Carnival Rides

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TW: needles

Well I've come to the conclusion that 2012 Raphael needs therapy and I will gladly be his therapist on top of that MCR is slaying


"Y/N!" I jumped as I saw Dante at my window. "Dante,what the heck?! Don't just-woah! What happen to you?!" I exclaim as I get up from my bed and pull Dante inside my room. "Vanitas is what happened." He sits on my bed as I cross my arms"what do you me-?"

"Amelia came by and said Noé ran off or something and she had a letter. Well whatever was on that letter triggered him. The bastard took my gun even though I said no." My eyes widened"where did he go?"

"No idea. I can probably send-woah,your eyes!"

"No,I'll find him. Sorry Dante but I have to go." I said as I waved goodbye to the dham and exited through the window. I jumped onto the roof and shut my eyes as I felt my senses get slightly heightened. "Smells like...he's that way." I muttered as I ran by rooftop into the direction. Whatever happened to Vanitas,he must've been super upset if he messed Dante up that badly. I knew Vanitas could be violent at times but for him to beat up Dante like that...something is definitely wrong.

I found myself at the carnival.

There were rides and game booths all over the place. I heard a gunshot go off as I jumped. Vanitas! I made my way into the direction where I heard the gunshot. What I found when I arrived was Vanitas,Noé,a small boy with white hair and a automated cat.

"That's unfair. You're using a gun." The small boy smirked as I hid behind one of the game stalls off to the side. Vanitas' back was to me and he held the gun pointed at the boy while Noé was on the ground near the white haired boy. "Bring them back to life?! Don't even joke about that! I've been working hard to erase their existence! Do you have any idea how much I've gone through?!" With each word he spoke Vanitas shot the gun towards the boy.

Who is that? And who is he talking about?

"Stop! Please!" Noé exclaims as he steps in front of the boy. "If anything happens to Mikhail,Domi will-" the boy took a step towards Noé with a smirk. Dominique is here? But where? I glanced around the area and saw a figure on top of the Farris wheel. Woah! What is she doing up there?!

"Get out of the way." Vanitas demands"no V-Vanitas...I can't...! He's holding Domi hostage...he must've done something with that book o-of his."

"So what?" Growls Vanitas"that has nothing to do with me." Noé gave a pleading look to Vanitas"please tell me what happen 'that day'! I know I'm self-centered but I don't want to do what Mikhail is a-asking for!" Noé made his way towards Vanitas"if you'll just-"Vanitas shot again as Noé paused in his tracks.

"You've got the wrong idea. You and I only work together because our interests line up. We're strangers. If people start being useless then cut them off. If they get in the way,kill them. That's all we are and you know th-"

"RIGHT NOW NONE OF THAT MATTERS!" Noé yells as Vanitas is rendered silent. "I can't lose Domi! Because I-I failed to protect Louis..."Noé began to shake a bit.


The white haired boy who was called Mikhail spoke up. "Louis was Mademoiselle Domi's big brother! He became a curse bearer so they beheaded him in front of Domi and Noé." Noé looked back to Mikhail as my eyes widened. "She was crying the whole time. 'I wish I was the one who became the curse bearer. If Louis lived,then Noé would've been happier.'"

"Pointless! If you want to lick each other's wounds then go ahead! Don't get me involved in this! I told you before,if you try and take my blood I'd kill you. Get out of my sight right now. Or,do you want me to deal with that woman first? If I do,you'll be free. You won't have a nagging female beside you anymore."

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Noé went in for Vanitas as if he was going to harm him,however Vanitas shot the gun and Noé stumbled back. The bullet had grazed the boys eye and blood rushed from the wound down his cheek and all over him.

It began to rain and that's when I decided I had enough. I stepped out from the hiding spot and spoke up. "You did that for what? Don't you believe that Noé has gone through enough recently?" I asked as I pointed to the vampire's arm. Vanitas froze up a looked to me"Y/N..."his voice was barely heard. "I don't know what you're doing but you need to stop."

That's when Noè ran towards us and destroyed a few rides. The amusement park began to light up with music as Mikhail laughed. "FIGHT AS IF YOU'RE EXORCISING A NIGHTMARE IN THIS KINGDOM OF DREAMS! TRY TO KILL EACH OTHER!"

Vanitas was a little far from us now and his mouth moved to indicate he was talking. But due to the rain you couldn't make out what he was saying.

He pulled out a syringe"kill that vampire..."he said slightly louder"kill that vampire...kill those vampires...kill those vampires..."he then plunged the syringe into his neck.

"Kill those vampires!"

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now