Warmth In The Cold

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We love being back in the 2016-2017 Undertale phase Venti


My eyes fluttered open as I found myself laying on the floor,my bones ached from the hardwood floor. I realized that Vanitas was missing. I sat up and noticed his clothes were missing from the bed to. I let out a yawn and stood up,and I slipped on my clothes and heard voices outside. "In the beast of Gévaudan incident,the 'beast'-a vampire who became a curse bearer-killed many people. So Ruthven and the church tried to dispose of it,that wasn't all was it?" My eyes widened as I realized that Johann and Dante had knives pressed to their throats and nobody else but Vanitas was the one doing it.

Vanitas sighed"well,that was a short lived relationship." "Woah! Woah! W-Wait!" Dante stuttered out as Johann spoke up in a menacing voice"hey,meddle with my 'family' and I'll kill you." "Go ahead and try. If you do there will be two dham corpses on this mountain." Vanitas challenged as I slipped on my gloves and ran outside to see Jeanne standing there and watching the scene unfold.

"Jeanne,what happened here?" She looks back to me as I step up beside her"oh Y/N,apparently those two have information about the beast..."she trails off as I watched Vanitas(hesitantly) pull the knives away from the two. "Ok,I'll talk." "Good." Vanitas puts his knives away and places a hand on his hip as he turns in our direction. "Jeanne,do you think the 'silver witch' Dante mentioned is your Chloé?" She nods"probably." "Do you have any idea where Noé was taken? I want you to show us the way." "I don't intent to stay any longer." Jeanne admits"listen,we have two different goals but you're also interested in what he has to say,right?" Jeanne places a hand onto her chest and grips her cape"I-I..." "hm? Why does the Hellfire Witch know where that guy is?" Vanitas turns back to Dante"shut up baldy. We'll listen to your story on the way there." "HUH?!" "What's got you so riled up?" "I'm not riled up it's just-...there's no time to waste right now." Vanitas then turns to Jeanne"go ahead and lead the way." Jeanne nods and picks up her coffin shaped box that her gauntlet was in before walking deeper into the forest.

Vanitas walks over to me and grabs my hand and pulls me along with the group. I felt my cheeks heat up. Vanitas was never one on PDA(unless it's to tease somebody) but why was he doing it now? I was guessing that his fever broke in the night due to how he was acting like his normal self right now. I wanted to ask him what he remembered of last night but now was not the time,nor was ever. "How much do you know about the D'apchier family?" Dante starts"only what you gave me." The red head nods"their line died out because of the beast of Gévaudan,yes?" Dante nods again"Herman D'apchier was attacked and killed by the beast during a wolf hunt along with his son. The wife killed herself,most likely to follow her husband. Under those circumstances,when people heard that the D'apchier's had been wiped out due to the curse of the beast,you couldn't blame them. They say the D'apchier family was doing their own research on the world formula after the church banned it." What Dante said caught my attention. Why would they need to do that? What for? "After many years of research,a world formula 'alteration device' was made. They say that is what created the beast of Gévaudan." Vanitas then spoke up"in other words,you mean both humans and vampires are getting involved in this matter in order to do something with that device?" "Probably." "And who gave you this information? Whose orders are you following?" The vampire doctor pressed"Dante,that's enough." Johann speaks up in a worried tone. "Relax it's fine. Sir Francis Varney,also known as Marquis Machina-the clockwork fiend." "So he's your patron?" "Dhams allies are only other dhams! What he hired me to do was: one,get you the kin of the blue mooned vampire involved and two,find out if that alteration device exists and if possible,bring it back with me."

As we walked onwards the ground suddenly began to shake. "That's probably not good." I commented as Vanitas let go of my hand and we were instantly surrounded by wolves. "That must be her,Chloé D'apchier." He says looking off in the distance to see a pillar of light. We then began to run towards the pillar of light"let me make one thing clear,this isn't the past!" "But yesterday you said we were in the past!" Dante reminds"I didn't. I just said that 'Antoine' was the name of Louis XV's first gun bearer. Antoine was sent to Gévaudan to take over his predecessor in June of 1765. No where did it say it was snowing in the report!" "That's creepy! Don't remember all the material I gave you!" "That means this is a different past or someone created this world?" "Look!" Johann exclaims as he points to below the hill. We peaked over to see the men from the other century. "Did time reset?" I hummed"didn't they get killed yesterday?!" Dante adds. "I see...a repeating world,hm?" Vanitas asks as I looked in his direction to see him surrounded by dead wolves. "I know the malnomen now. This is a closed off work created by a curse bearer." He informs us as Jeanne comes to sudden halt. She whips out her gauntlet and blasts fire towards the snow to boost herself into the air.

A harsh wind went by as I covered my face with my arm. The wind finally went away and I realized Jeanne was gone but"where's Vanitas?" I asked as I glanced around. "He's not here?" Johann asks as I shake my head. "He was but...did he go with Jeanne?! Ugh! That idiot!" "You better go stop him from doing something stupid." Johann suggests"nah,let him die." Dante admits"Dante! That's mean! Alright,I'm going to go find him,see ya!" I exclaim as I run off towards the castle in the distance.

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