waving and closing the door. *Come back* he started begging in his mind. "You have no idea how much stress you have caused, because of you I have downed a bottle, great one, thanks ungrateful brat" his dad hissed at him.

Tommy was soon thrown into the house and kicked in the stomach hard. He then heard the door close and lock before he was kicked again. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU HUH" his dad yelled in his face as he picked Tommy up by his hair. "I-I'm s-sorry" "SPEAK UP" "I'm-I'm sorry" Tommy cried. He then felt a hard slap on his face, "GO UPSTAIRS I DON'T WANNA SEE A DISAPPOINTMENT". Tommy quickly went upstairs and into his room, closing the door quietly before rushing over to his bed. *Calm* he told himself but that wasn't working at all. He hugged his knees and rocked back and forth, tugging at his hair every now and then. He suddenly heard pings as he slowly got out his phone and looked at the messages. "Are you ok?" "Just a reminder that we're here for you if you need someone :)" he read.

*I can't text them, I shouldn't text them, I don't deserve friends like these, I don't deserve any of this, the only thing I deserve is pain* he thought to himself as he got out the blade again and started cutting. He then felt his phone start buzzing, they were calling him. Tommy didn't pick up, he just let it ring as he did a slow and very painful cut across his arm. There was now blood everywhere as it ran down his arm. *Fuck, have I done too much?* he thought, dropping the blade on the bed and staring at his arm in horror, there was blood everywhere. He never thought he would want help from someone but right now he desperately wanted Tubbo and Ranboo to run into his room and assure him that he was ok and safe but that obviously wasn't going to happen. He suddenly felt faint again, black spots had started taking over his vision as everything slowly faded out.

I decided to make Schlatt not an alcoholic in this story and make him one of them cool dads who's always there for their kid no matter what because that = extra angst >:D

1430 words

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