Vampire Queen

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If anyone wants to know how good I'm doing mentally...I've been listening to Change by Deftones on repeat and I literally know nothing about them


With each step we took,the closer and louder the music got. I suspected that it was Chloé with that 'alteration device'. I followed Vanitas into a room that seems to have once been a library. In the middle was a machine(which I'm guessing was the alteration device). It looked almost like a giant crystal ball. The top had chains running from the ceiling to the top of the ball and at the foot was a keyboard which Chloé sat at.

"So you're using that keyboard to operate the device,yes? I assume your Chloé D'apchier?" The girl stops playing and looks back to us. She was beautiful. She had a white blue tint to her short wavy hair,pale skin and wore a black dress. "And who are you two?"

"My name is Vanitas,I am a doctor who specializes in vampires. She is my lovely assistant,Y/N. I came to save you,or I am supposed to. So-"Vanitas sticks his hand out to the woman"return The Book Of Vanitas to me!"

Dead silence.

More silence.

"A book?"

"The one with the black pages and blue leather cover!"

"Oh's somewhere in here." Vanitas gave a look of disbelief with a hum. "You're telling me,we have to search for it in here?! That could take ages!" I admitted"I was curious about the stone,but no matter how much I tried I couldn't get the stone free." She admits"so I gave it to Jean-Jacques and he put it somewhere." She shrugs"SO YOU'RE ANOTHER VAMPIRE WHO CAN'T PUT THINGS BACK WHERE THEY BELONG?!" He can't say that to me,I'm clearly the superior vampire here. "And? said you would save me. Are you my enemy or ally?" Suddenly a black shadow with glowing red eyes appeared beside Chloé. "They're the enemy! Last time I saw the boy he tried to attack me. I hate him! I detest him!" Vanitas smirks"last time I checked I'm nobody's ally." She hums and turns back to the keyboard"then vanish."

Suddenly one of the bookshelf walls breaks open with instrument automations. "Those are nice automations there." Vanitas comments as he takes out his knife"not the time Vanitas!"

"I'll let you deal with those children." Chloé says to the shadow,who I believe goes by Naenia if I am correct. Naenia laughed as Chloé went back to playing the keyboard. Naenia's body spread and created limbs to attack us. "Chloé D'apchier! What are you planning to rewrite with that device?!" Vanitas yells as Naenia goes after him. It was clear that Vanitas was their target since they had nothing to do with me,besides this is my first time ever meeting them. Vanitas lifted himself in the air and went on the second story of the library with his knife.

Right as Naenia went for him,gunshots were heard and Dante was seen by the entrance. "Dante!" I exclaimed"you're late baldy!"

"Dont act like that! You went on ahead of us!" I went over to Dante as Vanitas joined us. "What did we learn about the book?"

"She says it's here somewhere." I told him"can't you track it with that device of yours?" Dante asks Vanitas who says 'no' and explains why it won't work. Dante continued to shoot at Naenia but no avail. "It's clearly not working Dante. Just stop shooting at it!" Suddenly the ground began to shake and Naenia began to laugh and stopped attacking us. "You see,Chloé plans to erase Gévaudan off the map! She'll bring everything to oblivion!" My eyes widened"what do you think will happen? I just can't wait!" If that happens,there's no way anyone would recover if the world was still even here! "Don't do it Chloé D'apchier!" Vanitas yelled"you're-!" She spun around and looked to him but her look said it all as he suddenly got quiet. "'No' what?" Dante asks as he looks to Vanitas"shoot her Dante! Don't let her activate that device!" Vanitas ran towards Chloé but the automations stepped in between the two. "Existence stabilized."

Suddenly Naenia began to scream in pain as their body began to take a form. "What's going on?!" Dante asks with his ears covered"she's forcing Naenia to have a physical form." Chloé suddenly stood up and made her way up to the top of the device where Naenia was transforming. Once Chloé reached the top,she stretched her arms out and placed her hands on Naenia's cheeks. "Allow me to tell you something. My father taught me that being a noble meant I had to protect those around me. He told me it was the duty of the D'apchier's. And you see,they mean everything to me. No matter how much they hurt me or hate me,I could never hate the D'apchier's. I love them as it is my duty! But you're no good...he's mine and mine alone. My one and only...and you meddled with him. You defiled Jean-Jacques true name! And so I can never forgive you for that! Remember what I told you~?" Suddenly I could sense Chloé's blood lust"I am a terribly jealous woman."

She began to choke Naenia as the world shook slightly and Naenia screamed in pain. This caused our bodies to forcibly be slammed into the bookshelves behind us. I was instantly hit with a intense pain that ran throughout my body. My vision got a bit blurry as I suddenly felt deja vu. This happened before. "Vanitas!" Noè's voice filled my ears along with rapid footsteps. I lifted my head and saw Vanitas a bit away from me. "Naenia?!" Noé exclaimed in shock"you're surprisingly hard to kill aren't you?" Chloé asks as Naenia's black blood squirted onto her face. More blood went onto Chloé as she continued to harm the shadow"does it hurt? Is it painful? Is my wrath getting to you properly?" Then it sounded like Naenia started crying as they cried out in pain. "Chloé D'apchier!" I looked to see Vanitas stumbling to get up off the floor. "Release the stabilization immediately! Don't make Naenia remember who they were! No vampire can kill that thing!"

I looked from Vanitas up to the device to see Naenia's body cracking and shattering. You can't kill it...? Then what-no,who are they?

Suddenly the ground began to shake violently as the shadow transformed into a what appeared to be a human. But that term human isn't the right word for her now was it? She had pale skin and long blonde hair. She reached her hands out to Chloé and placed her lips onto her as Chloé struggled to get away. "Mademoiselle Chloé!" Noé yells as Vanitas grabs onto the vampires arm"don't get near them or else you'll be dragged in." Noé stopped and glanced back at the vampire doctor with confusion"huh? Do you know who Naenia is...?" Vanitas took a deep breath"that is's the malnomen of the first vampire of the red moon-Queen Faustina." Naenia(or Queen Faustina) let go of Chloé and she fell down. Chloé began to gasp for air. "This is bad...she's about to start rampaging." That's when one of the walls was busted open with a wolf,the Beast of Gévaudan to be exact. The wolf went straight for Naenia but she lifted a hand and used some type of ability to knock the wolf back and into a wall. "JEAN-JACQUES!" Noè yells towards the wolf.

Suddenly the world around us was cracking and shifting. "Huh...?" I looked down to see the floor below me cracking and breaking. "That's not good..." I took a step back"Y/N!" I whipped my head around to see Vanitas where a crack was starting to form between us. I got up and ran towards him as the world shook in agitation. He reached his hand out to me as I did the same,I was using all I could to grab his hand or even just be close to him. But it appeared that Lady Luck was not on my side because just inches away from his hand,the ground below tore apart and created a hole. "No!" I cried as I suddenly felt my lungs closing up on me,it became hard to breathe and tears fell from my eyes. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my entire life I shut my eyes tightly out of fear. "Y/N!" I opened my eyes once more as I saw Vanitas above me as my eyes widened. He reached his hand out to me as I grabbed it. He brought me towards him and pulled me into a hug. With that I was left with the smell of Vanitas and the warmth from him before passing out.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now