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"Hey guys!" Tommy said cheerfully, managing to not stutter. "Hi, you ready?" Tubbo asked happily. "Yeah s-sorry" Tommy laughed nervously. "Nah it's fine" Tubbo smiled, "yeah!" Ranboo added happily. They all started walking to the park, Tommy trailing behind slightly to try and take control over his breathing but it wasn't working and actually seemed to be getting worse. "You alright?" He heard Ranboo say. Tommy nodded with a small smile, knowing if he talked he would've stuttered. They all then stopped walking, making Tommy nervous. "You sure? You're kinda shaking a bit" Tubbo added. "Y-yeah I'm fine" Tommy stuttered, feeling stupid and slightly embarrassed they had to see him like this. They all started walking again, soon arriving at the park.

Tommy felt exhausted, the panicking was taking it's time to stop and he felt like crying but he obviously wasn't gonna do it here. Tubbo and Ranboo sat down on the swings whilst Tommy stood at the side. "This probably seems annoying to you that I keep asking but imma do it anyway, are you actually ok because no offence but you don't seem it" Tubbo said. "Yeah, somethings wrong but if you're not comfortable saying it then that's obviously fine" Ranboo added with a small smile. "I-I'm fine I swear!" Tommy said with a quivering smile. There was a pause before Tubbo spoke, "who's that?" He said confusedly as he pointed to someone behind Tommy near the houses. Tommy turned around to see a very angry, slightly drunk man storming towards them, it was his dad. "Oh shit shit" he quickly said. "LUNA GET YOUR ARSE HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!" His dad yelled. "I-I got to go, s-sorry" Tommy said before quickly running to his dad.

His dad grabbed Tommys arm right where he had cut and dragged him into the house. He then threw Tommy inside before locking the door. "YOU HAD SOME NERVE GOING OUT THERE YOUNG LADY" his dad yelled in his face as he held Tommy up by the collar of his hoodie before throwing him to the ground. "GOD the people in this house" his dad huffed as he kicked Tommy out the way and sat down on the sofa to watch TV. Tommy silently went upstairs and sat on his bed as the panicking very quickly got bad again. It was slowly stopping at the park but now it had gotten worse again. "Do it, cut" he heard the voice say in the back of his head. Tommy had no second thoughts as he quickly got the blade from under his pillow and put it to his arm, pressing down before slicing, then another, then another until he heard a knock at the front door.

"Yes" he heard his dad sigh as he opened the door. "We saw that you wouldn't allow Tommy out in the park so we were just thinking, maybe we could hang out in her room or maybe she could come 'round to one of our houses?" Tommy heard, it was Tubbo and Ranboo. *No no no please leave* he thought, holding the blade tightly in his right hand as blood ran down his left. "Y'know what, fine, she's upstairs, and it's Luna not Tommy". *SHIT* Tommy thought as he quickly hid the blade under his pillow and rolled down his sleeve before hiding his bloody hand under the covers. "Tommy?" He heard Tubbo call out as the door slowly opened. Tommy quickly faced away from them as he wiped his face with his right sleeve. "H-hey g-guys" he stuttered anxiously. "Hi, are you ok? We saw how he grabbed you" Ranboo said as he went over to Tommy and put his hand on his shoulder, making Tommy flinch forward. "Y-yeah I'm fine" Tommy laughed nervously, praying they didn't see him flinch.

"Turn around" Tubbo said as he closed the door and went over to the 2. Tommy slowly turned around, he tried to hide the shaking and terrible breathing pattern but he almost instantly failed, his face was red and soaked with tears but he still smiled a pained smile. "Hug?" Ranboo said as he slowly opened his arms with a small smile. Tommy wasn't sure, he hadn't had a hug in a very very long time. He slowly nodded as Ranboo got closer and pulled him into a comforting hug. Tommy suddenly felt 10x better as he closed his eyes, he liked this feeling. "Try and breathe" he heard Tubbo say calmly. "I-I'm sorry" Tommy said shakily. "What for?" Ranboo asked confusedly, not letting go of Tommy. Tommy shrugged, there was too much he was sorry for but he knew if he talked again he would burst out crying.

