Chapter 11 - First Date

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Two Days Later...

'Nathan, where are we taking Sarah later then?' Jay asked, just allowing himself into Nathan's room.

'You know there is this thing. It's called knocking. And there's something else called manners and being polite.' Nathan said frostily back from where he was gelling his hair up in his bathroom.

'Sorry, I just wanted to ask a simple question. You're going to have to chill before we go to get Sarah, otherwise she'll ask why you're being off with me.' Jay replied, logic ringing with his words.

Nathan realised Jay had a point. He needed to be civilised around Jay and he had to be friendly towards him in front of her, so he might as well just get along.

'Well, I was going to take her bowling, and then go out for dinner, and return her to her house by ten because her school starts again tomorrow.' Nathan explained.

'Have you told her what you're doing?'

'No, I wanted it to be a surprise.'

Nathan replied, shrugging.

'Good, because I think we could make it a little more exciting than that.'

'And how is that?' Nathan raised his eyebrows a little.

'By taking her to a club after dinner.' Jay said, wiggling his eyebrows.

'What?! No way! We are not going to a club, she's not old enough, and Max said I should lie low for a bit. As in not letting the paparazzi see us together, and not being seen in public places by fans for a while, because we don't need rumours to deal with at the minute, whether they be true or not. Think about everything management are trying to deal with and organise as well. This year has been hectic, and next year will probably be even busier. I don't want to be involved in some scandal with her getting thrown out of a club and us having to bail her out of jail.' Nathan replied, explaining everything to Jay. Little did he know how much truth those words held, how much truth they held about how their night was going to end.

'You got to choose to go bowling, I agree with you on the dinner, so I think it's fair that I get to choose to do a second part of the date. You get your part, and I get my part. It's fair.'

'Yeah, what's not fair is you taking over my day with Sarah.' Nathan muttered under his breath.

'What was that?' Jay questioned.

'Yeah, I was agreeing, it's fair.'


'But isn't there something else we could do that's less public?' Nathan whined.

'As if going to a bowling alley is lying or low, or going to a posh restaurant. Face it, Nathan. Whatever we do, wherever we go will be public, unless it's our house or her house. You're in a band, and paparazzi basically stalk us. Whenever we think we've gotten away with something, a photograph always turns up in the news with some fake story attached. Nothing can change that.'

'I guess you're right.'

'Glad that's settled. We'll go to the club afterwards.'

'Fine, but we have to get Sarah back to her house by ten at the latest.'

'But that doesn't give us much time to party.' Jay moaned.

'Jay...' Nathan warned.

'Fine.' Jay left the room, leaving Nathan to get ready, and begin to worry about what he had just agreed to. He groaned inwardly, and closed his eyes.

At the same this had been happening, and unknown to her, Sarah was getting ready for her day out with Nathan and Jay. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world, how many other fans had Nathan and Jay taken out for the day?

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