Did I Take It To Far? No.

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TW: sexual assault,alcohol,abuse mentioned

I worked a 10 hour shift today with no break but at least I got a super cool haircut😎


The bar was loud and filled with people who were already wasted or hoped to be in the next few minutes. Lilliana and I decided on a bar because we could drink away our issues,plus we were both to anxious around each other to pick a place to eat. I had only been to a bar once and it was in Altus with Victor. We sat at a table in the corner of the bar as we waited for our drinks to arrive. "I just can't believe mother has been hospitalized..."Lilliana says still in shock. "Do you have any idea when they'll let her go?" She shakes her head. Since the hospital she's calmed down a lot. "This is all your fault she became ill." I gave a confused expression"what? What do you mean?" She nods"this is all your fault! If you were never born then mother wouldn't had gotten ill! It's all your fault Y/N! You're the reason father left us and why he abused us!" I stayed silent as I did not know what to say. "I don't believe that to be true." I spoke softly.

If this was any other person I probably would've broken down in front of them after hearing such things,but this was Lilliana we're talking about. She's been saying these things to me ever since I 'ruined her wedding'. "Well you should believe it!" Sometimes I wonder how she's older than me yet she acts so immature. "But that wouldn't make any sense why I caused it. I'm sure that if I was the reason she would've been hospitalized years ago. But this is the first time." Lilliana stayed silent as our drinks were delivered to the table. She picks up her drink and sips it"I forgot how awful alcohol was." She comments"I've never had any." I commented as she looks to me"how?" "I'm always busy with work." I say to her"speaking of work,what do you do for work?" She asks as I noticed she became calm and collected. Perhaps due to the alcohol.

"Do you still keep in contact with that girl? The one with the blue hair."

"Vanitas?" She nods"him! You know,you had no reason to invite him to my wedding. He wasn't even invited." She growls"mother told me it was ok to bring him. Plus Lilliana,if he hadn't saved the curse bearer,your wedding really would've been ruined." She rolls her eyes"I'm never forgiving you. You ruined my special day! You and that man!" I picked up my drink and took a sip of it and immediately cringed at the taste. Despite me picking something fruity flavored,the alcohol in it really sucks. "To answer your question,I work beside him. I'm his assistant."

"What did he do again...?" She hums taking another sip of her drink"he's a vampire doctor...I guess you could say."

"He 'saves' curse bearers,yes?" I nod"he realizes what he's doing is illegal right? I could totally bust you two if I wanted to."

"It's better than just killing curse bearers!" She places her cheek into the palm of her hand. "I might just consider telling the law about you two. They might kill you two." She smirks as I cross my arms"and if you did that,you'd be in a world full of hurt once mother passes." I fired back as her eyes narrowed in displeasure. "What about you Lilliana? Last time I checked you didn't have a job." She smiles"oh I do have a job! I'm a clothes designer! At least I have things to wear unlike you,plus money!" She really have to throw that comment in? "That little boy was yours right?" I asked as she hums"the one at the hospital." She nods"you never told me you had a kid."

"Well some things are just better kept a secret." More like you want me completely erased from your mind. "So have you and Victor decided on having kids yet?" My eyes widened and I was rendered speechless. Was the last time I talked to her when I was still with him? "Something the matter?" I shook my head. I'm not telling her I'm single,I'm not giving her that satisfaction because that's what she wants me to say! "Oh nothing. I just remembered that I have to find a wedding dress soon." I internally cringed at my words. She began to cough"h-huh?!" She coughed some more"you're getting married?!" I nod"yes,did you not expect that?" She stated at me in disbelief before clearing her throat and smiling. "Yes of course I was! I just knew you'd find the one someday. I-I think I need a stronger drink now. I'll be back." She gets up from the table and grabs her cup before walking towards the bar top. I immediately placed my hands into my face with a groan"how could I just say that?! Am I stupid?!"

"Hey there little miss. This seat taken?" I looked to up to see a man who seemed to be in his sixties. Maybe a bit older. "Oh uh..."he smirks"no need to be so shy around me." He reeked of alcohol and he sat down across from me. "I saw you from across the bar,seemed super hot who knew you actually were?!" He laughs"my name is Daleth,pleasure to meet you babe." I immediately tensed up"why so tense? No need to be so tense around papa. Come,sit in my lap." He says as he scoots the chair back and pats his leg. "Sir,please stop. I'm uncomfortable." He frowns"there's no need to be. Come here,I just want to show you you can trust me."

And this isn't how you do it.

I stood up"I-I think I'm going to go." He reached out and grabbed my wrist and yanked me into him as I fell onto his lap. "There. Papa is satisfied now." I wanted to say something but I my mouth wouldn't let me. I silently sat there. "There ya go,princess. All nice and comfy for papa." He began to move his hand up my leg"why is someone like you wearing pants? Women shouldn't wear pants." I felt tears swell in my eyes"pl-please stop..."I begged as his hand continued to run up to my chest. "Such nice tits. You single? I need someone like you,a virgin." I felt something hard under me and I internally cringed. I knew that I should kick him or something to let me go,but I was scared I'd make him angry and  he'd follow me home or something. I knew that I could hit him if I wanted to,I'm a vampire for petes sake! I could kill him if I wanted to! But something was holding me back from attacking him even if it was for self defense. "How about you come home with me princess~?" He whispered in my ear as he reached his hand for one of my boobs.

Suddenly I felt someone tug on my wrist harshly. I was dragged out of the place and into an alleyway. "Let me go!" I screamed but they pinned me against the wall which rendered me silent. "Keep it down Y/N. That man could know where we are." I looked up to see Vanitas looking down at me. He smiled a second later as the man's voice was heard out on the street but it soon go quiet. "He's gone." He backks away from me and leans against the wall mirroring mine.

"The hell was all that about?" He growls"care to explain?" I felt tears swell up in my eyes again as I let the tears slip from my cheeks. "I-I was so scared Vanitas..."I cried as I placed my hands on my arms"he touched me i-in inappropriate ways..."I cried.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Vanitas asks as I looked up to him. He gave a blank expression. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me,the man or the situation. "I-I just couldn't. I thought that if I-I let him then maybe he would've stopped."

"You know that's not how the world works." I nodded"I-I know...but why were you there?" He sighs and crosses his arms"Noé has been following me around all day so I decided to go somewhere where he wouldn't expect me. That being the bar. I had just walked in to see that. I apologize I wasn't there sooner." I shook my head"n-no it's fine." "No,it's not 'fine'. Y/N,you need to know when to hurt someone. You can't just let people do whatever they want! I know you said you're capable of taking care of yourself,but if I wasn't there then-"he suddenly paused and looked away from me. "Anyway,let's just go. I know somewhere that'll take your mind off all this."

"What?" I asked him as I wiped my eyes"it's a secret. I actually found it while I was trying to get away from Noé. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now