"No one should know"

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"Are you guys in there?" Schlatt suddenly asked outside the door. "Yeah" Tubbo said, making sure not to be loud. "May I come in or do you guys still need time?" Schlatt asked. Tommy shook his head fast, making it hurt. "Ok it's ok" Tubbo whispered to him. "Just a couple more minutes" he said to Schlatt. "Ok, I do want to speak to Tommy at some point whether that's with you Tubbo or not, don't worry though Tommy you're not in trouble or anything close to that at all" Schlatt said before walking away. *No no no I can't, Schlatt shouldn't know for fucks sake* Tommy thought as he slowly started to panic. "Tommy hey, it's all ok I promise, do you know what that was about?" Tubbo asked, feeling Tommy hesitate before nodding. "Wanna tell me or no, you don't have to if you don't want to it's completely fine" he said. Tommy shook his head, he didn't want anyone to know but it was too late for that.

"I-I don't want to talk to him I don't want this to happen I don't want any of this t-to happen" Tommy quickly said as his breathing got faster the more he spoke. "Ok ok it's ok it's alright, you're ok, dad isn't gonna force you to talk if you're not comfortable, he has never done it before and he never will ever force someone to do something if he knows they're not comfortable" Tubbo said. "S-still, he knows something I didn't want anyone to know" Tommy cried. "It'll be ok" Tubbo said calmly. "How d-do you know" Tommy cried as he sat up and looked Tubbo in the eyes. "As long as we both have each other's back then I know everything will be ok" Tubbo smiled as Tommy nodded. Tommy had started to calm down, still crying with little sniffles every now and then but that was pretty much it. "See, you're ok now, you're alright" Tubbo smiled comfortingly. "T-thank you" Tommy stuttered.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, I'm just being a good friend" Tubbo smiled. Tommy nodded, giving a small smile back before feeling embarrassed for everything that had just happened. "I-I'm" "No apologising for anything, only apologise when you have done something wrong, and ever since we have met you have done absolutely nothing wrong" Tubbo said. "But-" "No apologising!" Tubbo joked, making Tommy smile. "Now come on, let's get off this manky bathroom floor" Tubbo joked, standing up before helping Tommy up. "Are you ok?" He asked as their eyes locked. Tommy nodded even though it was so painfully obvious he wasn't ok, he had barely eaten anything in a long time and he was drained of energy. "It's ok, take a deep breath before we go out" Tubbo said slowly with a smile. Tommy nodded, doing as he was told before they both walked out.

Tommy saw Schlatt leaning against a wall before looking at the two and standing up straight. He suddenly felt scared again, he couldn't figure out why though, he shouldn't be scared of Schlatt, should he? "Hey erm, wanna talk now Tommy or no?" Schlatt asked, he looked very worried. Tommy didn't respond as he accidentally stepped back. He felt Tubbo tap his hand before looking down at him. "It's ok, he's not going to hurt you in the slightest I promise" Tubbo mouthed. Tommy nodded but he couldn't shake the scared feeling away. *I wanna talk about it but I don't want to at the same time, I don't want Tubbo to be in the room with us but I know I'll start panicking without him there* he thought. "W-what did Scott say" he stuttered nervously. "Wanna sit down and I can tell you?" Schlatt asked. "I can go with you if you want or I can wait up here" Tubbo said, looking up at Tommy. "I-I don't know" Tommy stuttered as he felt himself start to become overwhelmed. Schlatt then walked over to Tommy, scaring Tommy a little. "Tommy its completely ok if you don't want to talk about it ok, I'm not going to force you at all, if you don't want to then shake your head" he said calmly with a small smile of reassurance.

Tommy shrugged as he looked at the ground. "Well if we were to talk, would you want Tubbo with us or no?" Schlatt asked. Tommy shrugged once again, he didn't know and he couldn't think straight, he felt another panic attack coming on but he couldn't move, he was scared. Tubbo was keeping his eye on Tommy the whole time until he noticed his chest start rising and falling faster and faster. "Tommy come with me it's ok" Tubbo said, gently holding Tommys hand before leading him into his bedroom and helping him sit down on the bed, crouching down in front of him whilst Schlatt listened from the doorway. "I-I can't think I can't-" "I know I know it's ok, I know, that's why I brought you here, try not to think about anything or try and think about one thing, focus on one thing, could be me, could be something in the room, just try and take control over your thoughts" Tubbo said slowly so Tommy got it all.

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