Bonding Time With The Pink Butterfly

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TW: rape mentioned


"Y/N! Where have you been?!" Noé exclaims as he hugs me tightly. "Noé...I-I can't breathe!" He quickly pulls away with an apology"sorry,sorry. I-I was so worried about you,where did you go? What happen? And whose clothes are those?" Estella had given me some of her clothes since my clothes were drying at her house. I told her the hotel I was staying at and she said she'd drop them off either later today or tomorrow at the latest. "Oh they're a friends." I said to him"as for where I was...well lets just say nighttime wasn't a good time for me." Noé's eyes softened"care to tell me?" I looked around the hallway"is he around?"

"Who,Vanitas?" I nod"uh n-no. I haven't seen him since yesterday...wait did something happen between you two?" I nod again"yes but-hold on,yesterday? Did he not return last night?" He shakes his head"not to my knowledge. Though I am quite a heavy sleeper. Anyway,did you wish to speak here or else where?"

"Else where. There's a small coffee shop right up the road. Let's go there." He nods and leaves his room. We exit the hotel and make our way to the coffee shop. The coffee shop was warm and filled with people. It smelled like coffee beans. "It smells lovely in here." I comment as Noé nods"yes,it does. It reminds me of when me and Domi were little!" He starts"teacher brought back coffee beans one time to use in a recipe,and Domi and I thought they were nuts so we tried eating them! It tasted horrible." I smiled"Noé,you seemed to have had a nice childhood." He suddenly snaps out of his trance"oh wasn't all that great. A-Anyway,what're you thinking about getting?" I shrugged"I'm not sure probably F/D(fav drink)." "I'm thinking tea. I heard their tea here is great." It was finally our turn to order. Noé paid(against my wishes) and we sat down at a table.

"So,tell me what happen last night."

"Actually you start. Why were you chasing around Vanitas?" I questioned as I raised a brow. "Oh he told you about that?" I nodded"yea,care to explain mr.stalker?"

"Well when I woke up this morning I realized that Vanitas looked deathly pale,like he was sick."

"And that's why you came to me,yes I remember." He nods"after you couldn't help,I went to Orlok's but they only threw us out against my wishes. But Vanitas vanished on me after we got thrown out. I searched all over Paris and I eventually found him with Roland and some guy with black hair." He was with a chasseur? How odd. "What was he talking about with them?"

"The fact he thought he was catching feelings for someone."

This peaked my interest!

"Oh? Did he ever mention who it was?" He shakes his head"no. I thought he might've been talking about Jeanne due to how he was describing her. But everything he was saying didn't add up to match Jeanne." I nodded"that lines up with what he was talking about to me last night." Noé hums"b-but just to be sure..."I leaned forward slightly"mind telling me what he said?"

"Oh sure. He said that this girl was someone who he met by chance and that they had changed his life. Both for the better and worse. He said they were kind to everyone despite him being a bit scared of her. He also said that she had a great body." My cheeks were probably a bright pink as I listened to how Vanitas described me. Though that last comment...I'll let slide. "So after that,I decided it must've been you he was talking about. So afterwards, I began to follow him around to confirm my suspicion. But he only got lost in the end. Seems like he found you though."

Our names were called to collect our drinks. Noé stood up and walked off which left me alone with my thoughts for a moment. Vanitas really loves me...huh? How come I never realized any of this until he said such things? He must hate me now!

"Here." Noé says setting the drinks down"ah,thank you." Noé sits back down and speaks up"alright,it's your turn now. What happen to you yesterday?" I took a deep breath"yesterday,just a bit after you guys left me alone Amelia gave me a letter. In the letter it spoke about how my mother became hospitalized. It was from my sister. Someone who loathes me and does not call me family all because 'I ruined her wedding'." I said using air quotes towards the end.

"I rushed to the hospital and met with my sister and her family. Afterwards her husband suggested that we go out to eat and get our mind off of everything. Due to us being indecisive we ended up picking a local bar. I got a drink,though did not finish it due to the taste,as for my sister she got a few drinks I'm guessing. Anyway,we talked for a bit but she walked off to grab another drink or perhaps more." Noé nods and takes a sip of his tea"an older man walked up to me and began to..."I suddenly got quiet as I felt fear and dread wash over me.

"Y/N,what's wrong?" I gripped the hem of the shirt I was wearing"Y/N,what happen after your sister left?"

"The man..."I started as Noé remained silent. "Sexually assaulted me." I looked up to Noé to see his usual purple eyes now a bright red. "Ah! B-But it's ok now! So pl-please calm down!" Noé's eyes narrowed"how can I when someone treats my friend in such an awful way? Do you perhaps know his name? I could teach him-"

"Noé!" I shouted as he snaps out his trance"please stop." Noé didn't respond but took a deep breath"I...I apologize." He says as his eyes return to their natural purple color. "Go on..."he growls slightly.

"Vanitas apparently saw the end of this and grabbed me. The man chased us but lost us due to Vanitas and I being to quick. So we got away and Vanitas scolded me but in the end he took me to this dance hall? I don't know what you'd call it,but that's not the point! Anyway,we arrived and a few things happened but nothing to important. As the night progressed he...he confessed his love to me." Noé's eyes widened in shock"though I was surprised and relieved all at the same time,it was all ephemeral. Not much longer afterward he said he only did all this to make that loving feeling go away. I tried to explain to him that that wasn't how that worked,but he didn't want to hear it and only said hateful things in return. One of those things was that I should've been raped."

Noé choked on his tea and went into a coughing fit. "He said...what?!" He coughs"this happened when Vanitas and I first met by the way. He wasn't talking about recently or anything...or at least not in that way! Something about Vanitas last night though. I'm unsure of what it was though. After he confessed to me,it was like his personality shifted. I know that the Vanitas we know wouldn't have said such a thing to anyone. The fact he hasn't apologized to me yet...I'm starting to wonder if he really meant it."

"He must've meant it when he said it."

"Yes but during arguments people say things they don't mean to...anyway,that's all. Afterwards I met up with a friend and stayed with them,hence the clothing." I could tell Noé was angry with the fact that Vanitas said such a thing to me. Though I was unsure if he was angry because of the rape comment or the fact Vanitas confessed his love to me,only to turn around and destroy it. "I'll...speak to him about this if I see him. I'll make sure he feels super bad about it as well."

"Geez don't make him cry or anything!"

"I don't think he knows how to cry." No he does but I won't tell you that. "J-Just make him feel bad. I want him to apologize and realize what he said was wrong. The arguing part is...fine I suppose. But that comment really wasn't. And I want him to realize this." Noé nods"don't worry Y/N. I'll make sure he knows,don't worry!" I smiled as I picked up my drink and took a sip from it. After I drank it I set it back onto the table"good. I'm counting on you."

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now