A Red Disaster

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Tommy woke up in a lot of pain, he had no idea why he was in pain but he dealt with it. He slowly stood up, suddenly feeling dizzy before he sat back down. *Normal kinda?* he thought before slowly standing back up and walking to the bathroom. He then felt a stabbing pain in his stomach, making him hunch over. He then heard his phone start ringing as he made his way over to his room and looked at his phone, "Tubbo & Ranboo are calling" he read before answering. "Hello?" He said confusedly. "Hi!" He heard two voices beam, waking him up a bit. "Wanna walk with us to school?" Tubbo asked excitedly. "I mean sure?" Tommy laughed. "We'll meet you at your house in 20 minutes?" Ranboo said. "Yeah sure" Tommy said, his excitement rising. "Nice! Cya then!" The two said. "Cya" Tommy said back before hanging up.

He then went back into the bathroom and brushed his teeth before going to get dressed. He noticed his pants were full of blood, *what the fuck?!* he thought, quickly putting them in his overflowing washing basket before feeling the stabbing pain again. He painfully got dressed after cleaning himself up. He then grabbed his phone and bag and waited. Soon hearing a knock at the door as he opened it. "Ready to go?" Tubbo asked. "Yup" Tommy said, instantly feeling the stabbing pain again as he hunched over. "Wow, you alright?" Ranboo asked as he quickly held Tommy up. "Yeah yup sorry" Tommy said in pain. "Stomach pain?" Tubbo asked. "Mhm" Tommy nodded. "Have you eaten?" Tubbo asked more. "Y-yes" Tommy lied. "You sure?" Ranboo said, helping him stand up straight. "Yes!" Tommy said again, he sounded more annoyed this time before quickly backing down. "Sorry" he said quietly.

"It's fine, come on" Tubbo smiled as they all started walking. Tommy felt that the more he walked the more the pain started to grow worse. "Are you actually ok though?" Tubbo asked. "Yeah, you're hunching over a bit" Ranboo added. "I-I'm fine" Tommy sighed. "Ok" Tubbo said quietly. "S-sorry" Tommy said, wondering if he should tell them about the random amount of blood. "It's fine don't worry" Ranboo smiled. Tommy then stopped and dropped to the floor, crouching in pain as he held on tightly to the lower part of his stomach. "Ok seriously now, what's going on" Tubbo said, hiding his worry. "I-I don't know" Tommy stuttered, "is it weird that there was blood all over my pants this morning?" He said, watching as both Tubbo and Ranboo looked at him before looking at each other.

"You thinking what I'm thinking" Tubbo said as Ranboo nodded, "probably". "What?" Tommy said confusedly. "You're most likely on your period" Tubbo said, saying it straight. "What?" Tommy said, still confused. "What?" Tubbo said, now confused on why Tommy was confused... All together very confusing. "What's that?" Tommy asked, still in pain. "It's when someone who has a uterus bleeds once a month, for some people it's painful for others it's not" Tubbo explained. "Do you really not know this?" Ranboo asked. "N-no?" Tommy said, still confused. "How do I get the pain to stop" he asked. "Painkillers or putting heat on the pain" Tubbo said. "Why do you know so much about this?" Tommy asked, making Tubbo and Ranboo laugh. "Well I do also happen to have a uterus, I got lucky, I don't feel pain" Tubbo smiled. "Good for you now help me" Tommy said in pain. "Right yeah, are you wearing like a pad or something?" Tubbo asked as him and Ranboo helped stand Tommy up. "I don't even know what that is" Tommy whined.

"Really?" Ranboo said, "even I know what that is" he laughed. "Yes really!" Tommy laughed. "Ok let's go back to your house, school can wait" Tubbo said as they both helped Tommy walk back to his house. They all then brought Tommy to the bathroom. Tubbo then handed Tommy a pink wrapped thing. "What the fuck is this?" Tommy asked. "It's a pad, it's sticks to your pants and absorbs the blood" Tubbo explained. "What like a hoover?" Tommy asked confusedly. "No" Tubbo said as he slapped his forehead, hearing Ranboo burst out laughing in the background. "Not exactly, just- go put it on!" Tubbo said as he walked out with Ranboo and closed the door. "How the fuck-" they both heard Tommy sigh, making them both laugh. "QUIT LAUGHING AT ME" Tommy joked, making them both laugh harder. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU- I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS IS" Tommy yelled.

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