Revive Your Love In Me

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TW: abuse mentioned

Having Tord brainrot...anyway if any Eddsworld fans want me to drop my Tord playlist I will


"Y/N!" Noé exclaims as he slams open my door"something is wrong with Vanitas!" I looked up from my book to see Noé holding Vanitas,he was paler than usual and seemed like he wanted to die. "He was like this when I woke up this morning! Do you know what's wrong with him?!" I shook my head"no,maybe he's caught another cold or something." I shrugged"now do you mind leaving? I need to continue my book." Noé gave a worried expression before nodding and leaving.

I took in a deep breath and slipped my book mark into the book before shutting it. "Vanitas didn't appear to be sick..."I glanced towards my door"perhaps it's another type of illness?" Suddenly a knock was heard on my door. "Noé-"I started as I slipped off the bed"I told you there is nothing I can-"I opened the door to see Amelia. "A-Amelia,what a pleasant surprise! What brings you here?" I noticed a letter in her hand"this is for you." I take the letter and open it to read its contents. My knees suddenly became weak as I slipped to the floor,one hand on the floor in front of me while the other near my mouth.

"Y-Y/N?! What's wrong?!" Amelia ushers with a worried expression as I lift my head to see her now on the floor in front of me. "I have...just received some bad news." I told her"I-I'm sorry,can you please leave?" She stays silent for a moment like she was hesitant to do so,but gets up and leaves anyway. I felt tears brim my eyes as I sniffled to keep myself from crying. However that did nothing. I wiped my eyes and stood up shutting the door. I walked over and grabbed my bag which was resting on the table. I tore it open and searched for the vial but once I found it and pulled it out,I noticed its contents was empty. I stumbled back a bit as I felt tears slip down my cheeks. "No,no stop!" I muttered to myself in a panic. I quickly slipped my shoes on and left the hotel before heading to the destination given to me on the paper.

It was a beautiful day outside,it was warm and the wind gently blew. It was a lot nicer than Gévaudan's weather. We returned from Gévaudan yesterday and I was glad to be back in Paris,however if I knew what would happen once I returned I would've stayed in Gévaudan.

I finally arrived to the destination to see a woman and a man,as well as a little boy off to the side. The little boy was sitting on the floor playing with some small toys while the woman was crying and the man was trying to comfort her. "She's arrived." I hear the man whisper to the woman as she looks up to me. I was waiting for a sassy or degrading remark yet all that came were tears. She rushes over to me and engulfs me into a hug,something I was unfamiliar with since I ruined her wedding.

"Sister..."I whispered as I hesitantly hugged her back. "Is it true...? Is she...?" She nods and pulls away but keeps her hands on my upper arms. "Yes,m-mother is..."she begins to sniffle a few times"I-I can't say. Mark,can you tell her?" The woman in front of me was my sister who was named Lilliana. Growing up she was like my hero,an older sister who wouldn't take sh*t off anyone especially from me. When father would return home drunk and tried to harm me and my sister,Lilliana would always step in front to take the blunt force of whatever. Though a few years ago we stopped talking to each other. She holds a grudge against me since I 'ruined her wedding'. "A few days ago we had taken a trip to Switzerland. While we were there we received a call from a doctor,apparently your mother was hospitalized due to her sickness." Mark explains as I nodded. "Mother's condition...have they said what it was yet?" They both shake their heads"I-I can't have mother dying on m-me. She's the only blood relative I-I have left."

And there it was,I was waiting for a comment like that.

"Mother is a strong l-lady...I don't think she would just give up her life like that!" The truth was I was trying to stay positive about all of this. Mother was such a kind lady to everyone. I hadn't visited her in a while,perhaps the fact all her family members had 'left her' made her grow depressed. "But she's b-been facing this illness f-for years!" Lilliana cries"it wouldn't be shocking if sh-she passed o-on!" Mark begins to assure his wife that the woman in the hospital will be alright.

"I-I know,maybe we can go out for lunch!" I suggest"we can just chat and stop thinking about all this sadness. We can even get a few drinks!" I was hoping she'd agree. My sister might not care for me,but the fact she contacted me to tell me that our mother was in bad condition goes to show that she still cares for me. Even if it's a bit.

"But who will watch Michael...?" She hums"I will. You two should go off,I'll come and find you if I hear anything." Mark offers as Lilliana stays silent as she was thinking it over. "I do believe that you two need this. Especially you my lily." Lilliana nods and wipes her eyes"alright..."Mark kisses her on the lips and then smiles"go get yourselves some nice food and drinks. Just make sure you're not to drunk." He smiles as Lilliana lets out a soft laugh with a nod. "Then-"she turns to me"shall we get going?"

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now