The Only Hope For Me Is You

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Vanitas had ran towards Noé as they stood on the rooftop of the building. I tried to move but my body was frozen in place.

'Move.' I thought to myself 'move damnit!' Yet nothing. No limb was listening to my head. My stimuli was cut off. "Kill him...kill that vampire!" Noé then threw his arms open"MY NAME IS NOÉ! AND I AM NOT 'THAT VAMPIRE'!" Noé slipped off the building and fell towards the ground,Vanitas jumped down after him with his knife over his head.

His one objective was to kill Noé.

"Listen to me Vanitas! I refuse to be what you want me to be! I will never set you 'free'!" Noé fell onto the ground as Vanitas straddled his waist. The knife was high above his head. I tried to call out to Vanitas to stop and that he was mere moments away from killing one of his friends.

Vanitas took a deep breath and plunged the knife into Noé's neck.

The vampire was instantly killed,there was no way to revive him with a wound like that. Vanitas took the knife out of his neck as blood sprayed all over him like a waterfall. Vanitas set the knife onto the mans chest before looking at me,a blank expression written on his face with dead and hollowed out eyes.

Blood dripped off his face and onto his clothing. He got up slowly and walked over to me. I tried to back away from him but nothing.

I was paralyzed.

I hate this.

I hate this!

"Y/N..."he calls out to me as he stops right in front of me. "I'm sorry." He says looking up at me with tears brimming his eyes. "I-I didn't mean to kill him...i-it just happened." After I didn't respond,he let out a hum"I know you can't forgive me and I'm sorry..."he then walks back over to Noè's cold body and picks up his knife. After doing so he returns to me and places the knife into my hand and gives me a serious look"kill me."

:dreamscape end:

I woke up in a cold sweat. I placed a hand onto my chest to try and calm my breathing but it didn't help my racing heart beat. I heard the rain beating outside my window but that only made my anxiety worse. I leaned forward and placed my hands onto the sides of my head. That wasn't real,right? It couldn't have been.

I removed the covers from my body and stood up from the bed. I slid the curtains apart despite the pain in my abdomen telling me to stop. I opened the window and climbed onto the rooftop. It was rainy and cold. My clothes quickly became soaked as I shuffled towards the figure sitting on the rooftop.

"Vanitas?!" I yelled as I saw him look over to me,a blank expression on his face. "Vanitas!" I cried as I jumped into his arms and this caused him to fall back onto the rooftop. "Y-Y/N are you-"he paused mid sentence as he saw the tears running down my cheeks as I straddled his waist. "Woah,woah! Why're you crying love? What happen?" His blank expression was now filled with concern though this eyes were still a bit dead. "I had a nightmare." I said to him"about what?" I leaned into his chest and grabbed hold of his shirt tightly. "It was a-about last killed Noé." I sobbed"last night..."he mutters under his breath"you then asked for me to kill you." I cried harder"I-I can't do that to you!" I lifted my head and sat up and stared into his dead blue eyes"tell me,you didn't k-kill him right?" He shakes his head"no,I didn't kill Noé. He's probably asleep." He reached his hand up to my eyes and wiped them but this only caused me to cry harder. Never in my life has someone been this nice to me.

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now