Chapter 9 - Texting You

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Charlotte half sprinted half fell up the stairs like lightning, the apple she had been eating still in her hand.

'WHAT? WHAT DOES IT SAY? SHOW ME!' She screamed, demanding to see the text.

Hey Sarah, how are you today? I'm sore, even though we didn't get hit! I think it was from when we rolled down the bank... ;p xx

'AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!' Charlotte squealed, straight into Sarah's ear.

'OW! That was my ear you maniac!' Sarah said, in response to the scream in her ear, which was now ringing, but laughing slightly.

'Sorry, I was just excited!' She apologised, beaming like an excited child, and the text wasn't even to her, 'What are you going to say? He even put two kisses!'

'He always does that though, on twitter he does it all the time.' Sarah replied, whilst composing a text.

Hey, yeah I'm sore too, definitely from when we rolled down the bank :p but i'm good. What are you up to today? Xx

'Do you think that's ok Charlotte?'

Charlotte read the text several times before deeming it acceptable, and Sarah sent it. The two girls peered at the screen for several minutes after they sent the reply, and... Nothing. Charlotte suggested they went out to get some chocolate and other sugary sweet snacks whilst they waited to see if they got a text back. When they returned fifteen minutes later loaded with unhealthy food products, including skittles, unmistakably there was the blinking red LED light on Sarah's blackberry.

Both girls rushed over and opened the text.

We've had a meeting this morning, and we're in the studio later :D Tomorrow we've got some interviews. What about you? Xx

'He loves being in the studio doesn't he?' Charlotte said, not to anyone in particular, just thinking aloud.

'Yeah, he does.' Sarah answered, typing her next text.

Sounds interesting :) You love being in the studio don't you? I've just been chilling with my friend Charlotte, the girl I got you to follow yesterday. I've recounted yesterday about a hundred times to her now, she loves you guys :) xx

Within minutes Nathan had sent a reply.

It's true, I have too much fun when I'm working! Haha, poor you... She sounds like a bit of a fangirl, but we are so glad to have her, as we are with all our fans :) xxx

'THREE KISSES!! There are three kisses Sarah!'

'Charlotte, please calm down! I know it's exciting, but you're going to make me deaf in a minute!'

'Sorry.' Charlotte mumbled in reply, as Sarah was replying to Nathan.

Yeah she's desperate to meet you, and when she found out you guys had followed her on twitter she deafened me, so thank you for that. She says a massive thank you and 'you've made my life' :) It's great how much time you spend talking to your fans, and doing things for them. We both watch the flip each week! :) xxx

Sarah sent her text, and waited again for Nathan to reply.

haha, she's welcome, tell her we say hi, and I could arrange for us all to meet up sometime, would you two like that? We love all our fans, they've got us where we are today. Glad you enjoy the flips :) xxx

'Hey, Charlotte?'


'How would you like to meet The Wanted with me sometime?'

If it was possible for Charlotte's mouth to hit the floor, it happened.

'Are you serious?'

'Yeah, Nathan asked if you wanted to meet them in the text he just sent. But you were too busy tweeting or whatever you're doing.'

'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!'Charlotte screamed extremely loudly, not even taking a breath. She sounded like she was being strangled or trying to call for help or something. 'AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!'

'I'll take that as a yes then.' Sarah muttered as she replied to Nathan, Charlotte still screaming in shock and pleasure.

Well, all I've managed to get out of her is lots of mad screaming, so I'm taking it as a yes. And I would love to meet up again, and in reply to your tweet, I don't have a boyfriend :) xxx

Charlotte continued to scream for a while, then started laughing, then started crying from both. For the whole time, Sarah just looked at her friend with an amused expression, waiting for Nathan to reply. The red light on her blackberry started flashing, meaning she had another text.

Thats great! I've spoken to the boys, we are going to America on Sunday to tour with Justin Bieber for a bit, then we are doing some of our own gigs. We can meet up when we get back though? xxx

Sarah smiled and typed back what she thought would be one last reply, although she wasn't sure whether he meant it was great she didn't have a boyfriend, or great they were going to meet up. She decided it was the latter, and that he had ignored the bit about her lack of boyfriend. Or it could have been both. She was so confused and currently Charlotte would be no help.

That sounds great! Can't wait to see you all again. Have fun in America! :D xxx

But Nathan wasn't going to let her get away that easily, and Sarah was surprised when he replied again. When she read his text, a grin formed on her face.

We will, I'm sure. I'm not done talking to you yet, I won't let you get away that easily ;) I have the day off in two days, and I was wondering if you'd like to meet up? Just the two of us? xxxx

Sash could not believe what she was reading. Nathan Sykes had just asked her out on a date. Just the two of them, together for a day. It was obvious what she going to say.

I'd love too! It sounds great :) What were you planning on doing? xxxx

Nathan fired a message back as quickly as he could. Which was pretty much instantly.

Im so glad you want to meet up :) Its a surprise :p see you in two days :) xxxx

Sarah didn't particularly like surprises, but she was sure she'd like this one. She'd liked the surprise of winning the contest hadn't she? Correction. She'd loved it.

awwwww, I want to know now :p see you soon :) xxxx

When Sarah told Charlotte she went mental again, and immediately started planning an outfit for Sarah to wear, and was pacing the room muttering to herself about it.

Sarah could not wait to see Nathan again, and find out what he had planned.


Nathan is back in the next chapter, so look forward to that! I hope I haven't been boring you with all these filler chapters. Thank you to everyone who has been reading!

If you need any new music to listen to, you should check out Bastille - they're great! :)

Happy Sykes Sunday! :D See you next weekend.

A x

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