Real Men Don't Need Other People

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TW: rape mentioned

This is a continuation from last chapter. I didn't want last chapter to be super long so I split it into two. So play the music before reading:)


"I won't leave you." I said to him"but you will." He argues"I have no reason to leave you. You've been nothing but good to me,s-sure we've had a few disagreements but that has nothing to do with me wanting to leave you. It's normal for friends to fight and not get along. That's what makes a balanced relationship." The wind gently blew once more"but I do have a question." He hums"are we...together?" He glanced back to me in silence for a moment. "No. There is no need to be in a relationship with somebody who will leave me."

"But I won't leave you!" I exclaim to him"Vanitas,this entire time I thought you loved Jeanne!" I placed a hand onto my chest"if that confession means that you love me as much as I love you,then I believe we should be together! We can both-"

"Stop." I suddenly got quiet as he spun around to me. He had an unreadable expression on his face"I only told you this to get these feelings to go away. Nothing more and nothing less."

Something isn't right here.

"We have no need to be together. You shall leave me and these feelings will leave as well. Simple as that."

"Vanitas,I-I know you fear love but you need to get over the fact that someone,or people love you! Just because you say 'these feelings will go away' if I leave...that's not how love works. If I suddenly-"

"What do you know about love Y/N? You're first and last relationship ended up with him being a stalker! You're the last person I want to hear talk about love." I bit my lip"that goes to show that love can be dangerous,harmful and disgusting! Why would anyone want to partake in something that harms themselves and others?"

Oh,so he wants to go there? Fine. Two can play at this game.

"Oh so then that mark-"I said pointing to his rose mark from Jeanne"what does that exactly mean?"

"I told you that she only did it because she's a curse bearer,or at least I think."

"Oh really? And you know how vampires look at that,you've been marked by one. Vampires view that as being marked by a lover. How is that any different from what you're saying?" His eyes narrowed slightly"it's completely different. Im not in love with Jeanne. Im in love with you."

"So you admit to being a puppet master?" I smirked"I am not one. I don't use people."

"Oh really? Well as far as I remember you told me you got involved with Jeanne to get information out of her. Sounds like to me you're simply using her."

"I don't use people."

"Really?" I scoffed"that's a giant lie."

"Did you want us to not get any information? I cant just let curse bearers run wild."

"'Us'? More like you! There is no 'us' when it comes down to work. I am simply just there to assist you if you get hurt! And you know it! You only keep me around to treat your wounds!" I know that what I said was not true,but in the heat of the moment I said whatever fell from my mouth. "No I don't. You're being ridiculous. You women are so sensitive." My eyes widened"I'm sensitive?! Did you not see how you acted when we had the original run with the chasseurs?! And you call me sensitive?!"

"Can you blame me for being sensitive over that?! That bastard used me! He hurt me! And you just expect me to not react like that?!"

"Do you see me acting like that in front of my sister?! No!"

"Last time I checked your history wasn't that traumatic!"

"Last time I checked I wasn't double sided!"

"Well last time I checked vampires are meant to act like real vampires!"

"Last time I checked I wasn't a human experiment!"

"Last time I checked I wasn't almost raped!"

That rendered me silent.

Vanitas continued to glare at me harshly. It seemed that there would be no apologies from him. I placed a shaky hand over my mouth as tears swelled in my eyes. "Look how sensitive you are. It's pathetic."

I continued to look at him as he continued to have a blank expression. "If I wasn't there to save you,you would've been raped. You should be indebted to me. I am your salvation."

With that he walked passed me and re-entered the building.

Suddenly my knees gave out as I slipped to the ground. I cried as the memory was fresh in my mind. When that happened it was within a month of knowing Vanitas. My sister insisted we go out with her bridesmaids for her wedding,and while we were out I got separated from the group and well,you can guess what happen next. If Vanitas wasn't there then that probably would've happened. I was only 16 at the time,the right age for what men are into.

It's disgusting.

I owe my entire life to Vanitas. He saved me from a relationship I didn't want to be apart of as well as some other things. Without Vanitas who knows where I would be,who I would be and if I would still be living now.

I owe him my life.

But even so...why did he act like that? Did he mean those things?

"Everything alright out here doll?" I turned around and through blurry eyes I saw Estella standing at the door. "My,you're crying. What happen?" She asks as she steps close to me. "He said hateful things to me." I said to her as she crouches down to my height and hugs me,instantly I hugged back. "Hurtful things..." she began to pet my hair"shh,'ll all be alright. Why don't you come home with me?" She asks as she pulls away"but I-I don't wish to intrude." "You wouldn't be. I might not know you well Y/N,but I can tell you are a kind hearted soul. You don't deserve to be treated in such ways. I can treat you better than those men out there...well,at least for the night." She lets out a soft laugh"so,what do you say?"

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now