I'm Forever Chasing After Time

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How does someone get back the motivation to play Genshin Impact?


The fire cracked as Vanitas sat on the floor with his wet clothes still on. "You know that's not going to make you get any better,right?" I stated as I walked towards him,he only hummed in response. I ended up finding a small cabin in the forest,there was ribbon on a tree. Wonder who put it there. I sat down beside him on the floor"you need to take your clothes off Vanitas." He shakes his head"I'm not doing that for you,pervert." "I'm not a pervert! Plus I've seen you without a shirt plenty of times! It's not weird!" He shakes his head again and remains silent. "You're just going to get worse. The poison is enough,I don't need you dying on me." He doesn't respond as I groaned"listen Vanitas-"I stood up and grabbed the black coat which was resting on him. "I'm taking your clothes off." I pulled the coat off him and tossed it onto the bed. He looks to me with wide eyes"hey! What was that for?!" He screams"all your clothes are soaked! That fire won't do you any good if your soaked! Hasn't anyone taught you this?" He sighs"fine." I thanked him as I helped him take off his clothes. I set the clothes on the bed as he speaks up"and you? This would be weird if only one of us-" I then spoke up"no,it would be weird if we both." "But your clothes are also wet." "That may be so,but I'm not at a high risk of catching a cold or anything." "But this is unfair." "Vanitas I'm not taking my clothes off for you." "Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you won't catch a cold as well. You're just as vulnerable to it as I am." "That's not how that wo-" "who's the vampire doctor here?" I sighed and slid my gloves off"who knew that when you get sick,you get bossy." I muttered under my breath.

I shook my coat off and set it on the bed as well. I took my black over shirt off as well the vest and bow around my neck. I was now left in my tank top along with my pants. "There,happy?" He hums in satisfaction. I then grabbed the thin blanket which was resting on the table. I rejoined him on the floor and placed the blanket over our shoulders as the fire cracked once more. "Y/N,you're very nice." He says suddenly as I was taken back slightly. "H-Huh?" He nods"you're nice and pretty. I don't know why you stay...around me." "Where is this coming from?" I asked him"I love you." "I..."I bit my lip"why are you suddenly acting like this?" He shrugs"I don't know...I bet if I was with Jeanne she'd let me die." "I doubt that. She's a nice girl." Sometimes. He shakes his head"no I doubt she'd help me...but you always help me." "Thanks for the compliment?" He doesn't say anything else afterwards. The two of us stayed quiet for a while. I felt pressure suddenly on my shoulder,I glanced to see Vanitas asleep with his head on my shoulder. Soft breathing was heard as I smiled softly. Vanitas was quite a weird man. He could only fall asleep with those he was comfortable with,and I was honored to be one of those people. We've come a long way...I placed my head on top of his and shut my eyes. Within minutes I was asleep.


"Vanitas,do you believe in immortality?" I asked the boy as he hums"why do you ask?" He replies as we made our way towards the hotel we were staying at. "Well it's just that I saw a poster back there in that boutique." His brows furrow"what did it say?" "Just stuff how the beautiful will always be immortal. I guess they were trying to say that beauty is from the inside or something?" "That's a weird way to phrase that." I nod"I agree. But do you believe in immortality?" "Of course not. Why would anyone wish to be immortal? That would be awful. Everyone around you dying while your alone? That's worse than hell." "Is that why you cut yourself off from others?" He pauses in his tracks as I glanced to him"o-of course not." He answers as he continues to walk on. "Then why do you push others away?" "I'll push you away if you continue to bother me." He threatens"yea right! We've been together for almost a year now!" He rolls his eyes"whatever." It suddenly began to snow,a light snow that is.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now