The Butterfly

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Guys I'll be able to legally drive soon


I pushed open one of the castle doors as it echoed with a 'clack' and once it shut behind me it echoed with a 'bang'.

The castle was huge and mesmerizing. Granted the walls were bare and boring but it made me feel as if I was in a fairytale,like something my mother would read to me. The windows were tall and skinny,this had to be built centuries ago judging by the architecture. A shiver ran up my spine,it felt like somebody was watching me. I looked around to see if I was being watched and sure enough I wasn't,I was guessing it was just the size of the place that made me think such a thing.

"I need to find Vanitas." I started to walk down the hallway as my shoes clicked against the floor"I just hope he's here somewhere." It was a bit cold in the castle but it was warmer compared to the outside. "If only I had a ball gown and a tiara I could be like Cinderella." I continued down the hall in silence. I eventually came to a grand stair case. "I guess I'm going up." I walked up the stairs and now I was on the second floor. "How many floors is to this place?" I asked aloud"it must be at least four or five. Geez,I'd hate to do cleaning here." I continued to search around but found myself growing bored since every hall and every room was almost identical.

I groaned and leaned against one of the walls. "This is taking forever!" I complained"there's gotta be a better way to go about this...why can't there be a guide to rooms or something? And even if screamed out for him he probably wouldn't hear me if he was on another floor." I took in a deep breath and continued down the hallway. "Why am I even looking for him? Sure I...he's a capable man. He's old enough to take care of himself." I said coming to a stop"yea,he's eighteen years old. I'm not his baby sitter or anything. If he dies or something that's on him." I turned on my heel and started back down the hallway where I came from originally. Though I didn't get far before I stopped again. "But still-"I looked back to where I had come from"if something really does happen to him,I'm unsure how I could live without him." I shook my head"have I really become dependent on him...? Much less a man?" I kicked my shoe into floor"stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You're only worried because of your jealousy! Nothing more and nothing less! Stupid emotions! Stupid! Stupid!" Why must we have emotions? "I don't even have a weapon." I said to myself as I opened my bag and placed my hand inside and felt around. "No,nothing. Just like I thought. If something happened to him it's not like I could save him..." I could save him,help him,,I don't want to use that side of me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a hint of a bright blue. I lifted my head and looked in the direction"am I crazy or did I just see blue?" After a few seconds of silence I approached the area where I saw the blue. It was a corner. I saw the figure go by another corner up ahead. "Hey! Wait up!" I called out as I began to run towards them. I continued to follow it through the castle"Vanitas! Wait up!" I yelled as I felt myself becoming out of breath. "I'm really not made for running long distances,am I?" I gasped for air as my hands were resting on my knees as I caught my breath. "Alright,let's get going again." I continued after the blue figure a bit more. "You won't get away from me this time!" I ran towards them and jumped towards them to grab them. However instead of landing on somebody like I thought,I ended up on the hard floor. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I groaned in pain as I felt tears prick my eyes. I realized my hands were out in front of me as if I caught something. I slowly opened my hands to see a butterfly,a second later it fluttered out of my hand into the air. However instead of flying off,it stayed stationary in front of me. "Huh? You're not...going anywhere?" I sat up as I clutched my stomach. "Ow,my stomach hurts now." The butterfly began to start off again"hey wait,I just fell super hard!" However the butterfly didn't stop and continued down the hall. "Alright,alright,I'm coming!" I stood up and almost fell over but caught myself before I tumbled over.

I followed the butterfly around the castle until I eventually heard two voices.

"Did that hurt?"


"So then this is real,good. What happen to you? Are you doped on something?" That sounds like Vanitas and Noé. I peaked around the corner to see Noé sitting on the floor surrounded by a bit of blood while Vanitas stood in front of him.

"S-Sound like it..."


"Are the others with you?"


"Are they alright?"

"Hey! That should be my-"Vanitas suddenly got quiet"huh?" "Nothing. Never mind." He states as my eyes widened a bit. Was he really fixing to say that he was worried about Noé? Aw~. And he says they're not friends.

I came out from around the corner"Noé! You're alright!" He looks up to me"Y/N!" "Where did you come from?" Vanitas asks as he looks to me"that's-"I placed my index finger over my mouth with a smile"a secret~." Vanitas just stared at me before moving on"anyway,did you get any useful information? Jeanne was saying that the beast is Chloé-" Noé then stood up"no,it's not!"

We headed outside as Noé filled us in on what information he got ahold of. "Well,this was a wasted trip." Vanitas admits"if she became a curse bearer willingly,there's no saving her. I'm not sure what she's planning to do with that device but if those memories you saw are true and there was never a beast,then there must be some resentment here." "We c-cant just leave them though!" Noé exclaims"why not? 'Revenge is pointless so don't it. It won't make anyone happy'. Is that what you're getting at?" Vanitas infers as he glances at Noé. "No! I'm not saying anything like that! I don't know what Mademoiselle Chloé is thinking and I-I don't know what she wants or what 'salvation' looks like for them. I just don't want to leave without trying to find it out."

Vanitas let out a sigh"well either way I need to find The Book Of Vanitas. I'll go along with you." Noé gave a confused look"you're pretty dense,aren't you? What I'm saying is that I'll act on the assumption that you're going to convince me." Vanitas walks towards Noé and places a finger onto Noé's chest"if you want me to help,make me feel like treating them." Noé nods"alright!" Vanitas pulls his hand away and looks to me"and you?" "I'll be honest,I've been out of the loop almost this entire time. But whatever my friends are determined to do,I'll join in!" Vanitas shakes his head with a small smile"let's go." He says walking off"I'll do my best Vanitas!"

As we walked on the rooftop we ran into Astolfo and the older man. They were surrounded by dead wolves and it was obvious Astolfo was the one to have murdered them. "So you people are alright as well? What a shame!" He smiles as he slips off his white cloak and throws it to the older man who barely catches it. "I'll take care of them,you do the rest." "But ca-" "that was an order Marco. There's a vampire here who I failed to end in front of me. I just can't let him go. Vampires and those on their side,I must kill them." Astolfo goes on with a smile. "Let me handle this Vanitas. I'll be sure to win this time." Noé assures"fine,I'll leave it to you then. But make sure you get a hit on him for me." He tells Noé as Vanitas glances back at me. "Let's get going."

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now