First Encounter

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Tommy woke up on the floor, his whole body hurt like hell. He slowly sat up and rubbed his head before sliding into his bed and laying down. He then noticed his hand was full of dried blood and so were his sheets, covers and hoodie. He really couldn't be bothered dealing with it as he closed his eyes and passed out.

A few hours later, Tommy was awoken by his phone pinging every half second. He slowly picked it up and looked at it, the screen blinding his eyes slightly. "Yesterday" he read, "Tommy are you ok?" "Yeah, your dad told us that your actual name is Luna?". He couldn't be bothered reading the rest until a new message popped up. "I'm gonna guess you're taking the day off?" Tommy read from Tubbo. He looked at the time, 11:27am. He was 3 hours late to school. *SHIT!* he thought, quickly jumping up, making himself very dizzy as he stumbled everywhere but ignored it and got out fresh clothes. He then ran to the bathroom and closed the door, quickly washing the blood off his hand. He soon dashed out the door with his bag and phone, running to school.

Tommy looked at the time, then his time table, it was half way through History. He quickly ran through reception to sign himself in, then headed straight to History, running in panting before realising how stupid he must've looked. "Oh, I see- what's your name?" The teacher said. "T-Tommy" Tommy stuttered quietly, hearing some of the kids laughing at him. He looked around, everyone was looking at him. He felt embarrassed as he quickly saw Tubbo and Ranboo before walked over to them. He sat down next to Ranboo who was now in between both him and Tubbo. "Are you ok?" Ranboo whispered to Tommy but he wasn't listening. He had his head in his hands with his elbows on the desk.

Tommy was so close to crying but he wasn't going to let any tears through, he only realised now that he couldn't breathe, he tried so desperately to hide it but it wasn't working. He just wanted a hug, he realised now that he liked hugs a lot, they gave him comfort and made him feel safe, well Ranboo's hugs at least, he had never felt anyone else's. "Student that just walked in half way through the lesson and missed everything, sit up please" the teacher called, sounding annoyed. Tommy slowly sat up, watching as almost everyone turned around and looked at him before turning back around. Tears were started to form in his eyes and blinking only seemed to make it worse.

"Tommy" he suddenly heard from beside him, it was Ranboo, he looked worried. "Are you ok?" He asked quietly. Tommy nodded, looking down at his hands. "You don't seem ok" Ranboo whispered, he sounded worried. "It's ok, no one's looking at you anymore, you're fine now" he whispered reassuringly. Tommy looked around, Ranboo was right. "See, you're completely fine now, lunch is next so we can talk then if you want?" Ranboo said with a small smile. Tommy nodded, his breathing was very slowly calming down. "You're ok now, try and control your breathing, it'll help a lot" Ranboo smiled quietly. Tommy looked up at Ranboo, he had a huge smile on his face, it made Tommy give a small smile back, it also made him feel slightly safer, he just didn't know why. His breathing had calmed down, it was now just his hands that were shaking.

Tommy tried to write but he couldn't, he kept fucking up and scribbling out words, it made him annoyed. The pen was then taken out of his hand and put down next to his hand on the page. Tommy looked at Ranboo, "take a break for a second, I can tell you're still shaky" Ranboo whispered to him. Tommy nodded before looking back at his hands, he could see faint scars on his hands, it made him want to cut but there was no blade around and he wasn't about to do it in a class room. He tried to ignore the urge but it wasn't working, nothing was working for him. The bell then rang, making him jump. "Lunch now, we can all talk there if you need" Ranboo said as he got Tommys bag for him and put it on the table. Tommy nodded as he slowly stood up and picked up his bag before following Tubbo and Ranboo.

Tommy was walking behind the two, he could hear his name being said every now and then in the terrible whispering Ranboo was doing so it was clear they were talking about him. He was suddenly pulled back and around a wall before being slammed into it. "Hey beautiful, I bet you're a *t slur*" a guy said, he must've been in year 10-11 (grade 9-10 I think? In America). Tommy was disgusted but that wasn't the main emotion, he felt a lot of fear as he got flash backs of his dad, he started shaking and hyperventilating. "What's this? Little baby's gonna cry huh?" The guy laughed, "hot girls like you shouldn't cry". Tommy felt useless, he couldn't move, couldn't talk and couldn't breathe. *Hot girl?* he thought, now feeling very disgusted and very uncomfortable.

