Last Snow

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Ch103 of bsd Lowkey hurts lol
If Ranpo dies I will be km


The flower field stretched for as far as the eye could see. I jumped down from the second story balcony and onto the flowers. They were soft like a blanket. It was a beautiful blue,but not as a beautiful as the mesmerizing night sky. I noticed the village people off in the distance along with the chasseurs. I took in a breath and walked towards the trees in the distance.

There was a sense of serenity in the air,it was strange.

Somehow the world was in chaos just moments before,Gévaudan was fixing to be wiped off the map and the sky was pink and purple. Rocks and pieces of the castle were floating,but all of that was gone like it was a bad dream. A breeze came by and gently blew the flowers around. I shivered slightly but continued on. The sky was coated in a sky blue with white fluffy clouds,this would have been beautiful in spring.

As I walked on I spotted the blue butterfly from before"hello,we meet again." I hummed as another butterfly appeared beside it,this time a shade of pink. "There's another one." I said aloud as the pink butterfly flew around me which made me let out a soft giggle. The pink one flew back over to the blue one,the blue one began to go forward and the pink one joined behind them.

I(once again)began to follow the butterfly.

The butterflies started off flying not to fast but with each step,they got faster and faster which caused me to go into a run. I eventually reached the end of the tree line and saw a figure on the flower bed,their hand reached up to the sky as if they were grabbing something. The two butterflies flew towards the figure and soon disappeared into the sky together. The wind gently blew again as I watched the figure. I placed a hand onto the tree and silently watched them. Something about them was so mesmerizing...they retracted their hand and set it out onto the flower bed before speaking up. "You're awfully bad at hiding my love." I jumped a little before speaking up"I wasn't necessarily trying to hide." I said to him as I walked over to the boy.

"Then what were you doing?" He asks as he sits up"I was watching you. You seemed to be upset about something,is everything alright?" I asked the boy as I sat down in front of him. "Hm? Did I seem upset?" I nodded"yes,you looked sad...there was a frown on your lips."

"Well everything is alright." He says to me as I noticed he was hiding his right arm behind him. "Your it alright? You're not hurt are you?" He shakes his head"I'm not hurt,just simply resting it there." He's lying to me...does he think I'm that stupid?

I smirked"oh? So you wouldn't mind if I did this~?" I pushed him down onto the flower bed and climbed on top of him,my legs straddling his waist. I grabbed his right hand and noticed the blue mark on his arm had spread down to his finger tips. "You call this 'fine'?" He doesn't respond"do you know why it spread?" The mark was from where he was marked by the vampire of the blue moon. When he first showed it to me I thought it was just pen but he explained to me that it was not. The mark had moved down to his fingers and created vein like marks. "No." He answers"maybe it has something to do with the book?" He hums in response to my guess.

"I thought that night sky you created was beautiful." I commented"really?" I nodded"yes. I wish the real night sky looked like that."

"Perhaps it will one day."

"As if! The sky could never look like that."

"Am I interrupting something?" We looked to see Jeanne standing about a foot or two away from us. I felt my cheeks heat up as I got off Vanitas and stood off to the side. "Jeanne..."he trails off as he stands up and Jeanne rushes to the Vanitas. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Vanitas! Chloé is alive! You a-actually saved her!" Vanitas gave an uncomfortable look as Jeanne hugged him. "Are you sure you can be happy about this...? I'm not sure what Ruthven is after but I can't imagine he'd just let her go." Jeanne pulled away"I'm aware of that! But I'm so happy I could burst! Vanitas,thank you so much! Because of you I was able to-"she suddenly paused and I watched her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Ah,th-thank you!" She then ran off as Vanitas silently watched her. "Vanitas,I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...I believe that she has fallen for you." I said to the boy as his body tensed slightly. "Really?" He glances to me as I nod"she became flustered. The Jeanne we know would've never done that." Vanitas looked from me and back to where Jeanne had ran off to.

"Vanitas!" We turned to see Noé walking out of the forest and towards us. He was carrying his hand?! "Noé! What happen to your hand?!" I exclaimed as I rushed over to him"oh Astolfo did this." My eyes widened as I pulled out my gauze"and you're just ok with this?! Do you know how infected this could get if not properly treated?!" Noé let out an apology"why're you here Noé?" Vanitas asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Jean-Jacques no longer wants to be a curse bearer." Vanitas nods as I finish up with Noé. "Let's get going then." We followed Noé to the others.

"You're sure about this?" Jean-Jacques nods"I wanted to protect Chloé but if I ended up hurting her with it then I don't need it anymore. I shall protect Chloé as myself,Jean-Jacques Chastel." Vanitas pulls out the grimoire"alright." He opens the book as blue emits from it as Jean-Jacques shuts his eyes as if he's expecting pain. "I see,so that's your name. 'Aprix' he who nestles close to the last snow."

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now