The Darks Not Taking Prisoners

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I have binged Sonic 1 and 2(the games) and have been listening to Lights,Camera,Action from Sonic Mania and I Am All Of Me on repeat<3 life can't get much better than this


We followed Jeanne deeper into the forest and ended up finding Noé and a boy with pink hair. "Noé!" Vanitas hollers for the white haired vampire as we approached him. "Are you alright?" Dante asks the male"did you find him?!" Johann asks behind us as Vanitas demands that Jeanne stops. Jeanne either didn't hear what he said or was ignoring him,either way she shot fire out from her gauntlet and it went towards the beast. "Jeanne,why is she here?" Noé asks as the fire caused a strong gust of wind to go through the forest.

"Captain there you are!" I looked to see an older man running towards the pink haired male. It was clear the boy was a chasseur due to his clothing and the spear which he held in his hand. "Please don't go run off like that ag-"the younger male shoved the butt of the weapon into the older man's stomach which knocked him onto the ground. "Quiet. That is the Beast of Gévaudan and that that...the Hellfire Witch?!" The boy began to laugh"what a wonderful day! To think I'd get to see not only the beast,but also lord Ruthven's bourreau!" Johann then spoke up"that boy is Astolfo isn't it? Noé darling,did he give you these wounds?" Noé nods"yes but they're not deep." Noé gets up and begins to approach Astolfo.

"I can still fight. I'm not done with that-"Vanitas grabs the back of Noé's coat and pulls him back. "Calm down." The blue haired male lets go of Noé's coat as the vampire looks to the other male. "Was he tougher than Roland?" "Of course not! Roland was scarier a-and stronger." "Then why are you so upset over this? Did you think you could talk to him like you did Roland? Were you unable to attack him because it seemed like you were fighting a woman or a child? Listen,you're to worked up. So let's switch this up!" I then spoke up"Vanitas should I be scared?" "Of course not!" He stepped in front of Noé and I and then put on an act. "What?! A chasseur paladin here?! D-Dont tell me,is it Roland of jasper?!" Vanitas then turned to me"what,you're saying it's not? It's Astolfo of garnet? Who's that? Never heard of him!" Vanitas then smiles"oh that's good to hear! If we were up against Roland of jasper we wouldn't be able to do anything! Up against a little girl like this,I'm sure we'll manage!"

Astolfo sent a glare towards us,though it was mostly to Vanitas. "To easy." Vanitas snickers. "Until you die." I speak up"we'll be fine. Anyway,he's Astolfo of garnet. He's known as the chasseurs 'trouble child' and he has deep hatred for Roland. After the incident with the chasseurs,I did a bit of research. This is my forte." Vanitas states"you go take care of Jeanne." He says to Noé"if that beast is a curse bearer we can't have it being killed now when I haven't deduced the malnomen. I came here to 'save' vampires,are you here for the same reason?" "Of course not!" Noé states as he turns on his heel and runs off"good luck Noé!" I yelled as I looked to Vanitas"and what about me?" "Back up for my back up." "And who is your backup?" "Dante." "Vanitas we've been over this. I can do so much more than-" he looks to me"I know,I know. We can talk about this later. Hey Dante!" He walks towards the red head"it's been a while but be my back up." Dante groans"this is gonna to cost ya." He says readying his gun as Vanitas grips his knife tightly and rushes towards the chasseur.

I sighed in defeat as I realized that I was probably never going to be needed. I hopped up into a tree and sat on one of the limbs as I watched the scene from below play out. Did Vanitas truly not need me? Did he know I didn't have my knife on me? I shook my head. No that possibly couldn't be it. Does he not want me getting hurt? Feels very in character for him if it's that last one. Astolfo swung his weapon at Vanitas as he dodged"is that all you got?! In both terms of speed and weight,Roland leaves you behind." A gunshot was heard below as I knew it was Dante though I was not able to see him.

Vanitas grabbed hold of a tree limb and swung around it and swiftly kicked Astolfo in his face. "Reactions are pretty decent." Vanitas comments as he jumps off the tree. "Marco! Take care of the rest of them!" That must be the man. The two humans began to move farther away from me which caused me to get up from my tree and follow them. "If this is what their captain is like,I shouldn't be surprised! If they're making idiots like you paladins,then the chasseurs must be desperate! Oh but that's right-"Vanitas stopped and was stood on top of a hill while Astolfo looked up at him. "In your case,your family got you in." Astolfo paused in his tracks"Astolfo Granatum. During that old long war,the Granatum family was very active. Apparently they still have ties to the church,hm? Let me guess,your father for you in." Vanitas smirked"'daddy,I've just got to be a paladin!' Wasn't that a good imitation? Come on now,tell me! Just how much did that foolishly fond aristocrat father of yours give the church to buy you that rank?" Suddenly something in Astolfo snapped"LEAVE MY FATHER OUT OF THIS!" The boy rushed towards Vanitas"you're so easy to tease! I'm surprised you're even still around! Here,have a lesson from a past chasseur!"

That's when the world began to shake,I gasped and held onto the tree for support as to not fall. That's when music was heard and a parade was shown below-charlatan. Astolfo killed a few off"what are these things?" Within seconds Astolfo fell to the ground,his weapon beside him. Vanitas and I made eye contact,he gave me a look that said: 'don't get pulled in'. Vanitas looked away as I saw Jeanne in the distance surrounded by her own demons. "I'll kill you..."Astolfo started as he gets up"every last vampire..."he grabs his spear and uses it as support to stand up"I'LL MASSACRE ALL OF YOU!" Astolfo runs towards Jeanne,however Vanitas appears between the two of them.

My eyes widened as Astolfo stumbled back after the blue haired male cut him and then kicked him in the stomach. "This is revolting!" Vanitas places his knife away and pulls out The Book Of Vanitas"let's end this!" He opens the book but that's when the silver chain is suddenly severed. It falls from Vanitas' hand and the book releases a bright blue light,it was almost blinding! Charlatan vanished within moments,it seemed as if there was finally peace once again.

I jumped down to see Vanitas laying under a tree. "Vanitas,are you alright?" I asked as I approached the male. He looks up to me"yes I'm fine." He answers"you're awfully pale." "I said I'm fine." "Your cheeks are bright pink." "I'm fine." He says again"then get up. It's cold out here." "The snow is comfortable." "How are you going to say that when an hour prior you were freezing due to the cold? Oh my,are you dying?!" He doesn't respond"did you get hit?!" He nods but doesn't look at me. "Oh god where?!" He looks to me and then to his right arm. I bent down and removed his glove and pushed up his sleeve. "Jesus Christ." I muttered as I stared at the open wound. I pulled out some gauze from my bag and began to wrap it around the wound"anything else you wish to tell me?" "It's poisonous." "HUH?! Great! You're really gonna die now!" I finished wrapping up his wound and took one of my gloves off. "What're you-"he started as I moved his bangs and placed my hand on his forehead"you're burning up." I pulled away and placed my glove back on. "Come on,let's get you out of the snow."

The Only Hope For Me Is You(Vanitas X Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now