And As We're Touching Hands And As We're Falling Down

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"Get up."


"Because you're not dead."

"I'm not?...but shouldn't I be?"

"Not yet. It's not your time."

"What do you mean? Vanitas killed me,I-I should be dead."

"Mother always warned us not to stay with him. And now look at us."

"Mothers warnings were pointless."

"That may be so. But perhaps we should've taken that into consideration...I mean,look at us! We've passed out due to the pain!"

"We're only unconscious?"

"Yes. If you get super quiet and listen closely,you can hear the rain around our body."

"Do you know why Vanitas did all this?"

"I know just as much as you. I mean,I'm you but just a bit younger."

"Oh...I see. Hey,you're at the age where Vanitas began to open up to us,yes?"

"That is correct. Why're you asking?"

"Do you know who that kid is? I think his name was...Mikhail?"

"No clue...but Vanitas mentioned that there were others who were experimented on. Perhaps that's one of them."

"He mentioned a father...Vanitas' parents are dead. Do you believe that it's-"

"The blue mooned vampire? It's possible. Vanitas hasn't spoken to me about them in detail. He's only mentioned them by saying that they saved him from that awful place."

"Oh...I see. Then maybe...maybe that other kid was also taken in!"

"It sure does seem like it by how that kid was acting."

"'Father',huh? I suppose Vanitas and I both have daddy issues."

"He just has issues."

"You're you think they're done fighting?"




"No. I can faintly here explosions."

"How long have I been out for?"

"Not very long. I think we're going on...three minutes? I'm sure we'll wake up soon."

"I won't die from this wound,right?"

"Of course not. It's not that deep anyway. But hey,just wait until Vanitas returns and realizes he's harmed you."

"That's going to be so many apologies! I cant imagine it!"

"I know right! I wonder if he'll get on his knees and cry for forgiveness."

"I doubt he'd go that far...what do you think triggered Vanitas to act like this?"

"No idea. But his dead expressions were a giant red flag. He gave us a 'hopelessness' look. Something is definitely bothering him."

"I know but what?! ...wait! Maybe it has something to do with that boy!"

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now