"You don't need to be sorry for anything, you haven't done anything wrong?" Tubbo said as Ranboo nodded. Tommy didn't respond as he opened his eyes slightly, a tear rolled down his face as he quickly wiped it away. "Wanna hang out at my place tomorrow?" Tubbo asked with a small smile. "I-if I'm allowed" Tommy stuttered. "Well yeah of cause" Tubbo laughed. There was a pause before Ranboo spoke, "is there anything you wanna talk about?" He asked. Tommy shook his head no. "You sure?" Ranboo said. Tommy didn't answer, there was so much he just wanted to blurt out but of cause he wasn't going to. "You could maybe right it down if you don't wanna say it?" Tubbo suggested.

Tommy thought for a second, *that's a good idea but I'm not gonna do it... am I? No no no, I can't! I need to stay quiet if I wanna keep my friends, that's if they even are my friends, real friends. Well I mean, no friend has ever held me in a hug for this long, well no friend has hugged me ever*. "Tommy" he heard, bringing him out of his thoughts. "Hm, s-sorry" he stuttered. "Are you ok?" Ranboo asked. "Y-yeah" Tommy answer, still quite shaky. "You sure?" Tubbo butted in. Tommy nodded, he obviously wasn't and they all knew that. The place stunk of alcohol, the dad all around looked sketchy and abusive, the mum was no where to be seen and Tommy was alone in all of this. "Y'know if you ever need us then you can text us at any time and we'll help" Tubbo said as Ranboo nodded in agreement. Tommy didn't answer as he started tearing up more, the hug and this new reassurance was really hitting him in a very damaged spot, in a good way of cause. Tommy tried to stop crying but every time he tried, more tears would flow.

"Tommy? Is this your blood?". Tommys eyes widened as he looked at what Tubbo was pointing at. There was blood on the cover Tommy was using to hide his blooded hand, it was fresh blood. "Erm n-no it's" Tommy couldn't think, his mind had gone blank. Tommy watched as Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other, they both looked worried. Tommy wanted to run but he didn't want to leave this new shield of safety, that's what the feeling was. "Is it his fault? Did he do something to you?" Tubbo asked. "N-no I'm f-fine" Tommy stuttered as his breathing started picking up again. Ranboo heard it and felt Tommys chest rise and fall fast. "It's ok, we're not going to yell at you or do any of that stuff" he said calmly, slowly starting to rub Tommys back. Tommy nodded as he slowly started to calm down again. "It's ok" he heard Ranboo say, it hurt his heart when Ranboo said that he just didn't know why it hurt.

"Are you sure there isn't anything you wanna maybe tell us, we can help" Tubbo said with a reassuring smile. Tommy shook his head, he hated this but he felt safe for once, also making him not want this to end. "Are you ok?" Ranboo asked again. Tommy nodded silently, staring off into space, stuck in his thoughts. Tommy quickly jerked up as he heard the front door open, then close, his mum was back again. "Y-you guys need to go now" he quickly said, slightly panicked. "Why? Is it bad?" Tubbo asked. Tommy closed him eyes, trying to make up a believable lie, he didn't want his 2 new best friends to experience what he has to experience every day.

"Ok we'll go but please text us" Ranboo said as he dragged Tubbo off the bed and stood up. Tommy nodded. "Or y'know you could come back to the park with us" Tubbo said, desperately trying to help Tommy. "N-no its fine just, please go" he said, he started getting a pounding headache and everything started to seem unreal, blurry almost. "Ok we'll go, just know that we're both here for you if you need someone ok" Ranboo said as Tubbo nodded. "T-thank you" Tommy said with a small smile. The 2 gave Tommy a smile before leaving the house. "Who are you two?" he heard his mum ask. "We're Tommys friends" Tubbo said. "Tommy? Who's Tommy?" his mum questioned.

*Fuck* Tommy thought as he stood up, instantly falling to the floor from lack of energy, food and dehydration, it had all made his vision go very blurry, he felt like passing out. "You mean Luna, not Tommy, she's not a boy, she's a girl" he heard his dads muffled voice before everything went black.

I hate myself for writing this but oh well

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