One Hundred Million Twinkle Lights In Neon Blue

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My first and last convention of 2022 is soon:(


My eyes fluttered open as I was met with screaming. And one would hope it would be screams of terror and horror from the castle decaying but no,it was Noè and Vanitas. "As if you would believe me! A vampire who trusts a humans word?! How many times do you think I've nearly been killed by a vampire?! On top of that,it's about the queen this time! Did you already forget how Ruthven almost killed us?!" Noé then slammed his forehead onto Vanitas' "I believe you!" Vanitas then began to kick Noé in the shin"you tick me off! Ya know that?!" "Ow!"

I stood up and made my presence known that I had awoken. "Is this a bad time?" The two looked to me"Y/N,you're awake!" Noé exclaims as Vanitas sighs in relief. "How long was I out for?" I asked walking towards them"not long. Just a few minutes." I sighed"thank god. I was scared it was for hours or so." That's when I noticed other pieces of castle floating around us as well as a purple and pink sky.

"So-"I pointed to the scenery"what do we do about this?"

"Noé,have you given up on Chloé D'apchier?" Vanitas hums as the man shakes his head"of course not!" Suddenly growls were heard"wolves?" I muttered to myself as I looked over the edge of the floating rock to see a group of people on another surface. Those must be the villagers. "Is it safe to assume they're dead?" I asked aloud as suddenly a loud and boisterous voice was heard from above.

"Let's go indestructible blade,durandal!" I looked to see cloaked figures in white as I felt someone tug me backwards. "I knew it! I had a feeling I'd be meeting with you three again,thank you for your marvelous guidance lord!" One of the figures landed in front of us and their white hood was removed. It was a chasseur,Roland to be exact.

"Roland!" Noé exclaims as Roland spins around to us"is this all the Beast of Gévaudan's doing?" He smirks"so,what's the plan? If you three are here then that means there is a curse bearer around,yes? What can I do to ensure a peaceful resolution?" Noé then spoke up"but why help us?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's because I like you!"

"I-I like you to Roland!"

"Thanks you three!"

"Don't bring me into this."

"I think it's sweet."

"Listen Roland,just keep the people of Gévaudan alive." Vanitas instructs"even if a local dies because of this,Chloé D'apchier will be beyond help. She won't be able to save herself. So,can you do that?" Roland smiles"you can count on me. However I'm sure you know that I am here as a chasseur." He starts as he picks up his weapon"if I've decided we've hit the limit I'll probably kill vampires with no hesitation. So don't let me kill that beast,alright? Now go on! We've got this handled!" Noé nods and picks up Vanitas and jumps across the floating rocks and I followed them.

We made it to what was left of the library. It was just Noé and I now because Vanitas had ran off after arriving. "Who's this?" I asked Noé"Jean-Jacques." My eyes widened"he's he single?" "Afraid not. Hey Jean-Jacques,get up." Noé says to the black haired man but he doesn't wake up.

Suddenly footsteps were heard behind us and Noé tumbled to the floor"this is your fault!" Vanitas yells"promising things that might not happen,take responsibility!" Noé let's out a soft apology as Vanitas turns to the sleeping Jean-Jacques. "Hey! Wake up!" Vanitas demands as he begins to slap the poor boy"Vanitas,stop it..."I ushered as the boys eyes fluttered open. "Good you're awake. Chloé D'apcheir's revenge failed. So,I need The Book Of Vanitas to save her so tell me where it is." Jean-Jacques continued to look up at the scenery behind him for a moment before looking to Vanitas and answering him. "It's on the second floor sixth shelf." Vanitas nods and drops the boy as I turn around and head for the second floor. "Dante,Johann!" I exclaim as I rush towards them"Vanitas' book is on the sixth shelf. You gotta help me find it!" The two nodded and we headed for the sixth shelf.

Now,one would think this would be an easy task to do,however the book shelf was tall and quite long. There had to be at least a thousand books on this bookshelf.The three of us tore through the books and threw them to the ground in desperation. As we looked,a black flash was seen behind me which caused me to fall back. The black flash turned into black wolves,it was coming from Chloé. "We're running out of time!" I exclaimed as I stood back up"can't you two look faster?!" I complained"I don't see you doing any better!" Dante growls as he throws a few books onto the floor. "I mean,you would think it'd be easy to find right?! I-I mean it's got a chain and everything." I rambled as I looked through the shelves. "Well you don't have the best luck so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last thing we find." Dante admits"don't be so negative." Johann hums as he scans the books. In the background,music was heard and I glanced back to see Vanitas playing the instrument. I never knew he knew how to play...or is he just winging it? "Stop looking at your boyfriend Y/N. We've got a book to find." I looked to Dante who giving me a slight glare"he's not my boyfriend,and he never will be." I say as I return to looking at the shelves. "I think it's cute she's got a crush!" Johann adds"you people are disgusting." Dante growls. We continued to search as chaos unpacked from behind us(from what we could hear). "I found it!" Dante exclaims as he pulls out the grimoire and spins around"QUACK! I FOUND IT!" Vanitas quickly gets up and comes towards us"CATCH!" Dante throws the book as Vanitas goes to catch it,however before he can safely grab it,the place begins to shake which causes books to fall.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a black figure on the top of the machine. When I turned to see who it was,it was Jean-Jacques. A strong gust of wind caused me to stumble back a bit and upon looking at it,it was Jeanne who held Vanitas in her grasp. The boy flipped open the book quickly and a blue light began to emit from it as it signaled it was ready to destroy whatever it needed to. However Vanitas spoke to Chloé before allowing the book to do so.

"Chloé D'apchier! Either vanish with this world or live on in humiliation! Choose whichever you like! Even if you live on,you'll never regain your honor! The church will never admit the truth and you'll continue to be labeled as 'the beast'! Either way it'll be hell so the choice is yours!" Jean-Jacques then falls but Chloé stayed silent. She seemed conflicted as two black figures appeared behind her. Suddenly Jeanne appeared beside Jean-Jacques who seemed to have woken up. I looked to see Vanitas off to the side and on top of what remained of a shelf. I noticed one of his gloves missing "CHLOÉ!" Jeanne and Jean-Jacques yelled in unison as they grabbed onto Chloé and brought her into a hug.

That's when the book began to release it's blue magic,but this felt different than when he used to it before. This felt more impactful...if that's how I could describe it. Quickly the sky was coated in a black night,the purple and pink sky gone. Once the purple and pink sky was replaced,bright blue starts and constellations appeared. I stared up at it in amazement. I had never seen the book create such a scene. It was beautiful.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now