Emotions Are Apart Of Our Design

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Hope y'all enjoy this train wreck of a chapter<3 also thank u sm for 2k reads!


A harp was heard from inside the building. "Vanitas where are we?" I asked the man as we stood outside a building. "It's a beautiful moonlit night. Isn't it?" He asks as he looks to me"yes,that it is. But what are we doing here?" I noticed people entering the building wear nice suits and dresses. "If you tell me we're going in there to dance I refuse." I tell him as he shakes his head"that's not it. Come with me." I followed him into the building to see people dancing with one another and chatting amongst themselves.

Compared to everyone here,we definitely stood out by our not so formal clothing. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him as he remained silent,but I continued to follow him. He eventually takes me outside to a balcony. "Here. It's secluded from everyone else. Not only can we enjoy the moonlight but we can also enjoy the harp." The door leading to the balcony was cracked so that the music from the room below could be heard. "Is this why you brought me here...? For some dumb harp?" He frowns"and here I thought everyone enjoyed the sound of a harp."

"N-No I mean it's nice it's just...after what I experienced...I'm not sure how to react. I apologize."

"Is it that you don't feel safe?" I shake my head"no,of course I do! You're here with me!"

"Then what's the matter?" I shrugged and looked down to the ground"I'm just feeling uncomfortable...I-I'm going to go to the restroom. I'll be back." I say as I exit the balcony and head back into the building. People were dancing to the music that the harp released,harps always reminded me of angels. Perhaps that says something about how I grew up. I walked around in search of the restroom but to no avail.

I could always just ask someone.

I walked up to a woman wearing a beautiful blue dress"excuse me,do you know where the restroom is?" The woman looked to me"well look what the cat dragged in." "Estella! What're you doing here?" I asked her"I could ask you the same thing." She smirks"but to answer your question,I'm here with my girlfriend." I glanced around"where is she?" I asked as I looked back to the lady. "She's getting us some champagne. You know the saying: 'drink to forget,don't forget to drink'." She smiles"so,what're you doing here?"

"Oh well I'm here with...that man I told you about." Her eyes widened slightly"did everything work out? Did it all get sorted?" I shrugged"I guess so..."

"Cheer up buttercup. I'm sure everything will work out in the end. I mean,you're here for a reason. He must've brought you here for something. Anyway,what did you-"

"Estella,I've returned with the-"a woman stopped with two champagne filled glasses in her hands. "Oh,who is this?" She asks with a slight glare"Marie,this is my friend Y/N." Marie's eyes widened"oh,you told me about her!" Marie was just as stunning as Estella. She had long brown hair,tan skin and pale blue eyes. Her dress was a dark shade of blue. "Hello my name is Marie. Pleasure to finally meet you." "Like wise." "So,what did you need Y/N?" Estella asks as she takes a glass from Marie. "Oh uh...where is the restroom?" I asked her"oh,it's over there." Marie speaks up as she points to a hallway off to the side. "Did you start your period or something?" My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks heat up"no,nothing like that. I just need to take a breather." "I suggest going outside then." Marie suggests as I shake my head. "No I just came from there. I-I think I just need to splash my face with some cold water." I admit"well if it doesn't work out between you and that man,you know where to find us." Estella tells me as I nod"I'll see you two around. Goodbye now." I head in the direction of the restroom.

I pushed open the door and stepped inside and took a deep breath. I walked over to the sink and turned on the faucet and began to splash my face with some water. A few girls entered,some in groups and some alone. I dried my face off and took another deep breath before returning to the party.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now