Now I'm Going To Show You How Much I Love You

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TW: needles

2 more chapters:)



"More bruises? What happen this time?" Mother asks me with a worried look. "The kids at school is what happen." I answered. "Ever since I transferred schools,they've begun to bully me." She picks up some gauze and wraps it around my injuries. "Do they know you're a vampire?" I nod"yes but I didn't tell them. It was from a rumor that started but obviously it's true."

"Do I need to tell the teacher?" I shake my head"no,there isn't a need." I said to her. 'Not like that would change anything.' I thought to myself"but you continue to come home messed up like worries me." She continued"it's fine. I can endure it. We vampires heal easily so it doesn't hurt as badly as how a human would feel it."

"Y/N,please be honest with me..."I hummed as she stopped wrapping my gauze and looked me in the eyes"are you the only vampire there?" I stayed silent for a moment as she sighed. "I knew know of our's not good." She says as she looks back down and continues to wrap up my injuries again. "We are feared because we've killed humans. Not only that,we've taken their blood. We're feared by those around us. The world needs to change so-"she looks up to me after finishing her wrapping. "Can you be the one who changes the world?"

:flashback end:

Chaos ensured as it continued to rain. Vanitas seemed to be more focused on Noé than I. Which was both good and bad.

Good because I don't think I could try and attack him,but also good because I can barely fight. But bad because he could kill Noé.

I stood off the side and watched the two. Noé was trying to hurt Vanitas and it seemed like he really wanted to kill him. But why? Noé has never shown such emotion before. I knew he was(probably) capable but it was odd to watch. It was like Noé was under a spell or something,he was one track minded.

The two boys were total opposites of one another.

Vanitas wore darker tones as it reflected his personality,past and how it affects him today. Vanitas' personality was unpredictable and he often would go back on his word. I wouldn't say he was double sided,but there were definitely times where he'd be fine one moment and totally loosing it the next. Like when he confessed his love to me or when(according to Dante) he grabbed his gun and beat him up. I knew Vanitas was good. There's a lot of good in him like the fact he worries for others but claims that he doesn't. But he also gets himself involved with things that have don't interest him just to save those involved. Like the chasseurs incident. He didn't want to be involved but he did it anyway because he had to. Vanitas' past effects him today because he can't let it go. And I don't blame him one bit. Having your parents killed and then being an experiment on top of being related to the blue mooned vampire is quite a lot to take in.

Noé on the other hand is the opposite.

He wears white which indicates 'innocence' and 'purity'. I think that lines up perfectly with who Noé is. He's open about his feelings,doesn't regret(if he does he doesn't show it) and he's open about his actions. Noé could never hurt anyone,but I truly believe that in every good person there is a bad person and inside of every bad person there's a good person.

So tell why are they fighting?

Noé hit Vanitas in the side with a part of some ride. This sent Vanitas tumbling to the ground. Two giant automations came crashing down onto Noé but I was more concerned about Vanitas. How can I get him to snap out of this trance and not hurt anybody?

I ran towards Vanitas"Vanitas!" I yelled as he held the grimoire. "You've got to stop this madness! Are you mad?!" He looked to me with no expression and instantly froze. He opened his book as an explosion was heard behind me. I turned to see smoke and parts of rides flying through the air. "Noé!" I screamed as I looked back to Vanitas"what is wrong with you?! Don't you know who you're hurting?!" He looked to me as blood ran down from his nose.

"You're bleeding." I pointed out but he stayed silent"Vanitas I can't hurt need to stop."

He pulled out his knife and used the wire,it wrapped around my ankle and he swung me into a ride. The impact was awful and pain surged through my entire body.

Noé jumped into the air and shattered the ground below us. Vanitas sent his whip towards Noé and it ended up cutting his upper cheek. I sat there on the ground in pain. It felt like everything was broken. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I cant give up like this.

Noé went to slice at Vanitas however the blue haired male ran towards Noé. Noé in a panic swung his arm upwards so that he wouldn't hurt the male but in return,Vanitas silt Noé in the side with his knife. I stared at the situation in front of me. Noé fell to the ground in pain. But that's when I felt something in me snap like a rubber band after being stretched to far. I weakly got up despite my body's protests and went towards Vanitas and grabbed him by his arm roughly.

"What is your problem?!" I screamed at him as he only stared at me with that dead expression. His eyes were devoid of life. He really did look dead. "What the hell happened to you?! Why are you acting like-" he then took his free arm and pushed me back which caused my grip to loosen a bit. Afterwards he took knife and plunged it into my abdomen. He pulled his knife away as I fell to the ground with a cough. Blood spewed out of my mouth as I laid on the ground.

Despite being a vampire and usual pain not being as bad,it still hurt a lot. Both emotionally and physically. "He...He said I didn't know anything about you!" Noé weakly stood up and grasped his side as Vanitas pulled out another syringe"he laughed at me!" He plunged the syringe into his neck like he did before"and yet you-!" Vanitas let the syringe fall as he slipped his knife away and pulled out the grimoire again. Noé made his way towards him but that's when my vision began to get blurry. It got hard to keep my eyes open.

Am I fixing to die...? My eyes began to flutter shut slowly. I hope that neither of them destroy one another.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now