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TW: self harm

This is the closest y'all will get to a Vanitas smut...or any smut from me



"The stars are beautiful tonight,aren't they?" I asked the boy as he was laying down on the rooftop with his eyes shut. "Look up at them Vanitas." He hums and opens his eyes"they're just stars...I don't see the fascination." He admits as he shuts his eyes once more.

However I place my hands onto his cheeks which causes him to look up at me. His head was in my lap as we sat on the rooftop. "They're so many things about the human realm that fascinate me! It's so different from Altus." I exclaimed"but there are stars there as well?" I nod"yes that's true but they're more dull and look almost fake. Where here they shine brightly with hope. I love it. Oh like that one." I point up to the constellation"that's scorpius." Vanitas looks to the stars for a moment before looking to me"and how do you know this?" He asks me"I found a book in the library all about constellations,the universe and just anything space related. It's all quite interesting." I admit"I thought you liked reading fiction books?" I nod"I do. But the other day I suddenly wanted to draw things in space,so stars,planets and more. So I took to the library. They didn't have many books but I did find a few. I plan to go back for them."

Vanitas sits up and turns to me"I bet you can't guess when my birthday is." He suddenly states"hm? Why the change in subject?" He smirks"because isn't there a different constellation for each month?" I nod"so then try and figure out my birthday. I bet you'll never get it." I smirked"fine. Challenge accepted!" I placed a hand onto my chin"hm...you remind me of someone who would have a summer birthday so...May 31st!" "Wrong! Try again!"

"August 14th!"

"Nope! Again!"

"Uh...is it even in summer?"


"Alright uh...spring then?" He shakes his head as my eyes widen"you're a autumn or winter baby?!" He nods"I would have never thought that!" He crosses his arms with a smirk"I told you'd never get it."

"I'm not done yet!...uh...October 21st!"


"November 28th!"

"Wrong again."

"December 25th!"

"Do you think I'm god or something?!" He jokes"January then! Please tell me it's in January!" He shakes his head"February?" He nods"ah ok! I got this...February 29th!"

"That's not even a date!"

"Leap years my friend."

"Leap...huh? Anyway no,you get one more chance."

"Ok,uh...February 1st? 2nd? 3rd? 4th? 5th?"

"Stop just going through each day!"

"6th? Never said I couldn't. 7th?" He nods"really? February 7th...? That's such an odd birthday."

"How so?"

"It seems so forgettable."

"You seem forgettable."

"That's mean! I'm hurt!"

"Good. But what's my constellation?" He smirks with a raised brow"uh...you're an Aquarius...right?" He shrugs"no idea what you're talking about."

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now