Something's Not Right

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TW: drugs,addiction,overdosing

I dyed my hair bc tomorrow I get to see 4 middle aged men on stage!! One who puts the mic into his mouth and moans during Destroya,another who breaks wine glasses,the other who is really just there bc why not and lastly the he/they


"You're house is lovely." I said to Estella as she slips her heels off at the front door. "Thank you. It's not much,but I'm working on saving up to buy a place for me and Marie."

"You really love her,don't you?" She nods"that I do."

Once you entered the house you were greeted with the kitchen,living room and dining room. Her kitchen was small but cozy,her dining room was in the kitchen space but off to the side. As for her living room it was mirroring where her kitchen was placed. She shuffled towards one of the brown couches and flopped down onto it. "Sorry I'm so out of it. Tonight has been a night. Oh but please,make yourself comfortable." She says to me as I glance around the room to see two bookshelves near the wall,a fire place and a coffee table with two couches. Estella shifts into sitting up"I need to get out of this dress." She admits"dresses aren't my thing." "Really? I think you look lovely with it on." I say to her"really?" She gave a soft smile"I don't wear them often because they're so expensive to afford. Plus they're just a hassle." I nod"they really are and they're always so heavy!" "I know right! Ugh,anyway I was thinking I could get you settled and such and then have a chat. I'll make us some tea,are you alright with that?" "Oh well it's already so late that I don't need any caffeine in me." I said to her"oh I suppose you're right...alright,I'll figure something out." She gets up off the couch"follow me." She leads me down the hall and shows me the bathroom. "I'll bring you some towels and clothes to change into. Once you're done changing out of those clothes,put your dirty ones into that bin." She says as she points to a small bin in the corner of the room. "That's my dirty clothes pile. I'll pick it up after you get out. So for now,enjoy your bath or shower...whatever you decide to take." She turns on her heel"I'll leave the clothes outside your door. Let me run and get some towels." I nodded and waited for her. She quickly returned and set the towels onto the table in the room. "Enjoy yourself!" She smiles as she shuts the door behind her.

I turned on the faucet and decided on a bath. Something relaxing for me. I placed the water on 'hot' and played with the temperature until it was on a nice warm temperature. While the bath filled up I took my clothes off and set them into the bin. I stared at myself in the mirror as the bath filled. I looked exhausted. My skin was slightly paler than usual and I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. Ever since we've returned from Gévaudan my sleep schedule has not been the best.

The bath filled up and I shut it off before stepping into it and sitting down. Instantly I felt relaxed and my worries washed away. Estella was a very nice woman,now that I've been around her I can easily tell she's older than me unlike the first time we met. However despite me being slightly happy that I was away from the boys(especially Vanitas),I could not help but feel bad for not letting them know I wasn't going home tonight. Sure Vanitas said a lot of hurtful things to me today but he's still my best friend. Wait,did he say all that stuff to try and get me to stop being friends with him? Or was it just in heat of the moment? I finished my bath not long later and dried off. The clothes Estella brought me consisted of a silk long button up and some matching silk pants. I placed the towels into the dirty bin before heading towards the living room to see her missing. "Over here." She calls as I turned to see her messing around in the kitchen. "Be over there in a moment doll." I nod and sit on one of the couches as I waited for her. She returns with water and a coffee. "The water is for you. Sorry it's not much." I shake my head"it's fine. But why coffee?" She smiles"it reminds me of my childhood."

"So,tell me everything about this man." She states as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Oh well his name is Vanitas." I started as I gave her a quick run down of my relationship with him,our current situation and what not. "He sounds like a player. Plus he sounds toxic. You better stay away from him." She suggests"but I totally understand where you're coming from about not telling them anything. However,after what he said to you I'd make him worry out of spite. 'You said sh*t about me,so in retaliation I am going to punish you'. Something like that,ya know?" I nod"I do. But my other friend must be just as worried." "Let them worry. This isn't about your friend,it's about Vanitas. Oh that reminds me,when you mentioned his reminded me of the blue mooned vampire. Are the two related?" I shake my head"no,his parents just named him that. He is human after all." She hums"I see...what a weird name to name your child. It almost sounds like a punishment." She joked as she finishes her cup of coffee.

"Well I suppose you want to hear my past,yes?" I nodded"alright,well it all started back in England. I lived on a farm with my mother and father. As everyone knows,England does not have the best soil but we managed just barely. My family was rich in coffee beans for some reason. I suppose god-if there is one-blessed us with it. In my village,coffee was not that big of a deal. So even by 'being rich in coffee' meant nothing to my village. My father passed due to an unknown illness which left my mother and I in debt. We lost all the money we saved,sold the house and moved out here. While we were living in France,my mother discovered opium as a way of relieving herself and I picked it up because of her. However she was addicted to it and one day I found her dead. We all guessed that she over dosed and died. Even up to her death she remained true to herself and cared for me,plus stayed loyal to my father. I moved to Altus in search for a job and ended up landing one. While I was there I met Marie but we didn't get together until much later on. As we all know I am only interested in women. So,I went out with a many men. However each one left me disgusted and I felt like a part of me was missing. I thought that maybe it was drugs but that wasn't it. So,I went around and had sex with many men but in the end I still felt empty inside. There had to be some type of logical reason for why I was feeling like this,right? Man after man,relationship after relationship,nothing was working. I was close to hating myself because I felt that there was something wrong with me,like I was defective. But in my final moments,Marie confessed her love to me and kissed me. And instantly that empty feeling washed away and that's when I knew. If it wasn't for Marie,I wonder if I would be alive or dead."

I was in shock.

I did not expect such a story from her. "Shocking right? Yea when I told Marie she began to cry. But I'm over it now,it's in the past. Oh if you don't mind,please keep this all a secret from everyone. I mustn't let people know I prefer women otherwise the church would probably kill me,or burn me at the stake like a witch." I nodded as she lets out a sigh.

"Well then,it is becoming late. Let's head to bed. I'll take the couch while you take the bed." She offers"no,no. I couldn't possibly!" She stands up from the couch"I can tell there will be no changing your mind." She huffs in annoyance"fine. I suppose you can sleep on the couch. Oh I almost forgot!" She rushes to the kitchen and pulls out some fish and begins to chop it into small pieces. "Why fish?" I asked her"follow me."

I followed her to the front door and she opens it.

Afterwards she sets the fish onto the ground as a soft 'meow' is heard. Eventually a black cat struts up to her and begins to eat the fish. "Whose cat is this?" She shrugs"no idea. She started showing up at my house all of a sudden. It's a stray. I'd take her in but Marie is allergic to cats." I nodded as I watched the cat consume the food. "Goodnight little kitty." She says standing up and walking back into the house,I follow suit and shut the door.

"Anyway,let me grab you some blankets and pillows. I'll be back." She walks down the hallway and a few minutes later returns with blankets and pillows. "Here ya go." She says handing them to me"my room is right next to the bathroom if you need me. Goodnight and sleep tight." She walks down the hall again and I hear a door shut a few seconds later.

I placed the blankets down and pillows. I then blew out the candles in the room as it suddenly became pitch black. I crawled onto the couch and under the covers,I stared up at the ceiling in silence. I shut my eyes and decided to get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow Vanitas and Noé won't scream at me for being missing.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now