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Welcome to book two everyone<3


The ride towards Gévaudan was bouncy as each of the wheels hit a rock on the dirt road. The air was cold to the point where when you breathed it in it hurt your lungs. How come it was warmer in Paris than Gévaudan? I did not know. "Look! Look! There's a town down there!" Noé comments with a bright smile on his face. It was the day after I ran away from Vanitas in the meadow. Neither of us had really spoken to each other about last night,not that we had the chance to due to our trip to Gévaudan.

Speaking of Gévaudan,the reason we were on the way there was because Dante got word that the infamous Beast of Gévaudan had returned. After decades of being gone,it suddenly returned. "Ah,what a pretty place!" Early this morning Vanitas knocked on my bedroom door telling me that we were taking a trip to Gévaudan because there was a possible curse bearer there. As I got my things together he restated what Dante had told him last night. "H-Hey Noé. What's got you so chipper?" Vanitas stutters as he sits on the floor of the cart huddled over to keep himself warm. "Huh? Why do you look like your fixing to die?" Noé asks as he glances towards the boy who sat beside me. "B-Because it's cold!" He exclaims with slight irritation. Vanitas was wrapped up in his oversized black coat and now he had a oversized blue scarf that tied into a bow at the back. "Do you want my blanket?" I asked him as I looked to him"n-no." He says"it's yours." "But I'll survive without it. You have higher chance of catching a cold than I do." He shakes his head"talk about pathetic. You took one step out of Paris,and look at you!" Dante smirks"shut up! I'm delicate unlike you all!" "That's why I offered you my-" "no! Anyway,why are you even here?!" Vanitas growled as he slightly glared at the two dhams who happened to be Dante and Johann. "Who cares?" Originally it was meant to be just Noé,Vanitas and I,but along the way we ran into Johann and Dante. We asked them if they were on the way to Gévaudan for the same reason,but they denied it and said they 'didn't care'-but I think that's a lie.

We eventually arrived at Gévaudan and were now in a small town. It was really cute,it reminded me of something out of fairytale. Vanitas went around asking people on any information about the Beast of Gévaudan,and it all seemed hopeless until a small girl spoke up. "Did you come here to slay the beast as well?" Vanitas looked towards the small girl with a smile"Anna,no!" Her mom exclaims with worry as she grabs the girls hand. "What made you think so?" Vanitas hummed"because the church people came by and asked for directions. You shouldn't go to that place...a terrible witch lives in the silver forest". Vanitas smirked"alright let's get going!" I thanked the girl and wished her a good rest of the day before following the group.

We ended up on the outskirts of the forest with Vanitas' hands on his hips. "After hearing that,only an idiot wouldn't check it out!" We entered the forest as it grew slightly colder due to the lack of sunlight. "There better be no bears in this forest!" Dante admits as he clings onto Johann"I don't know about bears,but there's probably wolves." Noé then speaks up and talks about a time with him and Dominique. "Someone make him shut up!" Vanitas groans at Noé. "I think it's nice that he's reminiscing about the past. At least he's not talking about death." I said to Vanitas as he rolled his eyes. "You're getting along better than I thought you would." Vanitas hums and glances at Dante who was now beside him. "With that guy." He says gesturing towards Noé. "I mean this is you we're talking about here. After things got ugly back there,I thought you two would split up." The blue haired male sighs"I was going to,but that idiot stayed up all night and followed me." "That may be true Vanitas. But Dante,what Vanitas won't tell you is that him and Noé are secretly friends." "Huh?!" "Yep." I nod"it's true. They're both just to prideful to say it." "Hey now that you mention it Y/N,I think you might be right." Dante smirks"I'll kill you both! Also Johann,make sure you keep an eye on Noé. He'll just vanish if you don't." "Uh well-"Johann starts"he really did just vanish." We looked back to see Noé missing from the group. "Great!" I exclaimed"Noé is dead." I began to clap my hands"good job on murdering on Noé,Johann."

That's when it suddenly began to snow. Now that wouldn't have been weird if it wasn't for the sudden feet of snow below us. "What is this?! There's no way it snowed this much in a second!" Dante went on"something's not right here." I admitted as the snow touched my gloves and began to melt. "This is awful! Vanitas isn't breathing!" "Hey quack! Snap out of it!" "Great not only did we kill Noé,we also killed Vanitas!" The sound of crunching snow was heard in the distance as we grabbed Vanitas and hid.

I peaked out from the hiding spot to see men wearing old fashioned clothing,at least a century ago old. They talked about suspicious people and about a king. "They're dragoons. In the 18th century incident,the dragoons investigated by the order of Louis XV. 'Antoine' is the name of the kings first gun bearer." Vanitas explains"w-wait,you're making it sound like we're in the past...!" Dante smiles in disbelief. Vanitas then smirks"it appears we've been dropped some place quiet troublesome." Right as he finished,howls were heard in the distance. "Wolves." I commented as I felt something watching me. I whipped my head around to see a glowing red eye from the forest. "Probably not a g-good time to mention this,but I-I think we're surrounded by-"I was cut off by trees cracking and tumbling towards the ground with a muffled 'boom',followed by screams. "Nobody told me it was that big!" Dante screams as the Beast of Gévaudan reveals itself before us. The men with older clothes began to shoot at it however their efforts ended in a failure. I watched them die one by one,it all happened so fast that I was unable to process what had happened.

Suddenly we were surrounded by wolves. I reached into my satchel for my knife but I couldn't find it. Did I leave it at the hotel?! I internally groaned as wolves pounced towards us. Vanitas easily killed them with his knife,it was like he had no problem killing these innocent creatures. Sure they were trying to kill us,but it's in their nature to. "A red eyed beast. A witch in the woods. An 18th century incident and time wound backwards." Vanitas started"the past? No. What is this...? The malnomen that creates this?" I watched Vanitas slip and fall towards the ground"why isn't he around now when it matters?! That idiot!" The wolves pounced towards Vanitas again as if he was their prey. I went towards them despite the fact I didn't have a weapon and was basically useless. However the wolves who were going to hurt Vanitas were killed and now laid on the ground surrounded by red snow. "J-Jeanne!" I paused in my tracks at the woman who suddenly appeared before Vanitas. Why is she here?!

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now