Vanitas Is Missing?!

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Dear Gerard Way,
I love and support a he/they but I can't support you after you played Desert Song
-sincerely Venti(also this is jk don't come for me)



"Mommy,how come daddy isn't around anymore?" I asked the woman who suddenly stopped cooking. "Y-Your father is quite busy with work." She tells me"really? That's so sad." I frown"now go get your s-sister Y/N. Supper is almost done." I nodded and ran off to grab my sister. I knocked on her bedroom door and she opened it with a hand on her cheek"Y/N,what do you need?" "Supper is almost ready!" I exclaim as she nods"I'll be down in a moment." My brows furrowed"why're you holding your cheek?" I said to her as I pointed to it"oh th-this? I was wondering if I had a fever was all. No need to worry. Now run along Y/N. I'll be down in a moment." I nodded and rushed back to the kitchen.

"She said she'd be down in a second!" Mother nods"hey mommy?" She hums"do you check your temperature by your cheek?" She nods"yes but many people don't do it that way." She says to me"now,please set the table." I nodded and set the table as mother finished and set the dishes on the table. Lilliana joined not long later. We all sat down,prayed and then ate our supper. "How are your studies co-"

"Why do you have a bandage on your cheek?" I asked as I pointed(once again) to my sisters cheek. "Oh I-I just thought I'd change up my style for the night. I get bored of my appearance at times." "Then use makeup!" I suggest"Y/N." I looked to my mother who gave me a stern look"it is very rude to interrupt people." I frowned"sorry..."she places a hand onto my mine"it's alright but some people won't take to kindly to it. So just remember it next time." I nodded as mother asked her question again. "How are your studies coming along,Lil?" "Oh they're fine. Mathematics is awful though. But my teacher is helping me." Mother smiles"that's great. It's hard to find a school that accepts women." Lilliana nods"do men not accept women?" I hummed as I took a bite of my food"oh honey,you are much to young to be asking such questions. When you're older you shall find out." "Men should accept women! We can just be just as cool as them! Like when I grow up-" I stood up from the table"I want to become a chasseur and have a love like you and daddy!"

:flashback end:

My eyes fluttered open as I realized I was in my bedroom. I tried to sit up but an arm was wrapped around me. That's when I remembered last night. I immediately became flustered at the thought. Soft snores were heard from beside me,that arm belonged to Vanitas.

I tried to shuffle my way out of his grasp as to not wake him up but no avail. I internally groaned and shifted to where I was facing him. His eyes were shut and his hair covered some of his face. I smiled at how he looked. If I didn't know any better,I'd say he seems like a big softy. "You know it's rude to stare at someone." He opens his eyes and his blue hues stare into mine. "I-I'm sorry!" I exclaim as I sit up and he removes his arm from me. "I-I didn't know you were awake yet." "Well I wasn't until I felt eyes on me. You know I'm quite the light sleeper,yes?" I nodded"so,how did you enjoy last night~?" He smirks as I felt my cheeks burn. "Uh...oh w-well-"he starts to laugh"for your first time,you weren't half bad." I leaned forward and placed my hands onto my face to hide my blush.

"So you're telling me you've done it before...?" "No but I mean I might as well have." I lifted my head and turned to him"what does that even mean...?" "Means that I'm more experienced." He says to me"oh you might want to figure out what to do about that." He says pointing to my collarbone. I looked down to see a purple bruise"I forgot about those..."suddenly a knock was heard at the door. I immediately froze up"Y/N! It's Noé! I have a question!" Vanitas tensed up"I'm not here!" He whisper yells at me as he pulls the covers over his head.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now