"HEY!" Tommy heard as he looked at the voice, it came from a tall male with short curly brown hair and a red beanie, he also had a yellow jumper on and dark brown trousers. "Oh for fuck sake what do you want" the guy said annoyedly as he dropped Tommy. Tommy grabbed at his throat, he couldn't breathe at all. "Move" he heard as the guy was pushed away, Tommy was then brought to his feet. "Sorry about that, are you ok?" The guy with the yellow jumper said with a small smile as he crouched down to Tommys level. "Oh you are full on panicking never mind" he suddenly said as he stood up straight and looked around for anyone before crouching back down to Tommys level. "TECHNO COULD YOU AT LEAST HELP ME" Tommy suddenly heard a loud voice beam from in front of him, making him jump backwards.

"Do you have any friends I could take you to?" The guys asked, not noticing what Tommy did. Tommy nodded, they had walked off without him, had they even noticed he was gone? "Do you know where they are?" The guy asked more questions. Tommy shook his head. "Ok erm" the guy said as he started thinking, "y'know what, you can hang out with me if you want, just until you find your friends?" The guy smiled at Tommy. *Better than being pushed into a wall* Tommy thought as he nodded. "Ok cool, can you try and breathe with me kid" the guy spoke once again. Tommy looked the guy in the eyes and focussed on fixing his breathing to be in sync with the guy. "I'm Wilbur by the way, younger brother to the idiot over there, the pink haired one with long hair, his name's Technoblade but you could just call him Techno" Wilbur said as he pointed at Techno, he was on his phone, ignoring everyone and everything.

"Anyway, wanna go find your friends?" Wilbur said with a small smile. Tommy nodded as the Wilbur guy started walking, he quickly followed next to him. "O-over there" Tommy stuttered, pointing at Tubbo and Ranboo standing in the hall, looking around. "Tubbo?" Wilbur said confusedly to Tommy. Tommy nodded, confused on why he knew Tubbo but he couldn't care enough to ask. "Ok then I'll leave you be, bye!" Wilbur said as he waved to Tommy before leaving back to where he was originally. Tommy didn't have time to wave as he quickly ran up to the 2. "There you are! Where did you go?" Tubbo asked. "N-nothing" Tommy sighed. "Ok then, let's go sit down" Tubbo said as he led them all over to a free table and sat down. Ranboo sat next to Tubbo and Tommy sat across from them. "Are you ok?" Ranboo asked, still sounding slightly worried.

"Y-yes I'm fine" Tommy said annoyedly, he didn't mean to sound annoyed. "S-sorry" he said quietly. "No don't apologise it's fine" Ranboo said, digging into his food, as was Tubbo. "You should eat at lunch y'know, have you eaten anything today?" Tubbo said. "Y-yes" Tommy stuttered, why was he stuttering so much, what was wrong with him. "Ok" Tubbo said. Tommy knew he didn't believe him by the way he said it. He suddenly felt very dizzy and sick again, he hated this, he just wanted to be home. "You alright Tommy? Gonna be honest you're looking a little pale" Ranboo said, sounding concerned. "Mhm" Tommy mumbled with his head in his hands again. "Is there anything you wanna talk about?" Ranboo asked. Tommy shook his head, he just wanted to die right there and then.

Soon enough, the bell rang. "Just one more lesson then it's home time" Tubbo said happily. "Yup, Geography right?" Ranboo said as they both stood up. "Yeah, Tommy you coming?" Tubbo laughed. "Gimme a second" Tommy sighed. "You alright? Need a drink or anything?" Ranboo asked. Tommy shook his head as he slowly got up so he wouldn't pass out and followed the 2, sitting down with them in class. Tommy quickly zoned out, he needed food and something to drink but just the thought of food made him feel sick. He felt himself start to fall asleep but he couldn't, obviously because he was in class. He then heard a note being placed in front of him as he read it.

"I'm sorry if I'm annoying you, I just want to help" he read, knowing this was Ranboo by the hand writing. "You're not annoying me don't worry, I'm just very tired" Tommy wrote back, waiting about 20 seconds before it was brought back in front of him. "That's good you don't find me annoying :) Also Tubbo wants to ask if you wanna go 'round to his house after school today". "If I'm allowed then yeah" Tommy wrote before passing it back over. "Ok thanks :)" Tommy read before sending a ':)' back over on the paper. He soon watched as it slid back over in front of him again, "I'm really sorry again but are you actually ok, this is coming from both me and Tubbo btw". "Yes I'm fine" Tommy wrote, sending it back over, not receiving it back this time.

The bell soon rang, making Tommy jump once again as he got up with his bag and walked out, waiting for Tubbo and Ranboo as they both soon walked out with him. They all walked to Tommys house. Tommy knocked before opening the door, it was unlocked.

Ah yes, we just love school😀

1826 words

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