Chapter 14 - Controlling

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Twenty minutes later Max and Tom turned up at the police station. Max had a face like thunder. Tom didn't look particularly pleased either.

Nathan pulled Sarah closer to him than she already was. He wanted her close, he liked the feel of her body against his, but he also felt safe with her there, and knew she would offer protection from Max. he knew he should be protecting her, but Max already knew it wouldn't have been her choice to go to a club - she wasn't even legal. It would be an understatement to say he was angry.

Max and Tom bailed them, and as they were walking out of the building hissed at Nathan, 'we will talk about this when we get back to our house. You can take Sarah home later.' Max treated both Nathan and Jay with silence for the journey. Nathan was dreading the lecture he would get when they got back, even more so as he knew max would demand Sarah to be present in the room. He had no idea how Jay was feeling, but he hoped he was feeling just as worried and nervous, and incredibly guilty for bringing this upon all of them, including the band and management.

They walked in and Max instructed the three of them to sit down on the sofa. An awkward silence filled the lavishly decorated room. This was not broken until Max spoke, neither Nathan nor Jay had he courage to speak first, knowing they would be beratted by him from the moment a sound left their mouth. Nathan tightened his grip around Sarah's waist, pulling her closer to him on the sofa, protectively, their hips and thighs touching.

'Would either of you care to explain what happened?' Tom took this as his cue from Max to leave the room, he obviously knew more about their date than he had originally let on when he asked him if he knew about it earlier.

'Well, as you know it was going to be my date with Sarah,' Nathan looked at her lovingly, 'And I was going to take her bowling and then to a restaurant. Harmless and sweet. But then Jay came along and had a go at me as he apparently has feelings for Sarah too, not that he expressed them much tonight, and barged his way into my date, and-'

'Did not!' Jay argued.

'Did too!'

'Did not!'

'Did too!'

Just as Jay was about to reply 'Did not' again, Max broke up their immature arguing, 'Stop it! Carry on Nathan.'

'And he insisted we take Sarah to a club, even though I argued she was too young and might be worried, but he wouldn't listen. And then he got drunk in the club, I didn't drink by the way, and he got jealous when he saw me and Sarah kissing,' Nathan blushed a little whilst beaming, but then snapped out of it because Max frowned even more, 'And went and told the security guard that she was too young in his obvious jealousy, and then we were arrested. And then you came and got us. But you already know that bit because you were there.' Nathan finished his long, explanatory speech.

'WHY DID YOU GO TO A CLUB?' Max shouted, 'Even after everything I said to you about staying away from the media and doing something less public with Sarah, because I saw how much she meant to you! Why?'

'I said I didn't want to go. I wanted to take her to the park and sit down and chat and get to know each other better-'

'Yeah, it's fine Nath, you've got to know her very well tonight. I wouldn't worry.' Jay retorted.

'Shut up Jay.' Max ordered.

'Ask Jay. He wanted to go to the club. As he said it was his part of my date.' Nathan finished again.

'Our date.' Jay once again corrected him on this matter.

'Whatever Jay.' Nathan replied frostily. Nathan stroked Sarah's hip, comfortingly. What a nightmarish way for such a beautiful day to end. A beautiful nightmare. How Nathan wanted Sarah's lips on his again. But that didn't look likely to be happening any time soon. Looks like he'd have to wait until the end of the night.

'So why did you go to a club Jay?'

'To have some fun.' Jay replied simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and the stupidest question ever asked in the history of questions.

Mad groaned. Many more questions, groans, and shouting from Max, and many more icily exchanged words later, Nathan was free to take Sarah home. Max is being so controlling thought Nathan I'll do what I want.

Hey guys! I know this isn't the most interesting chapter and it's not very long, but I had to put it in. It's completely necessary. But I think you'll like the next chapter...

Thank you all so much for getting this story to so many reads and votes... I never thought this would happen - considering I wasn't even going to upload it! It means so much to me :)

This chapter is dedicated to @Vanilla_Pod because she encouraged to me start writing, and gives me motivation when I think chapters aren't good enough. Please read her stories, she deserves more reads and fans.

Next update will be Sunday, but I'll try to post on Wednesday if I can.

Love you all!

Amy xx

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